All Chapters of Lake Creek: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
80 Chapters
Eleanor sat on a sidewalk bench, waiting for Will to come out of the mall. She'd decided to wait outside so people wouldn't stare at her strangely since her hand wasn't exactly..... Normal as of present. He'd fussed for a while, then promised to be as fast as a rocket. A few minutes later, Will came bouncing out."Please tell me how a girl as tiny as you can eat Two double decker beef burgers with extra cheese, two packs of fries, two packs of chicken nuggets, 2 chickens tacos, a pack of chocolate cookies, a slice of blueberry pie and 2 cans of Pepsi?"She beamed, "You got it all then. Thank you."He sat and placed them before her."And I'm not tiny. I'm 6 feet and 7 inches." He nodded sarcastically and opened up her food for her."Thank you." She smiled when he was done and waited for him to open his before digging in."Liam?"He bit into his burger. "Yes?""I.. I'm sorry for last night. I didn't mean to get you beat up."He saw the sorr
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They walked in silence, hand in hand, deep in thought whilst enjoying each other's presence."Scintilla?""Hm?""What is a boyfriend?"She blinked and turned to look up at Andreas, who was staring down at her with gold coloured eyes. She... Didn't see that one coming."Uhm..."He nodded expectantly."You don't know what a boyfriend is?""I know what a boyfriend is and I know why people have boyfriends. I just want to hear your take on it."She tilted her head, "What makes you think my opinion is gonna be different from others?"He shrugged, "I'm curious."She nodded... Fair enough."Okay, so.... Ever since I heard the word boyfriend and saw everyone dating, I had always been confused. I didn't understand it. I thought, why have a boyfriend? All you're going to talk about, you can talk about with a close friend so why have a boyfriend? I stayed single for a while, and when I turned 18, I met Kris. He was very nice and fun to
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If the angry snarls and growls that echoed behind her wasn't a sign of danger, the darkening skies were. They rolled and thundered as sudden lightening struck. Eleanor ran till her lungs could heave no more. She ran till her fright almost took out her legs. She collapsed on the porch, but staggered up and put her thumb over the scanner. The door came open a second later and she ran in, slammed it shut and shoved her shaking hands through her hair. An animal... Andreas was an animal.A wolf. What- how was that even poss- of course! She was in lake Creek, after all. She paced and only began to feel the effects of her mad sprint after a few minutes. Her thighs felt like they wanted to pop, her body was wet with sweat, her hand throbbed and her throat ached. She winced as her hand, once again, cracked. A wolf. Andreas.... Mystery man.... was a wolf. She'd known he wasn't normal.... And he had given her hints to not being human but a wolf? A ginormous one at that! She would have nev
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With a deep frown marring her face and her arms folded across her chest in deep thought, Anna stared down at at Eleanor's body, laying on the bed.A body that had only taken its first inhale of air, exactly 3 minutes ago. It breathed only three minutes ago, but her heart had been steadily beating for 7 days. Anna had seen a lot of things but she had never seen a heart function without oxygen.Eleanor had been sitting somewhere. It was dark everywhere but, she was sitting somewhere. She didn't know how she knew but she was sitting. In darkness. A very comfortable darkness. She could feel the breeze. She could feel the peacefulness of wherever she was but she couldn't feel her body. She just sat there, enjoying the bone deep comfort she felt. She couldn't say a single thing about the place. How it looked like or how she had gotten here. How she could feel everything but her body. She couldn't tell. All she knew and felt was peace.Eleanor felt her chest expand as she
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Eleanor sat up with a yawn and stretched as the moon cast a friendly glow on her dark room. She looked around, disoriented. Why was it dark? She reached for her phone and let her eyes adjust to the bright screen so she read 10:58pm. Ten? She'd only fallen asleep around 2 in the afternoon. She looked to her phone again and realized that she had 3 missed calls.... All from Andreas. Ohhh! He'd promised to call her. She sighed and rose her hands to scratch her eyes when another question popped in her head. Where was Anna. She got out of bed and after managing to stand straight without tripping or just simply falling over for the third time, she found her way to the living room, where she found Anna sat on a couch, going through a magazine. Anna turned to watch Eleanor sit and drop her head onto her shoulder. She placed a kiss on her head and asked,"You okay, child?"Eleanor yawned and nodded, "Yup. I'm so tired.""I made some food. Do you want some?""Yaay. Food." S
