All Chapters of SCANDAL: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
84 Chapters
Chapter 70
When Serena arrived home, Clara told her about the stranger's visit. Realizing who it was, she stiffened, all the color draining from her face. A shiver ran down her spine as she stared at Clara, dumbstruck. " Wh-what did you tell him?" She stuttered, unable to help herself. Clara shrugged, looking forward. " Nothing, really. I just told him not to wait for see you or see you afterwards." She said. Clara saw relief in her eyes as she breathed out, a tense smile on her face. She was so happy that Clara made him leave, she wouldn't know what to do if she met him at her doorstep. This week has been very rough on her and she was still so angry at him. You also miss him, a voice whispered to her and she flinched, startled. Miss him? What's wrong with her? Turning to Clara, she managed a small smile. " Thank you so much, Clara. Thank you for telling me to go, I really wouldn't know what to do if I met him there." She said, sincerity dripping into her voice
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Chapter 71
Moments after Gerald left Serena's house, the rain began. He breathed out, welcoming the noise as people scampered around to find shelter. His carriage was specifically built for this purpose so he wasn't that worried. Staring at the rain as it fell, he thought about the things he said. Although he feels a bit better letting it all out, his heart was still heavy. He'll finally come to terms with it, he told himself. The rain became heavier, slowing down the carriage. He watched as rain drops trickled down the window, the temperature dropping in the carriage. He clenched his teeth, a bit peeved. If this goes on for much longer, he might have to stop his travel. All of a sudden, the carriage rode to a stop. Gerald glanced forward, confused. He was about to ask why the rider stopped when he spoke up. " Your Grace, there's someone chasing after us." He announced. Gerald stopped, confused. Someone's chasing after this carriage? He stepped into the rain to see
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Chapter 72
She faintly heard his grunt of approval as he let him take over. His lips met hers and a sigh escaped her lips. As they ravished each other, Serena distinctly felt his hand settle on her breasts, her breathing hitched. " Relax. Trust me. " he groaned hoarsely, pulling away to kiss her neck. Serena gasped, her eyes squeezed shut. She clung tighter to him, her body on fire. As he nibbled and sucked, his fingers teased and stroked her aroused nipples. She cried out in pleasure, panting softly. Even as her body was reacting to everything Gerald was doing to it, her mind was fighting against her. It kept reminding of all the horrible things she had endured, causing her to flinch and stiffen occasionally. Gerald noticed it and make her forget by peppering kisses all over body. Desire was beating Gerald hard but he did his best to shove it down, making sure this moment last. Raising himself to look at her, panting like an lion that ran miles. " You're so beautiful..
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Chapter 73
Serena stirred awake, her body feeling light and her mind lighter. Although it looked so bright, Serena still felt so sleepy. So she closed her eyes and tried to settle back to sleep, a soft sigh escaping her lips. Then, her eyes snapped open, the dizzy fog clearing instantly. She felt the arms around her waist and stiffened, her heart pounding in her chest. Someone is in the bed with her! She'd slept in someone arms! She tried to move away but all her muscles protested against such action, making her wince. A blush grew on her face as memories of the day before began flooding her brain. Gerald coming to tell her he would be leaving and apologising... Her feeling so devastated and running after him... The kiss they shared, what happened after....!? What happened after!? No, way.. they did not?! But the aches in her body and the soreness around in thighs confirmed it more than anything. They really went all the way! Serena laid there in his arms, her eyes wide as saucers, her hear
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Chapter 74
The following days were the best days of Serena's life. There was a glow in her eyes and a smile seemed to have been permanently plastered to her face. She went about her business like that, riding in euphoria. Clara noticed it and decided to ask her about it. " Did something good happen?" She asked her finally, calling her close one day. Serena tried to play it down but at Clara's raised brows, she realised she couldn't hide it from the older woman. So she decided to tell her everything. The surprise on her face was evident when Clara listened and told her she was happy for her. She snapped her head up to look at the older, her eyes slowly widening. " Yo-you are?" She couldn't help but ask. Clara raised her shoulders and let it fall. She gestured to the younger woman. " You look so different now." She told her. " Why wouldn't I be? Besides, I already had a talk with your husband and it was obvious you guys still bad feelings for each other." She said. " O
