All Chapters of THE BEAST IN ME: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
102 Chapters
Chapter 90
Zver's p.o.v"She's running a fever." Ava said softly while pressing her hand on Hera's shoulder gently.I nodded then moved and sat beside Hera on the bed sadly."She has been badly sweating for the past few hours. I don't know what else to do. The wet cloth on her forehead seems to do nothing." I pointed out in concern."We can't do a thing besides waiting for the results. Your mother made it clear to us that it will take some time." She answered then forced a smile across her face."Mother, I'm fine. So stop worrying." Hera said huskily.She looked pale and tired. I couldn't help but feel that it was all my fault. My pack wasn't meant for humans, there were a few things that were okay to Tasmanians but deadly to humans. What if she came across such and got sick due to that!. Damn it, I had been too relaxed around her that I let her do whatever she wanted."Zver, I really am okay." She whispered.I looked at Ava and nodded slightly to let her know that she could
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Chapter 91
Hera's p o.vWhat?. Me, pregnant!.Was she messing with me!."I'm sorry, but what exactly did you just say?" I asked loudly."Well honey, what she said is the truth, you really are pregnant. I too was in shock and tried to deny everything on your behalf." Mother answered seriously."What!. I'm pregnant?" I asked in disbelief as I tried to ignore the pain I was still experiencing. My body was hot and my skin sweaty.Not a long time ago I was ready to leave Zver behind in anger. I was very upset over how he was acting towards me, but now I didn't know how to react or feel."Mother, may I have a few words with you in private?" Zver asked Cherise seriously."Sure." Cherise answered then walked out of the room."I'll be back in a few minutes babe." He said calmly then walked out.Mother quickly moved closer and sat next to me with a frown across her face."Honey, I ...." She trailed off."I know mother, I too don't know how to feel or react." I answered honestly."You a
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Chapter 92
Hunter's p.o.vI was speechless over Zver's concern and understanding of our bond. He was different and better than I remembered him to be. We now had the same goals. Feelings and ambition. He was the better version of myself in some way and that was weird.I looked at Hera and sniffed back the tears that were threatening to fall. Just having her in my arms meant a lot to me."Welcome back." She said for the fourth time.I kissed her head lightly and laughed."I'm home." I whispered happily.She pulled back and grabbed my hands in hers."I have so much to tell you. Oh God, where do I begin?" She asked as tears continued to roll on her beautiful cheeks.I moved my hand and wiped off her tears with a smile."Take all the time you need okay." I said softly.She looked at me blankly for a second before laughing as tears streamed down her cheeks."I'm pregnant." She said in a cracked voice.I sighed in relief then nodded. I knew everything because I heard and saw everythi
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Chapter 93
Damon's p.o.vI was standing glaring at Zver in the living hall while my father sat on the couch comfortably.I didn't know why he was doing this to me when he clearly understood how desperate I was to see Monica. My heart was slightly aching and pounding rapidly, with each passing second my breath was getting labored."Hunter, what's the meaning of this!" An elderly woman asked when she walked in furiously with glowing eyes.Her sneer and low growl towards us made me uncomfortable. It was clear that she wanted us to fucking die or get the hell out."Relax mother," Zver answered, then turned and faced her.She kept quiet for a few minutes and breathed out loudly as her eyes returned to their normal color."I have no problem with the hunter fighting for Monica's hand since they are bonded, but I do have a problem with you treating him like our guest. Moreover, they are two of them and both strong!" She yelled on top of her voice annoying me."They are strong indeed, but I'm stronger."
