All Chapters of Blood and Moon: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
84 Chapters
71 Culprits
Adam "What was that about?" Kyle asked as soon as Alfred left with his bitch mate. I looked and saw that the moon medical staff were uneasy. "Focus!" I told them, and they quickly looked away and concentrated on whatever they were doing. "That woman has some nerve. Where did she think was? Who did she think she was?" Kyle said. "I see where Lola gets everything from. She is a replica of her mother," I said, and Kyle laughed. "Alfred Green did a great disservice to himself and his bloodline by mating with that woman. To think you would have been stuck with something like that," Kyle said, and I shook my head. "I had rejected their daughter even before Desiree came along. My father tried to force it, but I refused to let him. Worse case, I would have left this country." I told Kyle, and we were silent for a bit. Then he linked me. "After what just happened, I believe Bloods are working against us. I will help fish them out, Adam. I promise," As soon as he made that promise, my f
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72 Raymond From Stadia
Desiree Adam helped me unpack and made love to me. The news about the pregnancy overwhelmed him with joy, and he poured his heart out with every loving stroke and pump, sending me into the world of pure bliss and uncontrollable pleasure. I honestly wished our lives were easy and we did not have a war to fight or a people to protect. The lovemaking was more intense than it used to be. I guess the tea had done a lot for us. Sabrina wanted this friendship, and I decided to watch her a bit more. Adam and I got the news that an envoy had come from Stadia in the morning. This confused us because the witches from Stadia were already with us. Why would there be an envoy from Stadia? Initially, we were planning on sending the person away because we had decided there would be no addition from that part, but Adam decided to see the person. So we went to the questioning room together. A man with black smokey eyes sat on a chair across the table in the room. His aura gave me the creeps, and I wo
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73 A Vision and A Doubt
Desiree. "Luna Desiree," Lola said with scorn in her voice, and she did not give me any respect. "Whoring your way to the top suits you," Her mother said, and I did not know how best to deal with them. If they were moons, I could mess with their light, but they were bloods, so I would have to attack them physically, and Ashria wouldn't want to do that. I couldn't kill them for insulting me. I disliked rules because they caused limitations. "You shouldn't be speaking to me in that manner," I warned both of them and Lola scuffed, looking around. "I don't see anyone, and divine wolves don't hurt other werewolves unless it is life-threatening," she said with a glint in her mad eyes. "Why don't you move on?" I said to Lola. "How dare you speak to your betters.." Her mother said, and I slapped her hard across the face. I had had it with them. They had insulted me long enough. "How dare you accost your Luna?" I yelled at her, and she was in shock. I had linked four moon enforcers to me
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74 Electricity
Adam Desiree's vision had scared me, but I hid it. I didn't want her to worry about it. If what she was saying was true, then we were doomed. We did not need any more trouble from within. I understood why my mate would want to fish out traitors now. We couldn't be divided during the attack. I began to wonder if there was any truth to what Raymond had told us about Maria. If Maria was a Fire and Ash witch, then we had really messed up. I had seen her wield wind magic, but I had not seen her burn anything. I needed to be careful. Sending him with the air-cleaning device was the safest option. I could not put my Luna in danger. I could feel Desiree's apprehension, and I knew it wouldn't be good for the baby, so I drew her close. "Adam," she whispered, and I kissed her gently. She returned the kiss, and I felt electricity move throughout my body. It was subtle, but I felt it, and it wasn't the sensual kind. I ignored it and gradually peeled off her clothes. I needed her to know everyth
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75 Taking Stock
Desiree I woke up on an empty bed. I knew Adam must have decided not to disturb me and leave. So I got up to get ready for the day. The food they brought was cold. The food taster had left because it was almost noon. Tim was reading on my couch. I smiled when I saw him. "I was wondering when you would wake up, Luna," he said with a broad smile, and I smiled back at him. I motioned him to join me for breakfast. I used the sun magic to heat the food and the moon magic I stored up the night before to cool the drink. I had mastered how to store Moon magic in my sleep, and my reserve was now plenty. Although I did not know how to mix the magic, I knew how to use them separately, and it was a great improvement. It also meant I would have access to some magic during an eclipse or a blood moon, which was very important. We ate the meal silently and got ready for the day. Because of my vision, I went to check on the weapons and see the witches' progress. "I learned you locked the Greens up
