All Chapters of Contract Beta: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
99 Chapters
Chapter 80
Eric-Since leaving Leilani, I had tried to get some sleep, but it proved to be pointless. I ended up looking online for a few hours to see if anyone has sent any messages on the program Brook and I set up. After a while, I hadn’t seen anything worth looking into, so I logged off.By then it was about time for the pack to start training, so I thought it was the opportune time to check on our newest member. He had been released from the hospital and set up in one of the apartments to start working on the program. I feel that I have been neglecting his progress with everything going on with Leilani and everything else.Luckily, we haven’t had any issues with the fact Sawyer hadn’t renounced his pack after what happened in California. Brook has been tending to the kid’s needs, so it wasn’t like I just let him figure it out on his own. It was time for me to check in on his progress though.Reaching his apartment, I knocked on the door and waited for him to answer. He was supposed to be jo
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Chapter 81
Eric-Jarod was ready to go when I returned. He had a dart gun with him, which he explained was to tranquilize anyone that happened upon us. I had thought of someone figuring out what we were doing as well, but I had planned to take it to a completely different level.It would probably be better to knock them out instead of killing anyone though. Mostly because it would hopefully prevent any unnecessary deaths and possible wars if it came out that there was nothing worth pursuing. If Sawyer was telling the truth though, I suspected a war with the pack was possible either way.The sooner we got in and out though, the better. I gave him the location of where we would be going. Then he had to locate it on a map to make sure we would arrive inside the house.Once he was sure that we would arrive where we wanted to, he placed his hand on my shoulder and told me to take a deep breath. In a blink of an eye, the scenery around us changed and we were standing inside an abandoned house. For a m
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Chapter 82
Eric-Back at the packhouse, we took everything to my office. I decided to wait for now to let Sawyer know, until after I looked through some things. If I had any questions regarding anything I found, I figured it would be pointless to take him away from his studies.“That was cutting it close you know?” Jarod said as he placed the files next to the lockbox that I had just placed on my desk.“Trust me I know.” I sighed.“I have to say, that was both exciting and very stupid at the same time. If I was a werewolf, like my brother, I might have to report you. However, I don’t fall under the same laws that the rest of you do. You will have to tell them what you did though. I am fairly sure there is a law against breaking into someone else’s pack.” Jarod sat in the chair across from where I was sitting in my desk chair.“I will, but first I want to make sure it was worth the effort. It isn’t that we have any laws about it, but I suppose it isn’t without consequences.” I spoke.Pulling the
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Chapter 83
Eric-“She still hasn’t come out of it?” I asked Archer as soon as I entered the room.“Nope. I don’t think she will for a while either.” Archer spoke.Leaning against the door frame, I observed Leilani. Although she had been sitting here for hours, not really doing much on a physical level, she was sweating profusely. It almost looked as if she had been running for days.Her breathing seemed a bit labored as well. I didn’t think she was in any danger, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t worried about her. From the time I left her until now, it has been about twelve hours or so.To meditate for that long without sleep, food, water or even to use the restroom, couldn’t be good for her. I didn’t know what was going on with her, but at least she looked as if she was at peace. Her face was relaxed, and her heart rate was steady.“Do you think we should snap her out of it? She really should eat and drink something. I don’t want her to push herself too much.” I spoke to Archer, without taking my
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Chapter 84
Eric-One by one each warrior on duty responded, except for one. It was one thing for Sawyer not to answer, but for a trained warrior? Something was definitely wrong.“We have an issue, meet me out front.” I linked with my brother, as I pushed from my desk and rushed out of my office.“You two, with me!” I yelled over my shoulder at Matt and Drew.I was hoping it wasn’t too late. It had been maybe ten minutes since the warriors on duty were supposed to check in, which meant, if something did happen, it was after the last check. If one of them hadn’t reported their status during the last check, an alarm would have been sounded.“What is going on?” Tate asked as soon as I stepped out of the house.Thankfully, he started running alongside me, meaning we didn’t have to stop. As we ran, I explained what happened and my suspicions. Tate didn’t bother trying to take command of the situation, since he knew I was just as capable of leading the warriors as he was.When we reached the tree line,
