Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 11 - Chapitre 20
Ainar is nervous, more than nervous to be honest. He has been wiping his forehead off of his nervous sweat for the past minute. His scent must be going haywire too, if the weird look Nana is giving him is anything to go by. He carefully packs the snacks he had been preparing into separate jars, putting them into a clean sack. “Pup, you stink,” Nana suddenly said. Ainar groaned at her jab. “Nana,” he called out, pout in his tone.“I’m nervous, okay?” “What are you so nervous for? The snacks you prepared are good,” she said incredulously, as if Ainar just said the biggest joke of the year.“You are just going for a picnic with your omega. What is there to be nervous about?” “Well first, he’s not my omega. Yet,” he pointedly adds when the elder omega opened her mouth to complain.&ldqu
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Over the week, Ainar had given him a lot of courting gifts that he had actually made a collection on his shelves. The alpha gave him a necklace made of pretty shells he once came to collect when he wandered far enough in the forest, dried flower petals he pressed between two flat woods to preserve, the alpha even carved him spoon with delicate flower details, Gavin loves it the most. The alpha showed up at his doorstep one day, proud look on his face as he presented the wooden spoon in his hands. Gavin has been using it ever since, proudly on display as they ate in the cooking house with the rest of the pack.   The news of their courting spread fast in the pack too. He doesn’t know how it happened (given that he’s been parading the gifts) but Gavin guessed it was bound to. Now every time he walks out their stares last longer, the murmurs decreased but it was still there. Every time he feels anxious under their gazes, Ainar makes sure to make him feel that he’s t
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Gavin abruptly wakes up panting. He’s covered in cold sweat and his heart is racing in his chest. His eyes wildly scan around his shack, body on high alert as he scrambled to sit up. When he finally recognized the room he is in, he lets out a shaky exhale, body deflating, trying to calm himself down. He counts his breathing in his head but he doesn’t close his eyes, afraid that he’ll see his dreams in the darkness of it once he does. He shudders even at the remnants of his dream, he can almost feel it again on his skin and he badly wants to shake it off, utterly disgusted. When his breathing evened out, he groaned in frustration. This is not a rare occurrence for him, but it still feels so frustrating. The dreams, restless night and unsettling memories. He belatedly sees the rays of the morning sunlight filtering into the closed windows of his shack. He inhaled a lungful of air and winced when he smelled the bitter scent of his distress, caused
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Maya and Andrea came to pick him up in the evening. He wore his baby blue tunic; he wonders how they got that color. But then again, Omega Riza did mention about someone in the pack making dyes. He loves the color; he thinks it matches his eyes. They all walk together, with Maya and Andrea on his both sides. “I’m so excited for the festival,” Andrea announced. “Will you join?” Gavin curiously asked. “She never joined festivals. I am quite sure she is just excited for the food,” Maya answered. “Hey!” Andrea called out. Maya only chuckled at her. They continued to bicker and Gavin carefully watched their dynamics. He wishes to have that kind of familiarity with them someday. The whole pack is buzzing with excitement when they got to the center. A huge bonfire is already lit up and like last time, a huge long
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Ainar heaved a heavy sigh as he stepped out of the elder’s den. It was a long talk; they started the discussion in the morning and it only just ended now. The topic of his mating with Gavin has been an ongoing debate these days and he is honestly so exhausted. He made it clear he wanted to court the omega. He told them he can rule the pack with or without the mating bite too, so he honestly don’t know why they are still so adamant on his mating before letting him take over the Pack Alpha status. His father had been on his side the whole time too, it’s just the elders that are being pushy.   He inhaled deeply, hoping to calm himself down. The smell of bonfire is pungent in the air. Ah. How could he forget. Tonight is the festival of the full moon. He wonders if Gavin joined to celebrate.   He walked down the den and made his way to the pack center where he’s sure all the pack members are. He scanned the crowd with his eyes, hoping to see Omeg