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 Eleanor was sat with her knees raised in front of her and a smile dancing on her face as she watched the Lake. So beautiful. So so beautiful. The peace enveloped her as the warm breeze kissed her skin. The ripples of the water created a dashing image of the moon as it sat high and proud. Ever glowing and ever knowing. Eleanor closed her eyes and smiled as the first drop of rain hit her upturned face but that smile soon turned stale as her ears picked up on a sound. Her head whipped to the left and she saw shadows that took up the entirety of that part of the forest. She slowly rose. She began to move towards the right but halted as the image of lurking figures greeted her. She almost lost her footing in her shock but managed to catch herself in time to see the crawling creatures up ahead, sneering and growling into the night sky, laying in wait. There was no where to go. Quickly, she turned to face the water and even then, a mist danced above the waters. A mist with th
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While Eleanor spent the rest of the whole day turning the diary in and out, over and over again, trying to find a new clue and re-reading the whole thing, looking for a hidden text or something, Anna went to the shop to get some "Important stuff."By the time Anna returned, it was 8pm and Eleanor was passed out on the bed, exhausted. That night, she dreamt of things that were unclear. Places that were unfamiliar. Images that blurred. In everything, she couldn't shake of the feeling of terror that accompanied her through everything. By the time she woke, she was frustrated and sad. She was half expecting Kolan to make a stop but he never showed up. She prayed, brushed her teeth, showered, dressed in a crop top and sweat pants, and went to make breakfast. She was flipping her third pancake when Anna showed up behind her and handed her the stone. They ate and decided to relax out on the porch. The sunlight and gentle breeze, combined with the calm of the lovely forest before her,
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1802John stood still as he saw it happen again. On the surface of the Lake, there was a figure. A figure, trapped behind a barricade, moving round and round, chanting, then it would try to step past it but the barricade didn't let it through. He rose a hand to wipe his eyes but when he looked again, he saw the same thing happen over and over again. He looked around and looked back at the Lake and still saw the exact same thing. He began to laugh. He laughed so hard, the creature got tired of simply ignoring the noise, and looked up to see who the noisy Mortal was.It watched the Mortal laugh at absolutely nothing and tilted it's head to the side. What madness was this? John looked at him."Aha! You must also think I'm mad. I think so too.""You can see me?" Shock laced his voice.John stopped laughing and began to shake his head."No. No, you're all in my head. This isn't real."It was the figure's turn to laugh and it laughed with so much gusto
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Eleanor, the dim stone-"Anna started."I didn't see it work, doesn't count." She quickly dismissed."But you did see it kill Zayn and Zimri." Andreas pointed out."Well, it's a stone and from the way you describe it, a very powerful stone. It must hate their kind even more than I do so it just helped me out.""Bella, the stone doesn't have an actual mind of it's own. Power called to power and it awoke at your touch. Your panic pushed it to destroy because In your mind, you wanted Zayn dead so you projected your wish.""Wh- of course I wanted it dead, did you see that thing?! I'm not your prophesy child, I'm sorry.""Okay, how about why they aren't able to kill you?" Anna asked."I have Jesus!"Anna sighed, "Eleanor,""And-" she continued, "- he protects me everyday. Besides, they probably haven't sharpened their knives yet."Andreas rolled his eyes and shot her a look. She glared at him, grit her teeth, then grudgingly turned to Anna
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Andreas gently stood, careful not to jolt too much and disturb Eleanor as she slept. He made it through the window and lay with her on her bed. He chuckled when she snuggled into him and shoved her face in the crook of his neck, and her body into his. She'd fallen asleep right after she'd explained everything about Maxwell Black. That fucker thought he was smart? He wanted to play? Well game on. He pulled out his phone and sent a quick text.Eleanor exhaled as her eyes came open. She blinked and yawned, then stretched."Ouch."She quickly retracted her hands and looked up to find Andreas' greens looking back at her."Andreas?" A look of guilt appeared, "I fell asleep on you, didn't I? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."He smoothed her hair back, to observe her face. Her face was blotchy with dried tears and sleep, but she still looked very cute to him."Feeling better?"She nodded and sighed, "Thank you. For staying with me."He rose a brow, "Wha
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