All Chapters of BLUE MOON: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
129 Chapters
“I will speak with my daughter alone.” The alpha of the silent wolf pack says the moment we step into the conference office the next say. On the walk here, I decided that this would be it. No more dallying around, I have other things to do than worrying about this. Training to complete, justice to seek, people to hunt, I need to get back on that. In the end, this would just be a setback like so many others and I won’t let it get to me. It doesn’t matter who gave birth to me, I know who my parents were and I know myself. And I know what I need to do. In the end, that’s what truly matters. Zayne looks at me and I nod, telling him I’ll be fine, he shoots a look at the other alpha in the room before walking in the other direction to his office. I take a seat on the opposite side of the table. Light blue eyes look at me, and I hold his unflinching. “Your mother says you still carry the loss of your people with you, you want to know
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Now I know why Marc said these talks with alphas just go on and on, without coming to any agreements. His ego is too large for him to see that there’s no way I’ll be leaving with him. So, he is resorting to threatening my pack. Even though fear has a tight grip like a fist around my heart I don’t shake, I glare at him instead. Refusing to break. I’ve not come this far to give up now. We’re locked in a battle of wills when the door to Zayne’s office opens. He came in at the right time. “I’d done talking to him” I try not to snap as I stand up but I know I’m unable to hide my annoyance from Zayne. It irks me that this male has managed to get anything out of me in the first place. Talking to him is useless. He doesn’t even admit his wrong. What a monster. Zayne comes to stand behind the leather chair closest to him his hand resting on the high back. He couldn’t look more disinterested in the situation if he tried, he looks bored even. Cade stands up as well coming around the table h
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“I demand to see your Alpha” I tilt my head at the commotion, wondering how Alpha Cade managed to get so close to the compound. Zayne waves at Eli and Sky who are standing in front of Cade, blocking him from going any further. he must have sensed us because he turns around almost immediately. “It’s late Cade, what do you want?” Zayne ask slipping one hand into his pocket, if I wasn’t standing so close to him, I would have missed the tension in him. He is certainly not happy to see Alpha Cade right now, especially so close to the compound where many vulnerable wolves are. “I have decided that we must talk now,” the other alpha says tersely. “So, talk” Even though it is dark, I notice a muscle pop in his jaw betraying his annoyance “I know what you are doing and this has gone on long enough, I leave for my territory tomorrow.” he paused “You have until noon to give me your answer.” All this he says without acknowledging me, not even a single glance. Zayne throws an arm around m
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I wanted to be here. Zayne and I argued about it last night as we returned to the compound, he told me my presence wasn’t necessary and he has dealt with this many times. I accused him of babying me which he hadn’t bothered denying. This only annoyed me the more, knowing if I was Jida or that other female Mercy, he wouldn’t have told them to sit back while the males defended the pack. I argued that this was about me, the challenge and if he was going to be putting his life on the line, I should at least be there. I didn’t even want him fighting in the first place, the thought of it terrified me. I told him that, if there was another way. “I am your alpha, you will be my mate, it is my duty to defend you” “Then I will be there” I tried to be firm. He looked away from me, “You might not like what you see when I am being alpha Zayne” his eyes returned to mine and I almost drowned at the intensity “I can be a little different” “I was there that night remember, when you killed those
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I slept in Zayne’s room last night, he wasn’t there but I felt better being there, probably because the last time we had visitors, they circled back after showing every intention of admitting defeat. I definitely did not want any late-night visitors. It’s the only reason I slept in his room because I didn’t want to sleep with one eye open. Yeap. There was no drop of disappointment in my gut when I woke up with my face stuffed in his pillow breathing in his scent but his side of the bed was cold and without a single crease. At least I hope he’s not still roaming in wolf for somewhere in the territory. Right now, Rachel fills me in on the training I’d missed the past few days. They hadn’t gone for patrol. “We were in the compound during the challenge though., you know, if things went south, even though the chance for Zayne to lose was close to nil, we still had so measures in place” I give her my full attention. Raising my eyebro
