All Chapters of The Queen of Werewolves: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
220 Chapters
I want to mate with you: part 2
Laura's point of view: None of us uttered a word... It was as if time had stopped. All I glimpsed at were his heavenly ocean eyes. Although I was quiet, my emotions were on the verge, and I'm sure he felt the same. For the first time in my life, I wanted something/someone that badly. For the first time, I didn't care who made the first move, and I wasn't waiting to claim what was mine. I took his hand gently in mine, then led him back inside our room. The situation was quite tense as the mere touch created jolts of electricity racing through our bodies. As soon as we reached the inside of the room, I pressed my lips to his, engaging in my most passionate kiss. For a while, I thought I was the one in control, but not until his tongue invaded my mouth. The taste of his tongue awakened the beast inside me, a thirsty beast that desired nothing but pure satisfaction. Our limbs tangled as we fought to get as close as possible to each other's perfect bodies. I couldn't control my hand
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Laura's point of view: It's awkward!The entire situation... is just awkward.My mate's hand squeezed mine softly, since I guess he was feeling how uncomfortable I was. How could I not be? I wasn't having a normal breakfast this morning; it was my first breakfast with the royal family. Two hours ago, I woke up between my mate's arms. Although I was still naked, I didn't feel embarrassed or regret my decision. In fact, I would be lying if I denied how glad I was that he was still in bed. Everything was just perfect. From the morning kiss to the warm cuddles, not to mention the shared shower. Well, nothing can last perfectly, as I was informed that I am supposed to have all my meals in the presence of the royals. It was shocking for me to know that the reason I was forced to spend most of my time inside Damien's suite was that I wasn't accepted. Well, at least I proved myself to be worthy of my spot as the future queen. That's if Damien ends up becoming king, which has been quite unce
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Damien's point of view: I ran my hands through my head, realizing what I had done. My wolf was the one in control, and once again, I messed up. But this time, I'm not the one to blame. It's Allan. The way he looked at my mate wasn't what hurt me the most; it was the way she gazed back at him. Her tiny hand was in mine, so I squeezed it hard. But she didn't seem to feel anything. She was staring deeply into his eyes as if her life depended on him. The only thing that snapped her back to reality was my father's shout. It seemed he was annoyed by the little drama created by my mother and Selene. My heart was stabbed a hundred times as I remembered how both Selene and my brother played me. But it wasn't Selene who was on my mind; it was Laura. The way she moaned and screamed for more made my beast take control. The thing is, I warned her to stay away from him, yet she didn't listen. I used to fully trust her, but now I'm not so sure. However, I still don't trust my brother. What I hate
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Laura's point of view: Pain... Immense pain... That's all I felt. I forced my eyes open, curious about my surroundings. I don't remember anything, not a single thing. Yet, an unbearable scent was destroying my senses. I opened my eyes and discovered that I was locked inside a cell, a disgusting cell in what appeared to be a dungeon. I was chained to handcuffs and surrounded by strange writings on the walls. I don't know why, but I believe those writings are nothing less than magical spells. The disgusting smell turned out to be wolfsbane. Perhaps that's why I felt dizzy, or maybe it was the spell on the walls. "Where am I?" I barely managed to speak, but I asked again, this time with a bit more strength. I received no answer. So, I questioned again, a bit stronger than before. "I know I'm not alone! I can feel that someone is here... Tell me, where am I? And what do you want from me?" Out of the darkness, the same rogue who appeared in the palace showed up again. Only then d
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Save her!
