All Chapters of My Alpha, My Enemy: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
116 Chapters
Tooth and nail
Nero POVI stood at the foot of the bed, judging if I should wake Blake because she had been mad at me last night, refusing to snuggle or say a word to me, and I felt so damn hopeless.In the past, Blake has been angry at me before but not for a straight three days, and even then there was only mild yelling, but she’s never gone this long without telling me what she wants, and it is driving me crazy.Even though it is my fault, I didn't know I could miss her so fucking much when she's still in my life, especially when I can barely sleep at night because I can hear her breathing and heartbeat by my side.It hurts more than anything to see her like that and know that she blames me and that she's right for doing it, but that doesn't make it any easier to let her do so.The only thing I have been able to come up with is to give her space and let her be angry, but now, I am over it, and really to fix this mess between us because I can't live like this with her. Running my fingers down her
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He's dying
Blake POV The sound of the rushing water from the shower echoed in my ear as I sat on the bed, gazing at the bathroom door, feeling relieved Nero was in there, and finally allowing myself to feel something. Being mad at him was exhausting and I didn't know if I could last one more day of it because I missed him. He made me happy but at the same time he hurt me, and still, I wanted him because he's my alpha and nothing else mattered at that moment except being with him. My thoughts were a mess, but I felt less stressed than I had been three days ago, and I knew why… It was because I loved him. The abrupt sound of Nero's phone buzzing got my attention, and I hesitated to look at its screen before gazing at the bathroom door and then at the phone. 'Vladimir?' I thought, picking up the device as curiosity filled my system again, even though my mind begged me not to. I stared at his phone for several seconds, debating whether I should answer or not as I listened to the shower stil
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Shh- someone is here
Blake POV The ride home has been so damn quiet since Nero and I left the mansion, and I could feel his eyes on me every couple of seconds, but my focus remained on the window glass, so he wouldn’t ask any more questions. But, as it turned out though, Nero did not know how to keep his mouth shut as I wished he would, and after a few more silent seconds, he sighed and then asked, "You know you can talk to me about stuff and shit, right?" Letting my head rest on the glass, I nodded without looking at him and whispered, "Yeah, I know." "So what's going on? It's kinda obvious something's wrong with you... something feels slightly off." "I am fine… Everything is good." "No, it's not. Blake… your energy felt different back then and I-" Finally, I looked over at him, meeting his eyes for a second, and then mumbled, "Look, I just need time. Can you please not push this?" Staring at me for a straight minute, Nero seemed like he wanted to press on, but in the end, only said, "Fine. We w
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Tell the truth
Trying to be obedient to Nero, I waited on the bed as silently as possible until I picked up the sound of five heartbeats, excluding Neron's and mine.This was an intrusion, and now, I didn't trust Nero out there alone with five strangers, but I still felt hesitant because I didn't want to act recklessly for him to get mad at me or hurt, so I eavesdropped closely, listening hard to hear if I could detect anything unusual in their breathing.That's when I heard a roar as powerful as thunder erupting all around me, followed by two loud whimpers, and I immediately felt my heart drop, knowing that Nero was getting attacked by these wolves.My fingers dug into the sheet as I gripped onto it, my breathing heavy and fast as I strained my ears to listen to Nero, desperate to catch the noises that were surrounding us, and I immediately picked up the sound of bone snapping and flesh ripping.Another loud snarl filled my ears and then the smell of blood suddenly hit my nostrils, and I winced.Th
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Who I am becoming
Jason POV My heart was hammering so furiously against my ribs that I could feel it throbbing in my ears as I struggled to put my shirt on. "I am coming with you!!" Scarlett exclaimed as she followed me around the place. "Nero is hurt, and you can't stop me, Jason!" Furrowing my brows, I gave her a death glare, "Scarlett-" "No, don't 'Scarlett' me!!" She snapped angrily. "If Nero is hurt, then I want to be there for him!" "Do you know why the fuck Nero is the one hurt and not Blake?!" "I... What are you talking about?" "She's a fucking ultima, Scarlett! An Ultima! And she doesn't like you! Do you understand what I am getting at?!" A look of confusion spread across Scarlett's face, and she opened her mouth, looking ready to protest, but I cut her off, yelling, "Blake can kill you within a breath! And right now, she sounds emotionally unstable, so if you go and piss her off. Guess what!!" When Scarlett snapped her brows together, I went even louder, "You won't like what happe
