All Chapters of Mated To My Demon Alpha: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
52 Chapters
Chapter 20
I could feel us both panting heavily as we stared at each other."Is this okay?" He mumbled, going back to kiss me."Yes," I replied, an edge of confusion to my voice, but I didn't really care, I was too caught up in the moment."I just don't want to rush you into any new experiences." He said, gently kissing my neck where his mark was.It was hard to concentrate when he did that, but I caught onto his words quickly.I stopped him then, "What are you talking about?"He gave me a slight smile, I could almost tell from the look he gave me that he thought I was a virgin."Your innocence." He replied.There it was."Dustin..." I sighed, "I'm not a virgin."He froze then, "What?" He asked in disbelief.I could see in his eyes that he desperately wanted for that not to be true.His hands tightened around my waist, unconsciously bringing me closer as his jealously got the better of him."I said I'm not a—"He cut me off, "I heard what you said," He replied, his breathing suddenly laboured.H
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Chapter 21
I stood with my arms crossed in front of me, staring at my pack. Dustin stood by my side, though slightly behind me, he was not yet an alpha.Today, the new Alpha and Luna of Nightblood pack were coming to introduce themselves to us."Alpha Memphus and Luna Rose of Nightblood will be visiting today," I announced, "They will not be here long, and will only be here to speak to me, so you do not need to be worried."There were a few murmurs throughout the gathered pack, but nobody seemed particularly worried about it, just curious. I smiled at that, it was nice to see the faith they had in themselves as a pack.When they arrived, the entire pack was still gathered towards the back of the pack lands, it must seem isolated to them.Myself and Dustin made our way to the pack house, going in through the back door.We waited by the door, and they took their time coming up, by which point I was getting impatient. Just when I sensed that they were right by the door, I opened it, much to their s
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Chapter 22
We sat in the back of a dark car, about as apart as you can get when you have to sit next to each other. We were on our way to the Grey Tooth pack to discuss an alliance.I had met the alpha before, he was very arrogant and full of himself but he knew he couldn't take me on, wolves often sensed something dark about me, and tended to avoid me because of it. They would rather be allies than enemies.Despite the silence Dustin had been giving me, he demanded to come with me after hearing that the alpha was not mated. I was trying my best to ignore the fact he wasn't talking to me, but on the inside it was killing me. I might not act like it, but I really did care.I knew I deserved it though, it wasn't fair of me to tease Dustin like I had been, it was just that I didn't know how else to act around him, I wasn't really sure how to deal with my feelings.The journey was long and silent, a pack member was driving us there. But they were separated from us by a partition.When we finally arr
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Chapter 23
I stood across from a door, an ordinary door, there was nothing special about it. It was what was behind that mattered."Dustin?" I called out, for the 10th time. I sighed when I heard no reply, and slid down to the ground by his door.I had really messed up this time.And though his ignoring me was a clear sign that he was mad at me, it wasn't the worst part. The worst part was that I could feel it. I could feel him hurting, right in my chest and god it was awful.He was hurting badly.Maybe I was too.I wasn't sure how many times I had come by, always hoping he would change his mind and open the door. But it never happened. It didn't matter how long I was there for, how many times I called his name. Nothing.With a sigh, I brought myself to my feet, leaning my forehead against the door for a moment before turning away.I didn't exactly want to admit it, but there may have been a small tear that ran down my cheek.I didn't know what to do.Sure, I'd been in arguments with him before
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Chapter 24
Reluctantly, I lifted my head from his chest, meeting him in the eye without saying a word. After a moment I sighed, looking away. "We have a pack meeting.""Okay." He said, "Do you want me to stay here?""No," I shook my head. And I gently took him by the hand and led him out of the room."If you're going to be a part of this pack I have to introduce you to them, along with Chase and Dawn." I told him, I had already informed them all of what would be happening, they should all be gathered at the meeting place.As wolves, we weren't exactly cold. So the snow didn't bother us, we could have meetings outside and it wouldn't matter.So we made our way to the meeting place, myself and Dustin climbed up on top of the 'stage' which in reality, was just a rather large, flat boulder.Chase and Dawn were stood towards the back of it, following my instructions to stand there, Dustin made a move to stand with them but I tightened my grip on his hand, forcing him to have to stand next to me, faci
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Chapter 25
I stared into his eyes, and he stared back into mine.By this point, an awkward silence had definitely settled.Well, maybe it looked like that from the outside. But it . . . wasn't?Sure, there were no words. Just an intense stare between us. My breath hitched in my throat, his face not showing a single sign of regret.He held his ground and he loved me?It was a little hard to take in. To think that anyone could love me. I was a demon. A monster. I didn't deserve to be loved . . . yet I was.I almost couldn't believe it.I couldn't believe that this man, the a literal god that walked the earth, could love me. Enough to give up his title and his pack, something which he loved dearly, just to be with me.And how had I repaid him? I was awful to him, he didn't deserve a mate like me. But he wanted a mate like me.But . . . it was his choice right? I couldn't stop him. The mate bond was there for a reason. We were perfect for each other, genetically and mentally and everywhere between.
