All Chapters of Alpha Victor and His Omega: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
140 Chapters
Chapter 101
It's a quiet drive back to the hotel, just Nathan and Ariadne. The Omega takes the exit, wondering if she should turn on the radio to cut the silence."Did you find out anything?" Ariadne asks."Nothing," Nathan sighs. "And if they know anything about him, they're not talking. F*ck, I felt like a cop in that room with the way everyone was looking at me. I'm out one year, and I'm a stranger.""I want to be a stranger," Ariadne says, "I don't want to be here in this fucking city. We get this done as fast as possible, and then we go home."Nathan nods in agreement. "Amias and Anna hate it here. We go big, then we go home."Ariadne turns into the Hotel parking lot, scanning for a spot. "Hey, do you know a Tracey Erickson?""The Doctor," Nathan replies without skipping a beat. "Yeah, kinda. I saw her when I got shot in the leg. She's unaffiliated, treats everyone as long as you got the cash.""She's an Erickson, though," Ariadne asks. "Is she—"Ariadne spots a vehicle in the lot, an ice wh
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Chapter 102
"We have two things to do," Waylon says, taking a seat. "We take out Gordon, and we bring Victor home, preferably by his own free will, but I'm not above hog-tying him.""Vivid," Calvin manages, staring at the other Beta as though he'd betrayed him. "I-I need some air too. Ed, come on."This leaves Ariadne alone with Waylon."What do you propose?" Ariadne asks.Waylon bites his lip for a moment. "Whiskey, neat."Ariadne nods, rummaging through the service bar until she finds a swill that is barely passable. She pours two generous helpings and hands one to Waylon."Thank you for siding with me," Ariadne says.Waylon shakes his head. "I'm on Victor's side. What he did that night, bringing back your boy. The Victor from five years ago, he would've never. That's something only a father would do. He's in there somewhere, Ariadne. And you're the one who's going to find him."Harry's words echo in Ariadne's mind. 'There's nothing that changes a man like love. Have faith.'"Thank you," Ariadn
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Chapter 103
Ariadne doesn't know where she's going, finding a service exit, and running up three flights of mottled gray steps. She needs a smoke badly, but her pockets are empty, having quit a long time ago when she first found out she was pregnant.The Omega doesn't know what to expect when she reaches the roof, certainly not a rose garden with gorgeous blooms of white, pink, and dark red.Ariadne feels as though she's stepped through time. And she wonders if this is Dustin's or Miner's hobby, keeping this place.It's starkly beautiful against the dark night sky.Ariadne wipes her face, drying tears that haven't even been born yet, then she walks over to the ledge, leaning against the railing as the wind blows up at her.It's drizzling ever so slightly, and Ariadne knows she needs to go inside and face Victor again before her bones are stripped of heat.Only the door creeks open, and the Alpha appears, halting for a moment to take in the scenery. "This isn't what I expected. This Dustin guy has
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Chapter 104
Victor studies Ariadne suspiciously before he takes the seat opposite the woman, leaving just one slot left on the right. Dustin approaches, ready to play for his honor, a silly card game in a stupid little building in the middle of nowhere.But then, in the silence, someone starts clapping, steady and loud as a fucking explosion in contrast.Slowly, Ariadne lifts up his gaze to the source. It’s Alpha Harry, the Cold Wolf, another disgraced Alpha according to Gordon, though he looks anything but.Harry is dressed in his Sunday best, a white suit, cream-colored shoes, and a gold chain draped around his neck.Something about the way he moves is unsettling. His scars have healed, two small lines where his glands used to be as if cosmetically fixed.“What sewer did you crawl out of, Harry?” Gordon chirps playfully.The Cold Wolf doesn’t answer, inky eyes connecting with Ariadne’s for half a second. He’s trying to communicate something, but it’s not registering with the Omega.Harry takes
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Chapter 105
"How could you let her play?" a voice hisses in the darkness. "You should've stopped her."Ariadne squints into the darkness, pulling herself up. The world's still spinning, two sets of eyes watching her in the night. She's back at the hotel, recognizing the smell of the sheets."I had to," Ariadne says, voice raw."Don't." The acidic voice belongs to Anna, whose eyes are a furious red. "Don't say another word, or I'm gonna come over there and punch you right in the nose.""Anna, come on." It's Dustin, arms folded, green orbs glowing in the night. "She's been through enough."Anna slams a glass on the table, pointing the finger at the Alpha. "God, I will shoot you myself if you don't shut up.""I thought I could win," Ariadne grumbles, heat burning through her body, an utter and complete shame. "I didn't think—""You didn't think," Anna spits. "It was a trap, and you—"Ariadne's tears spill out of her face as she looks at her hands. "Anna- we-we didn't really have a choice. We never d