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Thirty Missed Calls
Nero POVI woke up in discomfort, my body hurting all over with throbbing pain, and my vision blurred when I tried to open my eyes.Groaning, I strived to move my arms but failed, and my entire body felt like it was severed, causing me to groan in anguish as the feeling worsened.It took a while, but I managed to open my eyes, and I looked around, trying to understand why I was in so much anguish. Then my eyes suddenly widened as I gazed at Blake's head, resting on the mattress as she sat in a chair beside me.My hand ran into her hair gently and then caressed her cheek, running my fingers down her jawline lightly as I asked, "Why didn't you sleep on the bed?"Her eyelids slowly blinked open, revealing her teary eyes that seemed dull and lifeless, but then she gave me a sad smile as she replied, "Because I didn't want to mistakenly hurt you.""Idiot..." I muttered as I brushed my fingers against her lower lip, tracing its outline with my thumb. "Come here,"A look of hesitation crosse
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Trust her
Blake POV The dining room felt lonely as I stared at the tray of food set in front of me. My stomach clenched uncomfortably, churning slightly with nerves as I nibbled on my bottom lip.Nero is awake, and that's the best thing that could happen, but at the same time, I still feel guilty about what had happened to him, and I know things are only going to get worse from here on because Loretta is not going to let Rolex death slide, and I know the pack will go crazy once they find out that I kill him.Rolex is not just some random wolf and a nobody to the pack, and that's what bothers me most - he was not just an ordinary wolf, and that's what scares me about killing him.For the past two days, Nero has been unconscious, Jason and I haven't talked much, and he has been acting strange towards me, and that's not normal."Are you not going to eat?" Nero's voice broke me from my thoughts as I glanced up and caught his concerned gaze directed at me, along with the worried look on Jason's fa
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An Exile Alpha
Nero POV Waiting at the bottom of the stairs, I felt a sense of worry growing in my chest as Blake walked down, dressed in black jeans and my hoodie which was big for her, yet looked cute on her."Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" I asked as she stood in front of me with a smile that didn't mask the stress in her eyes.Nodding slightly, Blake's hands grasped mine as if she wanted to not leave me, and I desperately waited, hoping that her lips would tell me that because all I wanted was to shield her and not let anyone harm her. As if reading my mind, her hand squeezed mine as she smiled and said, "I will be fine." How was I supposed to trust those words when I took an arrow to my side because they wanted her dead, and yet, I knew to trust her because why I was wounded, she was fine, and that says much more than words ever could.Nodding, I let go of her hands, clapped my palm over her cheeks, leaned towards her face, and tasted her lips, not wanting to be parted fro
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The Next Leader
Blake POVMy ear was alert as I hit the break on my jeep and turned off the vehicle, listening carefully for a moment before getting out.Hesitant, I just stood there, staring at the mansion, wondering what lays behind these doors for me. The memories of what happened the other day keep replaying in my head, and I couldn't help but feel reluctant because I didn't want to hurt anyone or cause any more problems that will draw attention to me, for Nero's sake.Drawing a deep breath, I walked over to the front door and rang the doorbell. A moment later the door opened and I stepped inside the grand hallway.Immediately, my nose picked up the smell of all the elders, and my gaze darted around as I slowly followed their scent.Every worker at the mansion seemed calm, and their eyes won't dare meet mine as I walk past them. The atmosphere reeks of fear... like they were afraid that the sight of me might cause them harm.Finally, I stopped at the huge wooden door, inhaling the air that reeke
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It's your fault
The room was deadly quiet as everyone kept watching me waiting for my response and I tried to ignore every possible thing that was going through my mind right now that was against my decision, knowing that I was doing it anyway. "Yes, I heard you," I replied. "Do you accept or do you not want to be our leader?" He questioned again, his voice firm, demanding an answer. Eyeing Loretta and Luna for another second, noticing the hate and resentment burning in their eyes, their lips sealed, but their expression told me that this day was something they despise seeing happen, and it kind of made me hesitant with my decision because I wanted to make them watch me take at all before their sight. "No, I don't accept," I said, facing the elders and holding my glare on them. Some of their eyes widened, others had their jaws slightly hung open, and the rest looked satisfied with my response. "Did you hear what Oscar said clearly?" Elder Hall asked, his face turning pale, but still holding that
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