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76 Discoveries
Desiree Joleen and her friends were very diligent at the task I had given them. Three days had passed since then, and I had been studying a lot, trying to master the magic mixing techniques. I wanted to use the mixed magic to power the stocked weapons, so I trained hard and studied hard. Most of the time, I would return to the apartment exhausted and fall asleep, never knowing when Adam was around. We tried to see each other in the morning, and he had begged me to consider freeing the Greens, but I refused. I wanted them in that cell for now. They needed to be tamed, something Alfred was unable to do. By now, the entire clan had known that they had been locked up, and their connections to the king could not help them. I wanted them to be scapegoats. While reading the books that describe Ashria's abilities and magic, I happened upon a shocking write-up. It was an old sheet of parchment. Someone had written something that scared me. "Ashria, the divine wolf of the moon and sun clan, i
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77 Moments
Desiree I waited for Adam to return, so I could tell him what I had learned. I wasn't comfortable letting them go because of the vision I had. I figured Adam would release the Greens eventually. He had humoured me for four days already, and I couldn't keep them locked up because they called me a whore, even though the consequences would have been worse for a moon when Dean was in charge. As much as I wanted to visit the same level of unkindness on them, I knew Adam's law did not allow it, but treason was something else. We just had to wait and see. Adam returned very tired in the night. He was yet to make the decree on every wolf training for battle, and he was yet to announce the pregnancy. He would be the first blood to be expecting a child in almost ten years. It was a huge blessing, and it gave hope. I found out that the king had deliberately isolated him for that purpose, and bloods had kept their children out of the ash for that purpose. The only reason we were lucky was that t
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78 Reality of the Vision
Desiree. I didn't want to do much that day either. Spending time with Adam was rare, lately. So I opted to power the weapons in the moon dungeon. It wasn't going to take time since I could power them at once. "So, where are we going?"Adam asked me, and I smiled. "I asked some wolves to hide unpowered weapons in the moon dungeon," I told him, and he frowned at me. "Why?" he asked. "So I could power them with mixed celestial magic. These weapons would work both day and night and would be powered by both the sun and moon. But they might not work during an eclipse or blood moon, but will function well if the sun or moon is covered by ash," I said quickly, and he smiled at me. "I guess you have been very busy, Luna," he said, and I nodded. I did not trust the witches, and I didn't want to be caught off guard. We hurried, and Adam waited for me outside the big room in the dungeon that I had turned into a storage. The weapons were small compared to the ones I powered initially. They wer
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79 Ingrates
AdamI felt magic coursing through my veins, but it was strange, it was dark, and it wasn't the same as the one I usually tapped from Desiree. Kyle and some warriors had armed themselves with weapons, and they did not shift. To my surprise, the weapons were working well without the sun. I should have listened to Desiree and my father and not let the witches in. even though some of them were fighting on our side, a majority of them were against us. This could have been avoided. Raymond had warned us, but we didn't listen. I was too busy to look into it. Mariah was nowhere to be found. Desiree had ripped Zach's head off and was killing the treacherous witches, but I couldn't help but fear the danger it would pose. Desiree was exhausted from powering those weapons. I knew she wouldn't last on this battlefield, and somehow I felt this was just the preliminaries. We were almost through killing all the treacherous witches, but deep down I knew this was just the beginning. I felt something d
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80 Son Of Haimon
Adam The blood warriors aimed and fired at the witches. They got two out of three eventually. As soon as they got the last one and we thought it was only Maria that remained, a multitude of witches arrived, trying to get into our country, so Kyle and the others had to face them while I tried to figure out how to save my mate. I prayed to the moon goddess for help because I knew I would not have the will to fight if I lost my mate and unborn child. It would be too much of a loss to bear. I had never felt so useless in my life. They were up there, and I couldn't get to them. I had no magic to fight with. "Use one of the dead witch's blood," Kristoff said, making a strange suggestion, and I did not know what he was thinking, but I went for it. The witch I was attracted to was not dead but was on her way. The moment my wolf touched her, I felt her magic and blood drain into me, and I suddenly felt like I did when I pulled on Desiree's magic, only that this was my magic. I felt the life
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