Semua Bab Alpha Ares: Bab 61 - Bab 70
141 Bab
“Ares?” Panic made my throat tight. I grabbed at his shoulders, trying to pull him upright. “Ares? Ares, wake up!”The man snorted at me. “He’s fine.”I rounded on him. “He doesn’t look fine to me!”“Some Alpha.” A smirk pulled at his lips. “Can’t even take on two wolves.”He did that for me, I thought, his words hammering against my skull. He threatened you. I had to give in.I staggered back to Ares’s side. The man was not worth my attention. Not now. I hauled Ares upright, checked his pulse, checked his breathing; all the while the man mocked me, his laughter tart and cruel. My bones felt hollow, empty, as I made sure Ares was all right, as though the snow had wormed its way inside me. My heart was another matter – it was burning, fury and agony aflame in my chest.“Get him up,” said the man, his voice bored. Two of his wolves, his friends, were dead, and he sounded bored? I bit back a shudder and stared at Ares, begging him to wake up with gentle touches and silent, screaming wor
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Ares and I were left alone after the Medic had checked him over. I’d felt numb throughout, staring blankly at the deep, oozing marks slicing down Ares’s chest. He was yet to wake, and I was helpless to do anything but wait by his side until he did.I’d tried the door six times. I knew it was locked. It didn’t stop me from getting up and trying it a seventh. We were only here because Ares needed to rest and heal, but I didn't like feeling trapped regardless.With a sigh, I slumped back onto the end of his bed. I curled my legs beneath me; I’d heard young wolves in Blue Moon call it sitting “criss-cross apple sauce,” and remembering that faint sound, of girlish laughter and high-pitched voices, made me smile. It faded as I looked around the room, re-assessing it for the hundredth time since we’d been brought here.There wasn’t much to look at. Redwood planks made up the walls, and a few makeshift cots unfurled down the length of one. Only one bed had a frame – the one Ares had been plac
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Alpha Blare stepped forwards. Without greeting us, he worked his way around the sconces, lighting the torches in the room. Only then did he step back, and at last I could make something from the shapes of his face.I had never seen Alpha Blare before, save for on the battlefield in his wolf form. My parents had always dealt with him whenever the need arose, although the last occurrence had been years prior. Mostly, they communicated through letters.His appearance was of no great shock to me, though. Like most of the wolves inhabiting the eastern stretch of Erandos, he was pale in both skin and hair, which was long, draping down well below his shoulders; but his eyes were brown – a rare sight amongst the snow. His face looked unaccustomed to smiling, drawn from harsh lines that did not soften, not even as he looked upon Ares’s crumpled body in the bed. It aged him; I knew from my parents and my ravenous study of the packs of Erandos, the ones I had thought I would one day have to know
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There was a high-pitched ringing in my ear. It crackled and buzzed over the ever-present sound of a distant ocean, making my head feel fuzzy – fuzzier than it already did. I squeezed my eyes shut tighter. I did not want to be awake. I did not know why, but I did know that.My mouth tasted stale. I worked my tongue over the backs of my teeth, wrinkling my nose at the fur there that spoke of a long, too-deep sleep. My brow furrowed. Where was I? Why had I been sleeping? It felt like months, years, even, since I had slept so soundly, without even dreams piercing the veil of oblivion.My bones felt stiff. They creaked, like rusted hinges, as I stretched out my long limbs. My muscles ached, and it was only then that I realised how cold I was. That was why my body felt all wrong – my hands were numb, my feet were frozen, and my skin felt like ice stretched too thin over my bones.I was hit with fear. It overwhelmed me; I did not want to open my eyes. The dread that filled me was so potent I
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065 | FIGHT ME
“Nothing?” My voice trembled. “There has to be something we can do.”“Look around.” Unlike mine, his voice was firm, unwavering in its despair. No – it was thick with acceptance, tragic and terrible. “The only door is locked. No doubt there are wolves waiting behind it, waiting to kill us if we don’t comply.” Ares sighed bitterly, and when he turned to look at me his eyes were full of agony. What scared me most of all, though, was the lack of fire in those familiar blue eyes; in fact, they were so cold, so distant, that I barely recognised them as his at all.“There is always a way out,” I said, my breath snagging in my chest. I wouldn’t give in. Not like this. Not to this pack, and their evil Alpha. “We just have to think about it logically–”“There is no logic here. You should never have followed me, Haile.”“But they would have killed you!”“But they wouldn’t have been able to hurt you.”I crumpled, sinking to the cold stone beside him. “We will get out of here,” I said. “I swear
