All Chapters of The Hybrid Alpha : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
82 Chapters
Chapter 71 - André
I am genuinely a devious mastermind. And hopefully, after spending an evening in sequins, my darling brother-in-laws will learn a lesson.  Do not upset my new mamma. Okay, so their upsetting Deb with their pranks on the flight isn’t the only reason I had Nicolao swap out the suits in their rooms while giving them the tour of the pack villa.  Azriel is the reason my mate doesn’t like glitter. And Goddess knows all the various times they’ve done something to upset, embarrass, or traumatize my sweet mate. Now they’ve been put on notice.  And even if they don’t like their suits, they look hot. I’m allowed to say that. Especially about Colby, he’s my mate’s identical twin, after all. Given how good they look in sequins, it tells me how much better Darren would look. Darren hasn’t complained, yet, about the clothes I pick for him. So, of course, I wouldn’t do that to him. I don’t want to give him a reason to start. So I’ll continue picking wh
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Chpater 72 - Darren
While Gildo, Amelia, and Stephen went to the villa and the party, Alexander, André, and I turned down the path to the building just out of view of the villa hiding behind trees. The seemingly ordinal building looked more like a large shed for gardening equipment, but it was a different story inside it. Inside was a security office with three security officers on staff that had to buzz us in. Our clothes from the ceremony were hanging neatly on the wall for us. We quickly changed before turning to the security staff. “Alpha, your sister and father are awaiting you in the lower level.” One of the males bowed his head as he informed us. “Thank you. We shouldn’t take long.” André nodded, leading the way to the elevator, entering a code. “Who’d have thought Madonie would
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Chapter 73 - André
I put on a good facade for the party. I’m Alpha now, and I can’t let my pack now something was bothering me like this. I certainly can’t let Lando know. That guy had to be lying. Like Katrina said, he doesn’t look a thing like Lando. Lando is smiles and sunshine with the softest mop of curls ever. But that dick was Sleaze with a capital S with greasy slicked back straight hair.  I have to trust Darren. He promised that Lando wasn’t going anywhere. And if there is one thing everyone knows about Darren, he is not a liar or the sort to make hollow promises.  As the party slowly ended, all the little ones, Lando included, were taken to their rooms here in the villa. With everyone not staying here gone, I couldn’t help it. I went to the room Lando was using. I sighed, standing in the doorway watching him sleeping peacefully. The kid was totally worn out from running around the party and having a great time with Delilah, Gina, and Suzie. 
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Epilogue - Darren
The last few months have been a whirlwind in Madonie. Our villa’s construction is moving along very fast. A lot faster than I thought it would. But I suppose when everything is being handled within the pack, things get done quicker. Before we boarded our flight to Bloodmoon, our contractor told us we should be able to move in not long after we return. That, of course, made André and Lando happy.  While neither has any dislike for the pack villa, André has talked about having our own family home enough that Lando is excited to have a home again that will be just for his family. I think part of Lando’s reasoning is that we’ve adopted him, so he’d like to not live in the pack villa with the other orphans still waiting to either be claimed by family or adopted by new families. And I can’t fault him for that. The kids started treating him differently after we officially adopted him. He went from being what they called the favored to now the Pr
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Epilogue - André
I’ve heard the saying that time flies when you’re having fun. And I have to say it’s true. Five years ago, I was an Alpha heir who was single and happily mingling. Today I’m the Alpha of Madonie celebrating my fifth anniversary with my mate and will be throwing a birthday bash for our son’s thirteenth birthday in a few weeks. How can we have a thirteen year old when we’ve only been together for five years? Duh, the same way two males could have a kid. Adoption. Adding Lando to our family was like the cherry on top. He just made it all come together. Love that kid. This is why today’s meeting is kind of annoying me. I’m sitting in one of the meeting rooms at the Incubi town hall. Why am I in Incubi? Beyond coming to spoil my little sisters? Trust me, those girls want for nothing. They’ve got us all wrapped around their tiny toddler pinkies. Lando is in love with his aunties. I digress. I’m here having a tri-pack meeting with Papa and Tiberius. Our mates and Betas are of cours