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Silence.   It was the first thing that registered to Gavin when he gained consciousness. His hearing is quite muffled, but he knows it was silent. The second thing was, it’s bright. He could see some light even behind his closed eyelids, so maybe he’s somewhere under the sun? He can’t feel it though. Is he still in the forest?   No, he answers himself. It’s not that bright there.   He tried to feel for his body. He first felt himself laying down somewhere, it’s kind of soft, so it’s not the forest floor, is it? He tried moving his arm, his fingers. And then he felt it, the overwhelming pain registering in his whole body. He groaned at the feeling; he wants to curl up but he can’t move. He also wants to cry, both in pain and happiness. He’s in pain, that means he’s alive right? Someone found him? They saved him.   The thing is, he can remember asking for help. He remembers screaming, and running but h
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It took a while, but when Gavin saw her, he’s shocked to see her appearance. Her hands are bound by a thick rope in front of her, the rope is connected to the one tied around her waist. Gavin’s watched as she was brought in front, the end of the rope bound to her is being held by an alpha. The alpha pushed her to kneel in front of the platform, on the hard ground, meters away from the elders. Gavin almost stood up to help her when she winced in pain as her knees made contact to the ground.   He studied her appearance. Her hair is unkept, a mop of mess on top of her head contrary to the one he’s used to where it’s always combed straight behind her back. Her face has few bruises, eyes bloodshot and puffy, but there was an angry look to it, almost making him flinch. Gavin notices how she’s still wearing the same tunic he remembers she was wearing that night. Its white color now faded with dirt. She looks so different, far from the Alpha who always had a smile on he
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Physically, Gavin is healing well. Although in reality, he is healing slower than he should, if he were able to shift into his wolf form, it would have been faster as their wolf has that ability to heal faster, but since he can’t, he is taking longer. But that’s fine. It has been like that his whole life anyway. So, yes. Gavin is healing well. Physically. But emotionally? He’s afraid that is not the case. The lingering pain of betrayal is carved deep within him. While it is true that he had only known the alpha for a short time, and spent time with her a few times too, while it is also true that he was uncomfortable with her presence, he still hoped that they were nurturing something aching to a friendship. So, to have something be destroyed before it even started, is a feeling of pain like no other for Gavin. He had been through so many things in his short life, he had survived so many things anyone won’t even be able to imagine, but betrayal is not somethin
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“What do you mean she’s missing?” Maya asked, looking at Ainar confusedly. “She’s gone. She wasn’t on the dungeon when Nikolas went to give her food,” Ainar answered. He’s holding Gavin’s hands tightly but still somehow gentle.“We think she escaped.” “That’s bad,” Maya murmured.“What will happen now?” “I came here to get Jericho. We need more hunters to look for her. Surely, she hasn’t gone that far,” Ainar turned to look at Gavin.“She might still be around here. It’s dangerous.” “You have to hurry then. You need to catch her immediately.” A ghost of sadness crossed Maya’s feature. Gavin empathizes with her. The alpha has been her friend for so long too. And to talk about your friend as such despite knowing what they did, is still painful. The expression was quickly gone though. “We really should,” Ainar replied. They all stood up. Maya quickly stacked their empty bowls of food and made a quick run to dispose them in cooking house. When she returned, Ainar turned to her. “May
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Gavin sighed; eyes shut as he felt the cold wind touch his skin. It’s been two days since the news of Celestine escaping broke out in the pack, that means it has also been two days since they started searching but they still haven’t found her. Gavin is worried, both for the safety of the pack, his own and hers. He hopes she’s not somewhere dangerous. On the other hand, the hunters are tirelessly searching day and night. Different groups leave the pack in turns to search but they all always come back with nothing. Gavin stepped inside the cooking house, sidestepping the other pack members cooking and walking directly to Nana’s station. The elder omega looked up from what she’s doing to cast him a glance. “Gavin,” she called as she continued to slice ingredients.“What brought you here?” “Nothing, Nana. Just wanted some company,” he replied, watching he
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