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Ares was crumpled on the snow-flecked stone. Blood seeped across the earth beneath him. His chest did not move. His eyes did not flicker.Was he… Dead?Panic flared, bright and heady. I stumbled forward, losing my wolf form as my emotions overwhelmed me. I barely saw Alpha Blare as he wiped his knife on Ares’s tattered clothing, though the knot of anger in my chest grew as he did so, somewhere subconscious beneath the waves of agony wracking through me.“Ares!” I screamed. My voice did not sound like my own; it was too ragged, too defeated. “Ares!”“I gave you a choice,” said Alpha Blare. “You failed to make one.”“I thought you wanted me dead,” I snarled, rounding on him, “not him.”Blare shrugged, his silver hair slipping over his shoulders. He was so callously casual. I focused on him, kept my anger burning, letting it heat me from within – Because if I didn’t, if I looked at Ares, I would break.“That was the plan, yes. But you made it too easy for me by following your mate here
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067 | RUN
We could mindlink. It was dizzying, feeling the full force of Ares’s emotions slamming into me – and made more overwhelming still by the swarm of angry wolves converging on me.‘Run, Haile! Get out of here.’‘What about you?’ I mindlinked back to him, a spark of raw joy piercing through my fear. ‘I won’t leave you, Ares.’My eyes found his – still closed, his lashes still stark, dark, against his pallid cheeks. He looked… Dead. I gulped, turning in a tight circle as more wolves surrounded me. I had seconds to move – seconds until I was sealed in. None of them pounced, not yet, but I did not have long. ‘They think I’m dead. It was your idea, beautiful – to pretend. You have a chance. Take it! I’ll find you. I promise.’I made a choice.I ran.Claws and teeth caught my sides, but I barely felt the pain. It was an inconvenience, slowing me down, but it did not make me falter. I would not forsake Ares’s sacrifice… If that was even what it was. I had to hope it wasn’t.I shot through the
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I twisted, my claws inches from her face – “No!” she cried, her body shaking with sobs. “Help me. Please, you have to help me. Don’t put me back in there. Or – or I’ll fight you!” She raised her fists, but the wet hiccups wracking through her made her seem anything but fearsome. I pulled back slightly, though I kept my teeth bared. There was something familiar about her face, something that I couldn’t quite place. She had grey eyes, wide with terror, and a lean body that might once have been lithe, muscular, before she’d been put in the cells. Now, her bones pushed at her pale skin, making her jaw and shoulders look unnaturally angular.Wait. My eyes narrowed, taking in brown hair, wan and lifeless, She wasn’t the boy’s sister – was she? The boy had said she was being kept in the Pack House, but he had already lied to me about how he’d managed to escape. If I could trust the Greyhide Canyon Warrior Wolf’s version of events, anyway. “You aren’t going to hurt me?” she managed to ask,
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I stilled for less than a second, though it felt like an eternity as my gaze met theirs. Two wolves, both smaller than me, but bigger than Annia, both with shaggy coats of speckled grey fur, stared back.Annia trembled. I ran my tongue over the back of my teeth as I thought. There had to be another way out of this. They hadn’t yet pounced – so maybe they wouldn’t.Forcing my limbs to relax, I nodded to the grey wolves and continued strolling across the open expanse of snow. Fortunately, Annia caught on quickly and, though she kept her body mostly hidden behind my much larger one, she kept pace and kept her head up. Good. I knew every wolf in Blue Moon on sight; I could pick out an Omega or Warrior Wolf from their peers from half a league away. As Young Luna, knowing my pack inside and out had been part of my job. As we walked, I kept my fingers crossed – my paws crossed? – that Greyhide Canyon’s lower-ranking wolves wouldn’t know everyone on their roster, or at least not in their wolf
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I clutched the knife – the knife that had been imbedded in my gut – and leapt at them. There was a sort of poetic justice to it, I thought.It was easy – too easy – to kill the Greyhide Canyon wolves. They hadn’t expected me to attack them in my human form. I moved without thought, my body falling into years of training and pure animal instinct. Now that Annia was safe, there was nothing to hold me back. No person for them to hold hostage, or for me to keep an eye on. I sliced the blade over their necks, my elbow jarring as I shoved through the thick fur and skin of the grey wolf; my mind was not with my body as I moved, though. It was a flashing red haze of panic. I thought only of Ares, alone and injured with Cendres.They fell to the ground. Blood seeped across the white snow, filling the divots where our paws and boots had churned it up. ‘Describe it to me,’ I mindlinked to Ares. ‘I’ll find you.’Although I was exhausted, my muscles drooping, held up limply by posts of bone and
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