All Chapters of Passionate Mistake (English): Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
60 Chapters
Chapter 10
Lost I stared at him for a long time when he handed me a long stick that looked like a saw and a net on its edge. For a moment I forgot why I am here. Right, I have to help harvest the mangoes. And I don't freaking know how to do it! "W-What am I gonna do with this?" I asked confused, totally clueless about how I'm gonna use this thing. Sighing, he came to me and held it. We haven’t even started yet he seems to be getting tired already. "This is what you will use as a lever," he said. "Make sure you get the right ones.” He showed me how to do it while giving instructions. It looked so easy to look at when he was doing it but when it was me, the pin almost didn't reach the fruit. I can't balance it well. I was out of breath already but I didn't even get a single fruit. "It's not working!” I complained, frustrated with what I'm doing. "Is there anything else I can do aside from this?" "Nothing.” My bitchy self is up again. I glared at him angrily and he just ignored me. Instead, h
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Chapter 11
Refuse No matter how many times I plead with them, they just won't listen to me. I don't know what's wrong with me, too. I just don't want to see and talk to Santi again. "I am not friends with him. You said it yourself, Xander is my friend. That doesn't mean Santi and I are friends too," I insisted. "They say Santi is often at Xander's plant now. So it will be easier for you to talk to him. Since you and Xander are friends. We will take care of the interview. All you have to do is get him to say yes to it," Lianne pleaded. I could do nothing but sigh. I nodded, now thinking of how I'm going to talk to Santi. That's all I'm going to do, right? I wasn’t in my right mind on the way to the next class. I feel lightheaded and nervous for some reason. Gosh, why am I like this? It shouldn't be a big deal to me. I was walking to my next class when I caught a glimpse of the cafeteria. I spotted Lance inside talking to Trina. He looked uninterested though while Trina is talking to him non-
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Chapter 12
Smile I felt relieved when they did the rest of the work. We went to Santi's house early to do the interview. He set the schedule, and we, as those who asked for the favor, had to adjust to his schedule. Grandma Gracia welcomed us warmly. My group mates were even shy about who would enter the house first. Fortunately, she greeted us happily. Santi was civil with them too, but a little hostile to me. I just ignored his stares and tried to concentrate on what to do. The ones asking are Elijah and Lienna. While Sam and I maneuvered the camera. The first questions are about technical things. How the plantation works and what companies they are supplying. "We have different varieties of mangoes, so it also depends on when the season of harvest is. But on average we produce two hundred tons annually.” The mouths of my group mates formed a big O. Even I was inwardly amazed to know how much they harvest in a year. "That's not surprising when you think about it. As of now, five thousand m
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Chapter 13
Suffocate I kept staring at Santi's face in the video we made for this major subject. Our professor decided to watch all our submissions during class. The last video we’re watching was ours. I remembered what happened yesterday. To this day, I still can't forget my reaction and feeling to what I saw. I have known him to be distant and mysterious. I don't think he can even deal normally with others. Well maybe they're close friends that's why. Why I reacted like that is still a puzzle to me. Just thinking about it is scary. Everyone fell silent when our video played. Until it was over, the silence was deafening. Our professor was the first to applaud when it was finally over. “Great job, everyone!” My classmates also joined in cheering. Our professor looked satisfied with our work. I breathed a sigh of relief at his reaction. It made all our efforts worth it. I even humbled myself just to get Santi to agree to this interview. Not to mention my finger still hurts now. “We haven'
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Chapter 14
Like I violently wipe my wet cheek. I also slightly moved away from him but he quickly grabbed me by the waist. I glared at him even though I couldn't clearly see his face because of the dark. Although relieved that someone finally found me, I also couldn't help but be annoyed because that person was Santi. I can still remember how he was so gentle with that girl earlier. Huh! I didn't know he has gentleness in him. Too bad he only shows me his bad side. Why I am so bothered by it is still unknown to me. I'm just too disgusted by the thought. "Did you get hurt anywhere?" I gently removed his hand from my back. I took a step away from him but not too far. Somehow I can see his face now. That's why it was so dark earlier because the moon was covered with thick clouds. Now that it's gone, the whole place is illuminated with its dim light. "No." I looked up at him thinking he was looking somewhere else. I looked away again when I saw his gaze fixed on me. "Why are you still here?"