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Chapter 75
" I'll do it." Gerald finally said with a note of finality. Serena turned to him, startled. " What?" She asked, confused. He looked at her, his face serious." Then, I'll do it. I'll give up my title and come stay here with you." He answered. Serena was about to burst out laughing until she heard the seriousness in his voice. Her smile dried up immediately. " You ARE serious." She muttered, staring at him. Slowly, she sat up on the bed. " This is not a joke, right? I would be really angry with you if this is a joke." She said, her voice also serious. " I've never been more serious with anything in my entire life." He replied. Serena's heart skipped a beat as she stared at him. Her brain was reeling and she found it hard to understand what he was saying. " But... How are you going to do that?" She asked, still trying to wrap her head around it. Gerald's lip twitched then. He leaned close, kissing her forehead. " That's for me to worry abou
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Chapter 76
( Six weeks later) Serena has been feeling tired a lot lately. When the symptoms showed up four weeks ago, she blamed it on lovesickness. Well now, she couldn't ignore it. Still, she tried to work like before, ignoring the way her body protests all the time. Part of what made her push through was the letters she receives from Gerald on a weekly basis. They never hesitated to put a smile on her face and she found herself anticipating his return. Today, she had visited Clara to spend some time with her. She found it hard to concentrate in their conversations as she kept stifling yawns and zoning out. Clara eventually noticed and decided to ask her about it. " Dear, are you okay? This is the third time you'll be yawning in the past minute." She called out gently, genuinely worried. Serena glanced at her, a small smile on her face. But her eyes look tired. " Yes, I'm fine Clara. Just a little tired." She sighed, looking away. Another yawn came and this time s
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Chapter 77
She's pregnant, the words were a little too hard to believe. The doctor already confirmed it. She could still remember the shock she felt when he told her how far long she had gone. She's six weeks pregnant. Sinking to the ground, Serena wrapped her hands around herself, feeling cold all of a sudden. It was still so hard to believe. She bit her lips, the fear and dread threatening to cosume her. It made her unable to feel the happiness that came with such news. " There's nothing wrong with being pregnant. You're going to be fine." Serena whispered to herself, trying to sound positive. Instead, her throat closed up and she began crying instead. Any elation she has in her heart had died with this information. Now, she was just scared. Scared out of her mind. She didn't know if this was good news or not. She didn't know if she should tell Gerald or keep it to herself. She knew she couldn't, they were all going to find out sooner or later. The unknown was threatening to drive her crazy.
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Chapter 78
(Four months later) Months went by and Serena never told Gerald about her pregnancy. Though she receives his letters and occasionally writes back to him, she hasn't found the courage to write that she's with a child. That, more than anything made her worried. The questions wouldn't stop running around her head. What if he stops caring? Or he hates her for it? She couldn't bear the thought. On the flip side, as the baby grew inside her, she found herself loving it. Her worry and initial fear for being pregnant had dissolved to reveal the joy that was contact on her face. Occasionally she got stares and murmurs from people around her for being pregnant and not having a husband nearby. She didn't let those words get to her as she focused on herself and the baby. She couldn't wait to have the baby in her arms and hoped to God that gerald would e happy about it. One day, Clara asked if she had already told Gerald about the pregnancy. Serena faltered, hesitating a bit. She glanced at Clar
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Chapter 79
Gerald received the letter Serena sent him. A smile was on his face as he read through it, though he was partly confused on what surprise she had back home. He tried guessing but since his guesses would be wrong, he gave up on it. Of all the guesses he made, not once did he have the thought that she could be pregnant. While he worked that day, he had a smile on his face. He decided later on, he'll be sending her a letter.... Serena decided to tell Clara the good news. And just like she expected, the older woman was happy for her. They screamed and hugged feeling so happy for Serena. Eventually they settled down to talk more about it. " He really did it?! Oh my, i still can't believe it!" Clara said, still smiling. " Well, he did. He wrote that he'll be coming soon. Though, it might be in a few months." Serena replied, her eyes smiling. " I'm sure you can't wait to see him." Clara teased and watched as Serena blushed. " He's not coming immediatel
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