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Things are rather calm the next few days following the challenge. Like me, everyone has being holding their breath for any backlash from the fight. There’s been no news from the council, even the attacks from the intruders reduced then stopped completely. I know this because I ask Sky and Marc for updates whenever I see them which is almost everyday, the one I don’t see at all is Zayne. Haven’t set eyes on him since he left the clearing in wolf form. But I know he hasn’t left the territory. Yes, I asked. The peace from the past few days has lead everyone to feel more relaxed, which is why we are able to have a normal full moon gathering. And by normal I mean loud with music and booze and dancing around the bonfire. Dark woods style. I danced a little with Oliver and Mile, until I got tired about an hour ago, Winnie off somewhere with Philip, Mile had whispered to me over the fire that she expecting the news of mating from them anytime soon. Now I’m sitting in the cool grass watc
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I’ve been feeling restless all day, hyped up. And maybe a little angsty. We had a grueling day at training today. I should be beat, passed out in my bed but I feel like I could go another few hours. I don’t know what to do with all this energy. It’s strange for me, for a moment I wonder if it had something to do with soaking up the energy for moonlight, I know Zayne brought us inside the house not long after I slept off because I woke up to him placing me in the bed and then joining me. I swing into a corner and jerk to a stop. “Watch it!” “Sorry” I mumbled, biting my lip in embarrassment as Jida glared at me for a second. I tense, watching her. She slips out a dagger from the sleeves of her jacket and begins to clean her nails with the pointy end of the blade. I clench my fist. I couldn’t take Jida in a fight. She’s a senior enforcer for a reason. I can hold my own against Naya but I suspect it’s because Naya trained me, I have learned her moves and fighting style to a certai
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“Do not ruin-oh” my complaint ends in a moan as he rips another yet camisole but captures my now bare nipple into his mouth. He sucks deeply, and my pussy clenches at the tugging sensation of his mouth on my nipple, the feel of his hot mouth and licking tongue is everything, my head falls back into the bed, my back arching up to him. Then he sucks on the second, massaging the first in his large palm. Heat floods me. His tongue is like licks of fire, trails down between the valley of my breast, my navel, and down my hips. His fingers slip into the waistband of my shorts at my hips dragging, I raise my hips to assist in kicking them off my feet. His callus hands trail up my thighs, lips following the same path, a second later, Zayne burrows his face into my panty-covered cleft his nostrils flares as he inhales deeply. He classes his eyes and then opens them. “I’m going to eat your pussy now.” Zayne says softly, his fingers close around the sides, with a slight jerk of his wrist, t
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It is sometime before I finally drag my body from the bed, I clean up in Zayne’s bathroom, throw my hair up in a messy bun and look through his closet for something to wear. As I pick out another sweater, that’s about four of the man’s clothes I’ve taken and never returned. I wonder if I should bring a few of my things here, but that would imply that I wanted to make this a thing. Before last night, he made it clear he was okay with going at my pace, allowing me time to come out of my shell as he said. But after last night and this morning, I don’t know, I bite my lips. Did last night change things? I pull the sweater over my head, shoving my arms through the appropriate holes. “There’s no need to rush, I’ll just go with the flow, I’m good with that, great even” I mumbled to myself. No, that was not a pep talk. Okay, maybe a little. What can I say? A girl needs a little pep talk to deal with a male like Zayne. He is too intense, he sees too much, those eyes, always looking too de
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Rhea is a fast opponent, it takes a while before I learn her and begin to predict her moves, she prefers to be on the attack so I’ve been dodging blows and kicks for the better part of the morning, only attacking when I see an opening, but she’s fast, really fast. She comes at me hard and fast, I imagined if claws had come out to play I’d be treating cuts at the end of today. This is why when she pauses mid swing and then tips her head behind me, I narrow my head in confusion. What the..? Frowning I sneak a peek, not wanting to give her my back in case this is a trick to get an upper hand. My eyebrows go up when I see Zayne walking towards the arena, the noise around me filters down, I don’t know if it’s because the others stop fighting as well or because Zayne takes control of my senses, but at that moment he’s all I can see, sense, my entire focus. It’s been a while since he came to watch us train, or he’s probably here for Colin. When he stops a few paces away his eyes don’t l
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