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Chapter 85
Eric- With no choice, I slowly opened the door and peeked into the room, holding my finger to my lips. When I looked inside, I noticed the room was filled with girls, thankfully all dressed. They were huddled together on the benches. Most of them looked afraid, while there were some that looked brave as they tried to comfort the others. One female moved forward as I slipped into the room. She used the pack link to speak to me, her hands were behind her back as if she were some sort of soldier. “Beta Eric. We understood the situation and were told to stay put until help arrived. I want to offer my service to you. My name is Lena, and I am the class president and the top warrior amongst the senior class.” I knew who she was, and she did show promise to become a great warrior, but today was not the day to put her in danger. Although, I would allow her to help get the rest of the girls to safety. If she did well with that, I might be willing to speak with her later to figure out what
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Chapter 86
Eric- Leaving the cloths on their face, I knew there was a chance it would kill them, but I just hoped I had long enough to deal with the situation first. I couldn’t afford for them to wake up though. If they did, it would be bad for everyone involved. After getting them taken care of, I slipped out and locked the door. It could only be locked from the inside, but it would keep anyone from going in at least. “Can you hear them talking? I just took care of two of their guys and want to make sure they weren’t alerted.” I linked Tate. “I can, and they are still trying to decide how to get out of here undetected.” He responded shortly after. Instead of responding, I moved throughout the remainder of the school. I found Matt and Drew knocked out in a classroom, but as I expected, they were still alive. It took me a few minutes to get them to wake up. When they were back on their feet, they shifted back into their wolf forms. I was tempted to send them out but decided to keep them wit
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Chapter 87
Leilani- “How can you help? You don’t exactly look like you can fight.” I heard a kid say, with a condescending tone, from behind me. “Mind your tongue. That is my mate you are speaking to.” Eric spoke as he looked over my shoulder. “I have control now.” I answered, although it didn’t bother me about how the kid spoke. “Man, you should have seen it. One minute she was struggling and then she opened her eyes, and it was like something changed in her.” Archer said. “I heard Tate’s voice when he alerted everyone to what was going on. It snapped me out of my meditation. Since I wasn’t sure if it was Mavis or not, I returned to my meditation, but this time it was different. It was like I had my energy restored completely. I tried to work as quickly as I could, I just wish I had done it faster.” I added. “Are you sure you have control?” Eric asked, but then quickly added, “It isn’t that I am doubting you, but I don’t want things to go wrong, and everyone to be put in danger.” “I won’
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Chapter 88
Leilani-It didn’t take long for him to climb through the window. Thankfully, he was careful not to make any noise. Brook was the next one inside, followed by the others. Archer remained outside with me.My heart started racing at the thought of them getting caught, so I focused as hard as I could to keep the vision in their heads. They seemed not to notice as Eric lifted his brother off the ground and passed him through the window to Archer.One by one they removed people from the room. It was taking a bit longer than I liked, but at least they were almost done. Archer was leaning everyone, that was passed out the window, against the wall.When it was just one kid left, I felt the link slip. Before I could say or do anything, to let Eric know I lost the connection, the man that had been pacing made a grab for the kid that was left. Eric directed Brook to take the others and get out.“How the fuck is this possible?” The man yelled at Eric, holding the kid in front of him as if using h
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Chapter 89
Eric-I knew she was in heat, I thought I noticed it out in the hall, but it hadn’t truly set in until we had moved to the window. Since we were mates, I didn’t think I needed to ask for permission to do this. Besides, I have been dreaming about the day she would go into heat so I could fill her with my seed.Hearing her beg for me, was beyond anything I could have asked for. Just hearing how much she needed me, on top of knowing how much I needed to be inside of her was thrilling. Not wanting to disappoint her, I moved my hands to her hips and quickly thrust inside of her.Now I understood why Desmond had let loose with her the way he had. The need for more filled me and before I could understand what was going on, I was pounding into her like a mad man. I knew her heat was affecting me in ways that were beyond my comprehension.All I could think of, smell, or see was her. My mind was fully intoxicated by the scent of her heat. With each thrust I did inside her, I moved faster and ha
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