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Madonie: Right Book Wrong Page - Darren
“So you got big plans for tomorrow?” Colby’s question had me confused. I furrowed my brow watching as my identical brother’s expression went from neutral to concerned to now he’s laughing. The fucker calls me on video chat while I’m busy with pack business and laughs at me.  “What? Why are you laughing?” I sighed. My brother makes no sense sometimes. I honestly think he’s just trying to mess with me.   “You… oh Goddess. You forgot what tomorrow is!” Colby’s words were coming out in huffs of laughter. He was so loud Alison waddled into the frame. She didn’t look pleased with the disturbance.  “What are you so loud about? I was enjoying an excellent book
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Madonie: Right Book Wrong Page - André
One of my favorite holidays is tomorrow! And for the first time, I have someone to celebrate with. I can’t wait to spend the day with Darren. Oh, the plans I have for that man.  I know my mate inside and out. And you can take that any way you want. Innuendo or otherwise, it’s true. Darren hides his emotions well behind that handsome mask.   But he can’t hide from me, from our bond. He’s a good mate. Strong, dependable, and caring.  The way he has stepped into his new role as Aleph. Yes, we decided on a new title because Luna just didn’t fit.   He is so organized, and he manages to keep me on task for as distracting as he can be. I’m not sure I could have gotten Madonie into order this quickly without him. He has been my rock.  
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Author Notes
Disclaimer! Only read the following bonus story if you have finished reading Beta's Innocent Mate! Twas The Night Before Their 1st Christmas is a holiday bonus starting everyone's favorite Alpha and Aleph couple, André and Darren! If you've read Beta's Innocent Mate, you know all about the new additions to André and Darren's family. I know we are past the holiday season; however, I was delayed in releasing this bonus due to a family emergency. So, without further ado, I present a glimpse into the holiday fun and life of Alpha André D'Amore and Aleph Darren Delaney's lives with their bundles of joy.
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Twas The Night Before - Chapter 1
André POV Everyone knows that I live for celebrations. I go all out for holidays, especially Christmas. This year and probably every Christmas till my babies are grown enough to say, ‘Papa, stop,’ I am going to go all out. This will be my babies’ 1st Christmas, and I want it to be spectacular. I know they are only five months old and won’t remember it, but there will be pictures and videos that we can show them as they grow up. All Madonie wanted to celebrate and make this Christmas special for their new princes and princesses. We’ve been often asked which heirs were mine, but we never tell. Sure, we gave Caspian and Aragon my surname, while our girls Amaryllis and Éowyn have Darren’s. But that’s not common knowledge. And I don’t know if I’ll keep it that way. I’ve considered updating their official birth certificates to Delaney-D’Amore for all four. As far as the pack knows, their surnames are all D’Amore. It might be wrong, but I want to keep it that way. I won’t have them tre
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Twas The Night Before - Chapter 2
Darren POVI have not been this terrified since Delilah had that placenta issue in April. I had hoped I would never be that afraid again. Yet when that fucking photographer took Caspian from me, I felt it in my gut something was wrong. It didn’t settle my nerves that he also had Amaryllis move from André to Dad. The more times I saw the babies rearranged, the angrier I became. It was like those con artists with the pebble under the cup. Keeping track of where all four babies went was their plan. They thought they could hand Caspian to someone who wasn’t part of the family and get away with it. They thought wrong. I noticed the switch, and Caspian was not the baby that would go quietly. My boy has his Papa’s sass when a situation isn’t to his liking. I had passed Amaryllis to Sadria and shouted for my brothers to get the photographer as I ran toward Caspian’s cries. André had been right on my heels when he handed Aragon to Alison. André had shifted mid-chase and used his speed to g
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