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Chapter 26
I woke up in a comfy bed with something tickling my face and a pair of warm arms wrapped around me. Opening my eyelids, I noticed that the (unusually) comfortable bed was because I was in the new house, the thing that tickled was a whole hoard of feathers that had somehow escaped the pillows, and the arms belonged to my mate.My mate.It sounded very nice. Not that he hadn't been my mate before, but now there was added meaning. He was truly my mate now, in every sense of the word.What came with mating, was the unexpected thrill, the sensation of power that just seemed to be running through my veins.I was strong, but I'd never felt so in control.I smiled to myself, it was lovely. To wake in his arms, and to know that everything would be okay.Well actually, that wasn't strictly true.I had made a promise to myself. I would avenge my packs death. I had to.I could never be happy until I did.Once Dustin woke up — with an overly enthusiastic grin on his face, I might add - he went to
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Chapter 27
We were fighting tooth and nail. Everywhere I looked, wolves were on wolves, ripping each other to shreds, and I couldn't tell which side was winning. But I had faith in my pack. They would lead me to victory, this I knew. Dustin stood behind me as we began to advance on both the luna of the pack, and the beta. The luna was clearly heartbroken, her hair seemed to fall limper than it had just a moment ago, her stance making it seem as though she no longer cared about dying, but the beta was protecting her. I didn't feel sorry for her in the slightest. They both looked up as we approached, not bothering to run. They knew we would have to fight. Staring at the luna, I slowly lifted my hand, about to kill her, her panicked stance indicated to me that she realised she didn't want to die. "No wait! Please!" She begged, falling to her knees, "You're pack died because of you, you know!" She blurted out. I stopped mid-advance, my eyes regarding her with uncertainty. She saw it and scramb
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Chapter 28
I dulled my sentences, not wanting to feel the pain of death, to feel the pain that Dustin felt as he watched me die. I didn't want to feel the disappointment from my pack that didn't understand my motives. But when I felt nothing I begun to panic. What had I done? By dulling my senses had I accidentally made my death an eternal nothingness? I tried to calm my thoughts, and by doing so, opened up my senses again. The sound of battle. I slowly rose to my feet looking around me, both mine and Ryan's pack surrounded me, fighting off the bloodmoon pack. They were fighting for me? "Cassandra." A voice said next to me, an airy quality to it. I turned to my left, to see a man and a woman next to me. I gasped. "Mom? Dad?" I stared at them in shock, before throwing myself onto them only to reach empty air. They gave me sympathetic looks. "We're sorry, Cassandra . . . So sorry about all of this. We knew your wolf would be special. No normal wolf forms a bond with an alpha like that."
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DUSTINTugging on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, I whistled lowly at the forest I was stood in. It was so eerily devoid of any wildlife. It was creepy.Few animals lived around werewolves, but there were always some."Might wanna take a look at your pack if I were you." A deliriously sweet voice called out somewhere in the distance.I froze, there was something about that voice . . ."Yeah." She said. A cocky tone to her voice. Like she were taunting someone.I subtly sniffed the air, and began to realise that many wolves had passed through here, were they being attacked?Cries of pain and struggling suddenly sounded out in the direction the sweet voice had come from.Just the sound of it made my wolf uneasy, I could feel him pulling me towards the sound.Reluctantly I agreed with him that I had to go over there. I wasn't sure why . . . something about that voice just drew me in. I had to know who that was.I began to run in the said direction, all the time arguing with my wolf about
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