Damien's point of view: It's already been three days since she was taken. All the investigations led us back to New Orleans, which made me believe it was something related to her original pack - The Blood Moon Pack. Tonight, Alan and I are attacking The Blood Moon Pack without any reinforcements from the palace. Of course, the two of us can handle that entire pack on our own. I'm still not rescuing my mate's life, especially while knowing the pack of rogues that is formed mainly by ruthless alphas. Normally, I would rush to save my mate without thinking or making any plans. The thing is, I'm not alone this time. Noah is on my side for this one. He enlightened me about a matter I never noticed, which is how predictable I am. He was able to describe what was on my mind, from how I'm attacking The Blood Moon Pack to the part where I'll be trapped. Part of our investigation involved a witch's service. A witch who seems to be on good terms with Alan. She was quite surprised by the st
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The revenge: Part 1
Laura's point of view: Darkness...That's all I was able to see. As if my entire world had stopped and then refused to move anymore.I saw my entire life passing by me, yet I wasn't able to understand what was going on with me.I don't deserve this... I don't deserve such a life. I have never been someone evil... Or perhaps that's the reason why all of this is happening to me.Perhaps if I were as malicious as Selene, or as egotistic as Noah, or as heartless as the woman who just killed my mother, life would have been easier.I felt anger, fury, and madness. I wanted them all dead. I wanted to tear their souls and bodies into pieces.I wanted them to suffer more than I was suffering right now.My mind still refuses to process my actions. Yet, their voices echoed through my ears, making me angrier than I ever was."What have you done? Is she dead?" Noah asked but was ignored."I don't think it's her... You just wasted my time again!" The rogue snapped, but the witch was more confused t
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I'll kill tem all!
Alan's point of view: A Witch Out of all the existing creatures, my mate is a witch. I cannot believe it or accept it. Yeah... Yeah! I know I've been on good terms with witches, and I've asked for favors from them from time to time. The thing is, I know for sure that those people can't be trusted. Witches normally trigger their power based on their feelings - happiness, sadness, and most importantly, anger. Add to that the fact that they're an arrogant type of species who believe they're meant to be nature's favorite children. Every witch believes it's their mission to keep the world well balanced, which only ends up creating more desire. Yes, indeed! While trying to maintain order, they only create disorder, and it's been proven. I mean, in order to keep human beings safe from werewolves, they decided to create an equal enemy that would put wolves at bay. The thing is, they were successful in creating that enemy. What they didn't take into consideration was that this creature
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Laura's point of view: It's already been a week since I came back to the palace. I'm trying to move on, but it's not easy. My mood doesn't seem to lighten up. In fact, I locked myself inside my room for the entire week. I wasn't, and I am not, ready to meet anyone here. Still, it's the King's orders that moved me to leave Damien's suite. The royal family is supposed to have meals together or something like that. The thing is, I don't care about what the so-called king wants. I'm only sitting at that table for my mate. He's been a real support to me, even when I was doing nothing but crying and blaming myself for causing my parents' death. Not that anything has changed lately, I mean, I still know for sure that I'm the real cause of both my parents' deaths. The worst part is that I witnessed both their deaths without being able to do a thing. I was weak, useless, pathetic. I was everything I didn't want to be, but not anymore. I decided to shut down my feelings and care about noth
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Teach a lesson
Laura's point of view: I can't sleep, and it's driving me crazy! How do you expect me to sleep or feel at ease knowing that my mate challenged his brother? Yes, he did! I can't understand him at all. I mean, he thinks what he wants is more precious than family. Although I'm trying my best to stick by his side, I don't think I could ever do that in my life. Well, fighting him wasn't on my list, not my intention. The thing is, I cannot agree with him anymore. Why would I ever agree that he kills his brother for a title? I mean, I'd rather do whatever it takes just to have my family around me, sticking by my side. Instead of being grateful for what he still has, he is challenging his brother in a fight that will only end if one of them is dead. I tried hard to stop him, to convince him that they can settle their differences. Yet, he refused. His wolf always takes control and takes the conversation to a different level, accusing me of having feelings for Alan. What the hell is wro
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Laura's point of view: The ball was quite fascinating; I didn't miss any chance of enjoying my time. I mean, to my surprise, the Queen kept introducing me to every person she met as if I were her beloved daughter, not as the mate of her son whom she hates more than anyone else. As for Damien, he kept company with the King and Alan. They all looked like a quite lovable family, which, of course, is far from being the truth. You might wonder where Selene is? Well, she was standing alongside her father, the one who threatened my life a few weeks ago. The two of them were circled by some good-looking werewolves, high-ranking werewolves - I got to mention. She could control her wild imagination while speaking about the changes she'll make the moment she sits on the throne, the way she will banish low-ranking wolves from taking part in the 'run' ritual. Furthermore, she was telling stories about how expensive the jewels Alan brought to her were. Her ugly voice was able to reach my ear
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