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Chapter 15
Starlight I don't know why his words bothered me that night. Even though I'm secretly thankful that there's no reason for me to see him at school because he and Xander have both graduated, I can't deny that there's an emptiness inside me. I tried to ignore it for the past months and just focused on studying. I haven't heard from him since then, too. Not that it matters to me anyway. We noticed a commotion in the gym that day. The final exams of that week had just ended. I am hanging out with Maisie and Elize when we noticed the busy corridors and hallways. "What's up?" Maisie asked as we roamed our eyes around. We just shrugged. But knowing Maisie, she wasn't really satisfied with not knowing what was going on so she even managed to ask a student who also seemed to be in a hurry to get there. "Final requirement of Fashion Designing students, fashion show." We nodded. It's like a tradition for all fashion design students. They have to showcase their work through small runways and
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Chapter 16
Jealousy I blinked my thoughts back when I heard Ivory's voice. I felt like floating in the air as I continued walking towards the fitting room. In a split second, I noticed all the changes in him. He looked so corporate. Even with his long sleeves folded at the arm and black slacks. I even thought for a second that he was an executive of a big company. His body also grew a lot and became taller. His features are more defined now that he has aged a bit. How many years have passed since I last saw him? Three or four years? Surely he's changed a lot during those years. I wonder what he's been up to these years? Still in Malolos? Managing the plantation? I suppose so. That was his plan, wasn't it? To grow the plantation. I shook my head as I faced the mirror. I have changed too in the last four years. My rise to the top of modeling was fast compared to those who started at the same time. But I can proudly say all of these are by-products of effort and hard work and not because of my
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Chapter 17
Flowers "What the hell is your problem?!” I struggled violently to get away from him. He held my arm tighter as he continued to pull me out. He managed to take me to the parking lot. I can feel my arms hurting. I swear it will leave a mark the next day. But that's the least of my concerns now. I have to get out of his hold. "Santi, what are you doing?! Let me go!” He stopped walking but still didn't let me go. He turned to me, eyes bloodshot and angry. He clenched his jaw, holding back his anger. "What the hell is your problem?!" I shouted again. Who does he think he is to just pop out of nowhere and pull me whenever he wants? He is really so frustrating! He pursed his lips and looked away. He seems to be holding back himself. I glared at him. Now he has nothing to say? He just ruined my night totally and then he won't even talk about why he did this? Damn, bastard. I was about to turn around when he stopped me again. Now the pain in my arm is evident. "You're going back ther
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Chapter 18
Kiss "There is something you need to know about Xander," his voice dark. I was about to go past him when I got stunned by what he said. I looked at him, tired. Is this one of his tricks? Using Xander to get to me? I had enough roller coaster of emotions tonight. And his being here doesn't help at all. "What is it?" "I shouldn't be the one saying this but I just think you need to know," he sighed. "Stop beating around the bush and just say it," I crossed my arms and glared at him even more. "Xander is seeing someone." Surprised is not even enough to describe how I felt when I heard that. He's joking, right? Cause that doesn't sound like a funny joke! "Liar," I gritted my teeth. "I wish I am just lying," he said seriously, his eyes dark. "You can go home and see for yourself. I'm telling you this so you can stop wanting him to love you back. Cause that won't happen. Especially now that he's with someone already." "You!" I screamed in annoyance. I was about to rush at him when
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Chapter 19
Miserable I have everything planned out already. If I had to follow Xander every step of the way, I would. I just want to know who the girl he likes is if there is one. It was a good thing I heard from Tita Alondra he's working on a project in Baler. And I have a strong feeling that the woman Santi is referring to is there. But if she's not there, I will try to find other ways to know where she is. Xander didn't even need to know what I was going to do. And he doesn't seem to have any intention of letting me know. All I want now is to talk to whoever that girl is. I had to put on the best disguise I could get just so that what I was doing would not be recognized and would not be noticed. It was all normal until half of the day. He went on-site inspection and he also went to several meetings. Afternoon came and I just kept following him. My eyes widened when I saw where he went at nearly five in the afternoon. He went into one of the biggest universities here in Baler. I know this
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