All Chapters of The Billionaire's Nanny: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
98 Chapters
  Lucas stood behind me as he ushered me into his bedroom. The right choice, since I could not trust myself to not make a run for it the moment I got the chance.I paused to take in the sight of the room. I could easily tell it was his room as a teen because well it still looked like a teenage boy's room, a few things had probably been replaced, like the bar in the corner of the room and the bed that was now much larger than what a teen's bed would look like and the expensive looking rug at the foot of the bed, but the posters of famous celebrities and a long sheet of paper hanging off the wall that said "Lucas's to-do list," made it retain the charm of teenagehood.It felt good to be in here getting even the slightest glimpse at what his life looked like as a boy. Countless trophies hung off the shelf on the w
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The Trip
  Lucas kissed my forehead with his arms wrapped possessively around me. I lay on the mattress next to him, savoring the chance to breathe his spicy scent in after what felt like ages. Okay, it was only a few days, but I missed him anyway, terribly. And I did not realize the fact until now.Lucas missed me too, I could tell that much from the way he clung to me, unwilling to let go since we laid out our issues.A part of me screamed how wrong it was to let Lucas off so easily, and maybe I was foolish for doing so, but I was not without my faults in this. Lucas and I had been fighting longer than we had actually been dating. I was tired of the ups and downs and I was not about to toss my chance at fixing our relationship in the garbage.He would not hurt me again, I was sure of it.We had agreed though, that it was better to hold off the more intimate parts of our relationship for a while. In clearer terms, I was not ready yet to
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  "Are you still upset?" I asked Celine as we got ready to head downstairs the next morning.We had both gotten up pretty early this morning, my reason being that I could not get any sleep after our fight last night and C, probably for the same reason, or something else, I could not tell.There were only ever rare times when I and my best friend had serious disagreements like this, and it had never been over a dick. That was my cue to fix this. As much as I loved Lucas, I would never give up my relationship with my longest friend and favorite person in the universe for any reason.She did not look at me as she spoke, "Alex will be here to pick me up in an hour, you coming?" she did not answer my question directly either, and I got my answer from that.
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The Plan
  Lucas's idea of holding Sarah for longer was to get Emma to confess Sarah's involvement with her and get them both arrested. It had been decided that the best way to have that done was to make them believe one betrayed the other. Alexander picked Chris up an hour after breakfast, after which the rest of the family spent all morning thinking of how to make Lucas's plan work. We had to come up with a way to get Sarah and Emma in the same place, where we could make a recording of their confessions.Mia finally came up with an idea that sounded like it would work.The plan was simple.Lucas would send Emma a message stating she had to come home because according to him, there would be a change of plan, the kids would be back home, so she had to cut off her time
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  "Are you sure you want to do this?" Lucas asked for the gazillionth time."You're right here, what could possibly go wrong?" I asked, not bothering to add a million possibilities of what really could go wrong with this plan. I was already shit scared, I did not need Lucas to know that though, he would not let me go through if he got even a whiff of doubt or uncertainty from me. "besides, you are only about a few inches away, if Sarah does anything, you'll be right here for me, right?" I tilted my head to meet his eyes."You know I will," he drew me closer and smashed his lips into mine. "If she tries to attack you, do not hesitate to leave a fist on her face, it's her one weakness.""Her face is her weakness?" one of the cops in the room asked, shocked.
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The lost baby
  "I cannot believe you just had all the fun alone," Celine pouted from where she stood next to the dressing mirror, watching me pack my bags for the trip. Trust Celine to find an exercise with her fist kissing someone's face the best form of fun. All morning she had remained by the mirror, staring at something in her belly. Sometimes I would ever have to snap my fingers to draw her attention. If I did not know my best friend well enough, I would say she had been crying, but that was too far-fetched. C never cried."It was really no fun," I said with enough dryness to make my voice croaky. My hands still hurt from clawing at Sarah even after days had passed."You got a chance to teach that witch a lesson in her own game, that's everyone's dream." she cried like she was trying to explain to me why veggies were g
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PART III-Vacation
    "Please stop running," I cried for the hundredth time as I led the kids through the cabin. A few hours ago, they were almost shedding tears because Lucas had refused their request to bring Zoey along, and now, they seemed the most excited as they hopped and skipped happily all the way here. Kids.
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Mile High Club
I was back in Lucas's arms after weeks of going back and forth. This was nothing like the first time we had make-up sex. Apart from the fact that this time we had joined the mile-high club, I could feel the sincerity in his words when he said he loved me as he filled me with his seed. This time, there was no secret, no past mistakes, no former enemies trying to come back in our lives. Nothing standing in the way of our happiness anymore. It was just me and him and this family which I had grown to adore with my life.I was never going to run away from him again. Not like Lucas would allow me. He had told me before, I was his now and no matter where I ran he would follow me always. Thankfully, whatever reason I had to run before, was well...facing trial for multiple reasons back in California and hopefully would be facing time soon. Away from me and away from the kids.There was still a lot on my mind though, for starters, C and then there was Mia. She might not blame me for all that ha
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New Haven
We arrived in Italy a few hours later and took the long drive over to the place we would be staying for the next few days or weeks. Lucas had not yet told me how long we would be staying. I did not mind though I had everything I could possibly need here with me.I half expected that we would be staying at a hotel when Lucas said we were going to what would be our new home for some time, but I was shocked as the drive brought us to a resort a few minutes away from civilization.It reminded me of Lucas's parent's home back in California except this villa rested on a mountain from which it was possible to see the surrounding town as far as into the main city.There were acres and acres of greenery and I imagined what it would be like to take a long walk in the fields that occupied that land. There were countless trees, most of which were fruit-bearing trees. I was glad for that fact because the kids had whined a few times about seeing how fruits at the grocery store got to be and this wo
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The search for Elmo took most of the afternoon and our search was finally rewarded as we found the pup hiding behind the tall grass extending through the large field around the back."Elmo!" Abby squealed, racing over to pick it up. Aiden skipped happily behind her, but disappointment quickly crept up their faces as it crawled further between the grass, clearly still needing some time to get adjust to the new faces."I don't think it will come to you if you go at it like that," I explained, taking out a piece from the Ziploc bag filled with carrots the closest thing to dog food we could find for now."But we just want to play with it," Aiden frowned."I know that, but Elmo doesn't, so that means you have to show it that you're trying to be its friend not hurt it." I stretched out a carrot to each of them, "let's start with trying to feed it.""But how can we feed it if it won't even play with us," Abby whined."Like this," I crouched down, tilting my head to look between the grass whe
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