All Chapters of Alpha's surrogate: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
22 Chapters
Chapter eleven
The next few days I just spend it in my room, enjoying the baths and the comfort of the bed. Food kept getting brought up to me and everytime it was the same girl and everytime Sawyer asked if I wanted to go for a walk today, but he never came up and talked to me himself.  I don't know why I kept saying no as I didn't really want to be stuck in the room anymore and I didn't want to leave it on my own but something was stopping me from saying yes to him.  Once more the soft knock was at the door. I go answer the door and there she is again with food on a tray.  "Morning, some lovely choices for you today. Alpha also asked if you would like to go for a walk today?"  I don't answer the question but ask her  "What is your name if you don't mind me asking?"  "Not at all my name is Chloe." I smile at her  "That is a nice name, thank you again for the food."  "Sorry if this is not my pla
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Chapter twelve
SAWYER'S POVAfter hearing that she was still a virgin, well I didn't think I would be able to get much happier until I heard the words that she was also not pregnant. The huge relief washed through me. I looked at Lexi and could tell that she was also happy about this information. Most wolves stay a virgin until they find their mate, so that there is no jealousy and no fighting with other pack members when finding out who they had been with, also the thought of being with someone other than your mate doesn't appeal to most wolves.We still had a lot to talk about regarding this situation, but I knew she had already told me enough for now and that she would need some more time and be more ready to tell me anything else and for now this was enough. Walking back to the pack house with her I didn't want to disturb her I could see that she was taking all her surroundings in and that was including all the different sounds because whenever a new sound was made h
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Chapter Thirteen
I mind link Jack and inform him of what has happened and he replies with "I will double the guards tonight and I will walk to the pack line myself now to make sure everything is good." I inform him to keep me updated. We walk back to the packhouse and as we are walking she seems to be putting more and more distance between us. Not too far away from the pack house I had, had enough. I wasn't going to let her pull away, we already had enough things to work out from everything in her past and the way I found her and the way Alpha Derek thought she was his, I wasn't letting something that isn't even an issue become one.  I stop walking. "Lexi, let's talk. I don't want today to end like this. This has been one of the best days of my life and I don't want all that to be ruined from something that can be sorted out."  "W..what do you want me to say?"  "I want you to tell me what you are thinking and how you are feeling so that I can he
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Chapter fourteen
LEXI'S POVIn my bedroom alone once more, it felt a lot bigger this time, more lonely. After spending the day with Sawyer I wanted him with me even more than before. Hearing what Grandma Rose had to say did clear a lot of the things I was worried about Sawyer. He seems to be so sweet and kind but yet has the reputation of someone mean and cruel. It always baffles me how rumours can turn things completely upside down to the truth.Grandma Rose was lovely and I couldn't wait to go see her again. She was honest but not in a mean way but she made it funny somehow. Seeing someone of her age walk out of the door with bright pink hair like that shocked me. After you talk to her and get to know her a little you can tell the hair soots her personality down to a tee.Walking around the pack lands all day I felt some of my fear drain away. I was scared that everyone would look at me like dirt under their shoe and would 'accidently' bump into me and hurt me, bu
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Chapter fifteen
SAWYER'S POV Getting called away from Lexi was really annoying but at the end of the day I was the Alpha and I couldn't stop doing my duty just because I had found my mate no matter how much I wanted to. Jack had used the mind link to tell me that he had some information about the pack at the other side of us who we had also asked to see if we could come to some sort of agreement on a bit of land. I told him I would meet him in my office in about ten minutes as I had to make my way back inside form the garden. I get to my office and Jack is sat there at my desk waiting for me. "Hi boss, took your time to get here, I hope you finally having some fun." He says with a smirk on his face. He was the only person that could talk to me like that without feeling my fist against his face. "It was not like that and you know it." "Shame." "So you going to be a pain in my arse all afternoon or are you goin
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Chapter sixteen
Now more than ever I wish that I wasn't the Alpha and that this wasn't my choice and my responsibility. I hated having to be the one to make the decisions when it causes or may cause harm to any of the members of my pack. How do you make the right decision? I couldn't let them three members of my pack be hurt especially when one of them is the beta and my best friend, but was it right for me to put so many of my pack in danger to get them back? Hald the decision was taken out of my hands anyway. None of my warriors would ever choose to leave anyone in enemy hands if they could do something about it to get them back. After leaving Lexi, I meet all my warriors out the front of the pack house. "Thank you for all coming and on time. Now the plan, well it's not so much a plan but a wing it in the moment, which as you know is one of strengths. We couldn't plan much as we don't know actual numbers and if there still there. We will go in a
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Chapter seventeen
"We knew you that you would come." Alpha Derek speaks."Your a petty man and a sorry excuse of an Alpha and I feel sorry for your pack and for you to drag the blood moon pack into this aswell. Well that makes you a bigger idiot than I already thought you were." "How dare you speak to me like this. You say all this after taken what is mine from my pack under her protest? What gives you the right?" "You damn well know that she didn't come under protest and that she was clinging to me scared I would give her to you, she is my mate." They both gasped at that. "Why didn't you tell me that she was his mate, we have done this to help you thinking you were in the right, where he had the right to his mate and her to him." "He is lying can't you tell, he is just saying it so that we don't kill him and take back what is mine." Alpha Derek says back.  There was a pause before Alpha Chris responded. "Well I
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Chapter eighteen
LEXI'S POVKnowing that Sawyer was leaving the pack lands and that he was going to be putting himself in danger made me torn with different emotions, I was scared as I didn't want anything to happen to him. Annoyed that he would put himself in danger especially when he was the Alpha and what would happen to his pack if something happened, then I was worried that if something did happen what would happen to me? I was trying not to worry about all this though, I had heard how great a fighter he was and how good this pack was at fighting from Grandma Rose. I had to believe that he was going to be OK.Chloe turns up not long after Sawyer leaves. "Are you up for some company?" She asks"I don't know what kind of company I will be but yes please." "You have nothing to worry about, they will protect their Alpha at all costs." I could tell for the next few hours that Chloe was trying to keep my mind of it and to not be
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Chapter nineteen.
I stood in the middle of the waiting area still in wolf form, not knowing how to get back into human form. "Amanda do you know how?""Yes i am trying, but it isn't working we have used a lot of energy and we are not to full strength yet."This was great how long would we be stuck like this? We can't see Sawyer like this. We wait for what seems like forever but was probaby only about an hour, for the doctor to come out. He looks shocked when he walks out and see's us still sat there in wolf form. He then tells us"He is stable now. Most of his smaller cuts have healed already and the bigger ones will take a while but within a day he will be back to his normal self." That seems to do it as soon as we know he is ok I can feel the same sensation run through our bones and we lay on the ground in human form, completely naked."Oh my." Says one of the nurses, she runs over to us with a blanket and helps to wrap it around us so we wasn't showing ever
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Chapter Twenty
We pull away from each other. Sawyer doesn't look to happy about being stopped. The doctor with a little smile on his face says."Sorry for the interuption Alpha but I thought you would like me to inform you of the progress of Jack." He sits up straighter. "Yes, yes of course." "Well the damage was bad, between all the cuts and the broken bones they will all heal. However they removed a couple of his fingers from his left hand and there is nothing I can do there." I could feel Sawyer tighten up at those words. He was angry now. The doctor carried on. "Now he wouldn't have been in such a state but some of the cuts that were given to him, well they were done using silver." Sawyer gasped at that and if he was angry before it was nothing like what he was now. "How dare they." He goes to stand up but I am in the way and I slightly fall off the bed. He grabs hold of me before I hit the ground and pulls me back up to t
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