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Chapter 94
Monica's p.o.vNo. I wasn't weak, I was scared, very scared, even my Tasmanian felt the same. Not because of our alpha, but because of our bond. When the alpha treated me like trash and ordered me to stay in the room, it gave me enough time to think and reflect.My bond was handsome, very handsome at that and he had his way of making my Tasmanian happy without doing much. He wanted us and he showed it. Was wanting power greater than my happiness?. "How are you feeling?" Damon asked snapping me out of my thoughts.I moved my hand to my forehead and sighed loudly.Horrible, my throat was badly hurting and I was very hungry and thirsty."I'm thirsty." I whispered then slowly moved to sit down.He was about to touch me when I shook my head."I'm fine." I said then sat down."Wait here." He instructed and turned to walk away when I grabbed his hand."Don't," I whispered.He turned and looked at me sadly."You need to drink some water and eat something." He answered in c
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Chapter 95
Damon's p.o.v"Let me get this straight. Are you telling me that all this time you were aiming to fuck Zver?. Did you just say you even had to use his little brother, that bastard to get to him?" I asked seriously to understand what the actual fuck she was saying.She brushed her hand against her arm then lowered her gaze to the ground."I didn't want to ...."She trailed off."Fuck him?. You did, you are from telling me clearly how you were willing to do everything in your power to be Luna of this pack. Wait, does that mean you were even willing to hurt Hera!" I asked on top of my voice while standing up from the only chair that was in her small living room.She faced me with widened eyes. Speechless."Did you or did you not want Hera dead?" I asked in nearly a scream startling her."I...I just wanted Zver to notice me." She answered in a low tone.My breath instantly picked up and my throat became dry. I couldn't believe I was hearing this from her. I thought tha
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Chapter 96
Damon's p.o.vTalk about being exhausted.I was so fucking tired, I couldn't sleep a wink while Monica did. How could she sleep in the same bed with me without trying to touch me or seduce me!. It was unbelievable, I couldn't sleep nor think of anything besides taking her under me and making her moan out sweetly. The whole night I had to count numbers and letters I had never heard of just to pass time."Are you okay?" She asked softly beside me then turned and rested her head against my chest.No, I wasn't. The fuck!.I moved and shrugged then stood up from the bed."I will do my best to win your hand today." I answered seriously ignoring her question.There wasn't shit I could do, the ceremony was today. Despite not sleeping through the night, there was nothing I could do about it."And I am okay," I answered."Can I make you some coffee or....""No, it's okay." I answered cutting her off.I didn't want to stay with her any further, I just wanted to take a cold
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Chapter 97
Monica's p.o.vI stood beside my pack members with a loud beating heart. We all stood watching in a circle as Halt stood in his Tasmanian form facing Damon who looked calm with the sword in his hand, his blade tucked under his belt.Halt's Tasmanian was huffing and growling in warning. It looked more than ready to take Damon down.Zver sat on a huge rock between the elders and in front of his mother. Hera and her mother Ava were strictly forbidden to come outside because we all knew how violent the fights were. Despite having faith in Damon's fighting skills, I was very worried and scared at the same time, a Tasmanian's full strength was way above a human and a Werewolf. They were mostly stronger when pissed off. And not only that, if a few other male Tasmanians were interested in me then he had to face them as well.Zver's father stood up from the rock he sat on and walked between Halt and Damon."You get to choose whether to yield or fight to death. We don't care which way you choos
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Chapter 98
Zver's p.o.vI stood with a smirk across my face looking at Damon and Monica kissing. To most of my pack members, it came as a shock, but to a few, it wasn't.I cleared my throat then turned and faced my mother who nodded slightly. I looked at my father seriously to see if he approved as well. He slightly tilted his head in a bow then shifted his gaze away from mine. I walked to where Damon and Monica were and stood in front of them. Monica quickly pulled back from the kiss and linked her hand to his, her gaze was lowered to the ground."Alpha." She whispered in a respectful tone."Zver." Damon greeted causing more murmurs to erupt."You won fair and square. That's why I and the elders have decided to grant you her hand." I said loudly for everyone to hear."And besides that, my pack believes in the power of a bond. What fate has put together no one can easily separate, you being bonded to her shows how fate favours you." I continued. The mummers were turning into loud noises full
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Chapter 99
Monica's p.o.v"Are you okay?" Damon asked as we walked into a hotel room."Yes," I answered softly.It felt weird leaving the pack with him. My Tasmanian trusted him but I was hesitant. I was also scared of the new place we were going to and very nervous about being alone with him, the nervousness came as a result of being aroused by him.I wanted him badly but I didn't want to scare him."We will only stay here for two days before we leave for another country. I want to make some preparations. We need an apartment for our new life and I need to find a job so that I can take good care of you. You see, for most of my life I have been working as a lecturer. I have worked in a few well-known colleges and met a lot of influential people and families. That's why I have Faith that I will easily find a job and a suitable place to stay in another country. I will use my connections to....."I moved and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind him, resting my head against his back. He had
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