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Chapter 106
Ariadne’s ears are ringing, and she can’t hear what Anna’s screaming at her, but she can tell that it’s vile and furious.Anna’s face is red, and her movements are dynamic as they desperately hold her back from slugging Ariadne in the eye.It takes Waylon, Calvin, and Nathan to keep Anna at bay as she swipes at the air in front of Ariadne.“Hit me,” Ariadne whispers, legs wobbling. “I deserve it.”Anna’s stronger than Ariadne’d expected, jumping the barricade with a red-eyed growl. The older Omega charges her, fist raised. But at the last moment, she pauses, face screwed up in pain.“My son,” Anna says; her expression speaks volumes. It says, ‘you betrayed me.’And Ariadne doesn’t disagree.Anna punches hard, fist going into the wall, blasting a hole before the Omega pulls it out, a gash on her knuckles.“I’m leaving, and whoever wants to leave can follow me. I’ll find my son, and then I want nothing to do with you anymore. From now on, I’ll live my life as if you died.”“Anna,” Ariad
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Chapter 107
Ashley has acquired money, transportation, and information within two hours of his escape. The boy can probably find Gordon now and challenge him to the f*cking card game.What do they do now?“Omega,” Victor calls. “If this were you, what would you do?”Ariadne folds her arms. “What are you talking about?”“If you were Ashley,” Victor clarifies. “What would you do next?”Ariadne laughs. “I’d turn myself in, accept my grounded for life status, and be a good kid.”Victor scoffs. “Yea... no. That’s not even close to what he’d do. Can you put away your pride for a second and give an honest answer?”Ariadne sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose and putting herself in her son’s shoes. “I supposed I’d go to the Auction House tonight after the sales and try to catch Gordon there.”Victor snaps his fingers, pointing at nothing in particular. “That’s what I’d do too. I just needed confirmation. So, given that, we should stake out the place and catch the kids before they get in.”That’s actual
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Chapter 108
Ariadne wakes up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. It's dark, moonlight streaming in through the tall, streaky windows.For a moment, she forgets. But then she remembers all that she's lost.The Omega hasn't seen her children for three months. That night Ashley had sent the adults packing, that was the last time she'd seen her son's face, and when he'd decided to keep Kelly and Amias, that's when Anna became her enemy, for whatever misfortune that may come.A figure appears at the door, bright red eyes scanning her over in the dark. "I heard screaming? Are you alright?"For everyone who's left, there's one person that's stayed, not at all who Ariadne expected. Victor watches her for a moment longer, arm braced on the door frame. "Omega?""I'm fine," Ariadne spits. "Just get out."Victor hovers, silvery strands catching errant moonbeams, skin aglow with a mysterious and secret beauty. "And what if I don't want to?"It's been like this for the last week, ever since Victor invited her
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Chapter 109
The Omega pushes the cell back into her pocket. When she looks up, Victor's watching her intently. "What? You look like you want to say something."Victor sighs, finishing his drinking at setting it down. "I'll have someone bring my car home. Let's just go, yeah? The sooner we find your kids, the better. Then you can finally be rid of me."Ariadne wants to shout, though she doesn't know what her point of argument is. "Alright, I'll drive."The two pay their tab and head out together. The drive to the mountains is quiet, and Victor listens to the soft jazz playing on the stereo without complaint."This is really good," Victor sighs, pushing his seat all the way back. "You got good taste, Omega."Ariadne smiles dryly. "It's a mixtape. You made it for me.""Oh," Victor hums, eyes sliding shut. "Damn, I have good taste then.""Occasionally," Ariadne notes, enjoying the soft blue scenery, pine trees, and the mountains in the distance.They drive peacefully for the next hour until the signs
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Chapter 110
Ariadne's heart feels like it's about to quit, beating rapidly in her chest. She crawls forward, pressing her face into Victor's stomach. "Oh god, no, please no, baby."The Omega cries over his body, hugging him, feeling the burn of losing a mate. She now understands what that is, how a wolf could stop eating and living.Ariadne knows she can't move from this body; she'll die on this mountain beside Victor—"Are they gone?" the barest of whispers.Ariadne holds back her sobs, pressing a hand to her mouth, thinking that she's going insane. Did Victor just speak?"A-Are they gone, Omega?" Victor whispers again."Yes," Ariadne manages unsteadily.Victor groans, pulling himself up. "Ah f*ck, that hurt.""W-Why aren't you dead?" Ariadne whispers, wiping her eyes. The sun's going down below the horizon. All becomes dark.Victor smiles, "Look at you. I knew you were pretending. I told you that you wanted me. Now you're crying so hard over me."Ariadne's so confused. "But he shot you."Victor
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