All Chapters of The Alpha's Angel Mate: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
127 Chapters
Chapter 71: Blurring Lines
It’s been two months since Greg made me face reality. I would love to say that living without Warrick is getting easier, but that is not the case. The nightmares are worse. I wake up most mornings with Greg wrapped around me and I know he came to me during the night to comfort me. We start out in our own rooms now that my roof has been fixed, but he never fails to be there for me. Guilt. Guilt consumes me as well because I see how much my nightmares affect his sleep. He hasn’t had a full night of sleep in months, but he never complains. He just continues to be my friend and the anchor that keeps me from floating off into insanity. I have had long conversations with my father. Many have become very uncomfortable. I have siblings. My dad has fallen in love many times over the years and all of his children are immortal. I am the only one that has ever exhibited power like this though. The brother that is closest to me in age is 500 years older than me. All in
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Chapter 72: He's Moved On
I pull myself up onto the shore and make my way to the gardens. When they come into view a little girl with light brown hair and medium brown skin runs toward me. Her grey eyes are sparkling when she squeals my name and wraps her arms around my leg. “Youw hewe!” she says in that way that little ones do when they can’t pronounce their r’s. “I’m here,” I say with a chuckle. She grips my hand and drags me toward the strawberry patch. “Why awe you all wet? Did you fall in the watah?” she asks. “Greg happened. He jumped in with me,” I say. She looks up at me with a knowing look and says, “He wikes you vewy much.” She smiles innocently and tugs me down to my knees so we can start picking the ripe strawberries. Instead of placing them in the basket, Arie pops each one she picks into her mouth. I chuckle and shake my head. “You’re supposed to put them in the basket, silly!” I say. She looks up at me and grins with strawberry seeds all in her teeth. “I will, I
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Chapter 73: New Tortures
---Warrick---  “Don’t fucking touch me, Vanessa!” I growl and push her away. Vanessa showed up the day that Alpha Training started and hasn’t left me alone since. I won’t allow her to stay with me in my room, but because we are betrothed, she insists on being here. Over my dead body. I will not honor that damn contract. I only tolerate her presence in hopes she gives something a way that will tell me why the hell our parents are siding with demons. She pouts but leaves me alone in my room. Goddess, I hate her.   My thoughts go back to the moments before she entered. I could have sworn I felt Divina’s presence. I haven’t felt it like this since I reject
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Chapter 74: Betraying the Mate Bond
---Greg--- There are eight of us surrounding Divina. She doesn’t know it, but we are all going to charge her at once and see how she does with such an attack. She is casually talking to her father when we all attack without warning. One moment she is there in front of us and the next she is giggling behind me. I whirl around and look at her bewildered. I open my mouth to ask her how she did that, when she disappears again. “What the hell!” I cry out. I hear her laughter to my left and turn my head in time to see her disappear again only to reappear directly in front of me. She punches me in the stomach and delivers the perfect upper cut when I bend over from the impact. As I start to fall back from the upper cut, she latches on to me and follows, using my momentum to flip herself over m
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Chapter 75: Make Me Forget
It’s been a few months since Divina first doubled over in agony, and now it is happening almost on a daily basis. That first time it didn’t happen for another week, but now, I have no idea what has come over that fucker. I don’t have the heart to tell her what’s going on. I know Alina knows so I have decided to just let her tell Divina. I don’t want to be the one to break it to her. The episodes are starting to take a toll on her though, and she constantly looks exhausted. I am currently holding her as she screams and claws at her chest, begging me to take the pain away. When she finally passes out, I lay her in her bed and seek Michael out. “We are going to have to go back soon,” I tell him. “It’s been nearly 8 months since we disappeared. It’s time to go back.” He nods his head in agreement. “What is wrong with her? This is happening more and more.” he says worriedly. I haven&r
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Chapter 76: It's Not the Same
---Warrick---  Pain rips through me like I have never felt before. What the fuck is this? I grab my chest and drop to my knees and lay with my head on the hardwood floor. Fuck! I have never felt pain like this. I stumble into the bathroom and barely make it to the toilet before I throw up. This is bad. Hardly anything makes a werewolf throw up. I try to breathe through the pain, but it intensifies tenfold and grips me like a vice. Finally, it’s too much and darkness envelopes me.    ---- I wake up the next morning still on the bathroom floor. I wreak of throw up, so I step in the shower and get ready for t
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Chapter 77: Promises
---Greg---  It’s been three days since I made love to Divina for the first time, and she is all I can think about. Not a whole lot has changed in our relationship other than instead of stealing kisses from her cheeks, I have started stealing them from her gorgeous, plump lips and I don’t hold back so much anymore. We are walking along the lake with our fingers intertwined. She is very quiet, and her brows are drawn together. “Are you going to tell me what’s bothering you or am I going to have to drag it out of you?” I ask her. She looks at me with sad eyes and gives me a soft smile before she stares off into the woods. I don’t think she is going to answer me, but her soft voice reaches my ears after a few moments. “I need you to promise me something, Greg.”
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Chapter 78: Home
---Divina---  “No, huh uh. Not doing that,” Greg says backing up with his hands up, palms facing us. I can’t help but be amused. For him to be such a brave warrior, he really is a big baby. My dad narrows his eyes at him and doesn’t say a word. Just stares. I used to hate it when he would do that to me when I was acting out or doing something he didn’t approve of. I would get my butt in line under the weight of his glare. Greg’s shoulders slump in defeat and says, “You better not drop me, damn it!” My dad and two other men, Mathias and Caleb, will trade off carrying Greg in a tandem sling for our journey home. These men have known my dad for a long time and have even met my mom. We opted not to have me teleport since we don’t know the distance I can travel, or the side effects it could cause me just yet
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Chapter 79: Gloria and the Train Wreck
---Warrick---  I hear a commotion in the hallways outside of my apartment and stick my head out to see what is going on. Gloria has her back to me and is talking into her phone so fast I can’t quite understand her. “Brandon! We have to go now!” she yells and turns around. When she sees me, she stops dead in her tracks and drops her phone. “Is everything okay?” I ask her. Her face pales and she nods her head but doesn’t speak. This is odd for Gloria. She is never at a loss for words. Brandon bursts out of their apartment door and runs down the hall to Gloria and picks up her phone. He glances at her and then me when he sees her frozen gaze stuck on me. An emotion crosses his face that I can’t quite make out, but he quickly masks it and clears his throat. “Gloria, baby, we need to move.” he says quietly. D
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Chapter 80: Kai
---Divina---  “Hold up. Why are you asking me this? Did Warrick not tell you what happened?” I asked. “He did. He even had the Council come and investigate his father, but they never found anything,” she said. “He never told us that he rejected you, though,” Brandon spoke up quietly. I was shocked when I looked over at him. He was seething. “Brandon, are you okay?” I ask. “No. His rejecting you could have killed you. Your death could have been on his hands and not his fathers. He should have fought harder for you. I could never let Gloria go so easily.” he said.   I look over at Gloria and give her a look that says, “See! Even Brandon agrees with me!”
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