All Chapters of ALPHA ELIJAH: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
42 Chapters
CHAPTER THIRTY-ONE CASSIE'S POV "Elijah, let me down!" I scream for the umpteenth time today, but Elijah doesn't listen to me. He has been carrying me ever since we got here and I have never ever felt so embarrassed in my life. To think that there are servants working in the garden and they kept stealing glances at us. My poor face is red and hot from blushing too much. "I've told you I don't want you stressing around, right?" "Walking does mean I'm stressing myself out. Come on. I'm begging, put me down" I beg yet again and this time around,he listens. He puts me to sit on one of the built chairs in the garden. "My God! You are so stubborn!" "My stubbornness is nothing compared to your sassy nature, Cassie. Yours is the absolute worst!" "Oh yeah?" "I'm telling you!" "I refuse to have this argumen
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CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO ELIJAH'S POV What did I just do? What did I just do? Why did I take Ella and leave Cassie instead? What did I just do? "Elijah, let go of me!" Ella screams as she tries to wiggle her hand from my grip to no avail. She can't get out of this grip! Once we get to our bedroom, I quickly open the door and drag her into it. "Elijah let go of me, you are hurting me!" Ella screams and this time around, I let go over her. She rubs her wrist abd looks up at me in total di
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CHAPTER THIRTY-THREEELIJAH'S POV I totally messed up yesterday. I messed up so bad that I had to send my mum to go talk with Cassie. Thank God she came back with good news. She told me Cassie was elated to hear that I wasn't going to choose Ella over her. I can never do that! Cassie is my mate and Luna. I cannot live without her. I cannot rule without her. Our souls are bound together and we need each other every day of our lives. The last thing I can do is choose to marry another girl over her
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CHAPTER THIRTY-FOUR ELLA'S POV I heard them all. I heard everything they just said and I will have to be dead before I let all that come to pass.  Elijah cannot get rid of me so easily. I won't let that happen. I'm happy I eavesdropped on their conversation. Right now, what I need to do is find a way to stop all this from happening and I can't do it on my own. This is the moment when I get my mum involved. I know if I ask her for advice,she will have something to tell me, so I'm on my way to my parents house right now. I already mind linked her to tell her I will be paying her a visit and she is ready for me. "Cassie can't win this fight!" I murmur to myself as I look out through the window of the car. My parents live in the residential area like other subjects, but not i
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CHAPTER THIRTY-FIVE CASSIE'S POV I hop over to Luna Elvira's chambers in excitement. I can't believe this is finally happening! Alpha Elijah asked me to marry him. He told me he loved me and that he cannot do without me. Only the Moon goddess knows how much I kept blushing throughout our date. Yeah, he did take me somewhere nice and I had a great time. I asked about my pack and he told me right now, I'm free to go there anytime I wish and that once we get married, he is going to unite our packs and rule both as one. I don't have a problem with that. He also told me he will discuss with Ella tonight and tell her about his decision and I kind of feel bad for her right now, but on second thought, I don't feel bad because she had to see this coming. She got engaged to an Alpha who
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CHAPTER THIRTY-SIX CASSIE'S POV I waited for Elijah all night, but he didn't come to tell me how his discussion with Ella went. He told me he was going to come, but he didn't and now I'm worried. Did something go wrong? Did he change his mind? No! I need to stop overthinking. He couldn't have changed his mind. Elijah is my mate and he loves me dearly, there is no way he is going to change his mind about marrying me. Maybe
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CHAPTER THIRTY-SEVEN CASSIE'S POV Layla keeps whimpering in pain as we flee across the woods, headed for my pack. He lied to us. He deceived us. He cheated us. He said he was going to marry me, that he felt nothing for Ella, but just that same night, he went and slept with her. Who does that? I'm never going to forgive him for betraying my trust in such a brutal manner. I hate him! Layla arrives at a little stream that separates my pack from Elijah's and without any hesitation, she skips over it and as she lands on the soil of my pack, I feel the connection with my pack come back alive. The familiar smell of my pack members and the minklink.  I can mindlink anyone I want right now, something I couldn't do when I was at Elijah's pa
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CHAPTER THIRTY-EIGHT ELIJAH'S POV I step out of my car with the saddest look on. The talk with Cassie didn't go well at all. She refused to believe me when I told her that I didn't sleep with Ella intentionally.She called me a liar, a cheat, a cruel heartbreaker and many other names I can't remember. All my pleas and explanations did not move her and all I could do was leave her be. I understand where she's coming from  I would react the same way if I were in her shoes. Betraying the mate bond is such a big deal and I'm ready for the punishment sh
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CHAPTER THIRTY-NINE ELLA'S POV I had a feeling this wasn't a great idea. I had a feeling this plan of mine would backfire, but I refused to listen to my instincts. Now look where my stubbornness has landed me.  Alpha Elijah hates me and in less than no time, he is going to send me packing from his castle. The shame, the humiliation, the mockery! I won't be able to bear all that from my mates.  Also, I love him very much And I really don't want to leave him for Cassie.
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CHAPTER FORTY CASSIE'S POV It took me all my strength and morals to stand my ground and not forgive Elijah yesterday. The guy cried before me, but that didn't make me believe him. He said he wasn't conscious of what he was doing because Ella drugged him, but that is not a story I'm going to believe. All he needed to do was to go  and talk with Ella, how did he get drugged? He is a chronic liar and a cheat and I'm never going to give him a chance to play me again! Well...that's enough about Elijah and his lies telling.&n
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