All Chapters of THE ALPHA'S VIRGIN SLAVE : SUBMIT ALPHA IAN'S CURSE : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
340 Chapters
Chapter 131
Lexi's p.o.vI was woken up by loud laughter in my room.I quickly sat upright with a rapid beating heart and rubbed my blurry eyes.Whitney stood close to my bed with her hand linked to Leomord's while the twins were sitting on each side of the bed next to me."What's going on?" I asked huskily."Happy birthday." The twins said together.I tensed for a second then smiled happily."Is it today?" I asked loudly."Of course dear." Whitney answered.I kept quiet then laughed softly.It felt different having people wake me up than those days I stayed alone. The twins leaned in at the same time and kissed my cheek gently."Happy birthday again." Ryan whispered.I moved my hands to his cheeks and kissed his forehead happily."Thank you." I said while I pulled back.Evan cleared his throat loudly, getting my attention."Here too." He said as he tapped his lips with his fingers.I smiled widely then leaned in and kissed his lips."You guys cut it out and tell her already." Whitney said serio
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Chapter 132
Whitney's p.o.v"It's done." I said happily.She opened her eyes then smiled at me."Can I see myself in the mirror?" She asked."Of course dear." I answered then took a step back for her to stand up.She stood up from the bed and looked at her clothes for a second then frowned."What?" I asked quickly."Nothing." She answered, then walked to the dressing table and looked at herself in the mirror.Her expression was serious and pale."What?" I asked in concern then walked to her and looked at the mirror too."I think I'm overdressed or something." She answered in a low voice."What nonsense are you talking about? You look perfect." I said with a wide smile.She turned and looked at me sadly."Are you sure?" She asked."Of course." I answered then cursed when a loud knock came through."Obviously it's them." I said then walked to the door and opened it.A she-wolf stood there with her gaze lowered to the ground. She was putting on a short shirt and braless blouse. Her shirt was tied in
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Chapter 133
Evan's p.o.v"You look grumpy." I said honestly."That's because I am, also who's fault do you think that is?" Uncle asked in a sarcastic tone. Very early in the morning when most pack members were still asleep, Whitney drove out giving us the perfect chance to talk to Uncle. We had no idea where to take our mate. This territory was new and we didn't know which area was safe or not yet. His reply was simple and cold. "Do you think I fucking grew up here?" We had to think fast, that's why we went to August. The dude hated us a lot but he liked our mate, that was our advantage. When we asked him where we could take our mate for her eighteenth birthday, he immediately suggested a place and offered to help us set it up. We didn't like his words and we didn't trust him at all!. The only way to accept his help was if uncle would go with him and monitor his every step.At first uncle refused but later on gave in after our persuasion. While they went out, I and Ryan drove out to get our m
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Chapter 134
Ryan's p.o.v"You are lame." I mind linked Evan while I was driving."Why are you saying that?" He asked through our mind link."You have not spoken a word to our mate for almost half an hour. You are just looking at her like a weirdo." I answered."That's because I'm mesmerized by her beauty." He said shamelessly."Good way to make her uncomfortable." I mocked and then parked the car at the side of the road when I saw a huge tree with yellowish leaves ahead of us. It looked exactly as they had described."We are here." I said softly then glanced at the rearview mirror.Lexi looked at me with a smile then she lowered her gaze to her purse which was set on her lap. She was usually talkative around us but this time it was different, while I was driving she was quietly looking at the window every few minutes and that bothered me."Was she unhappy over something?" I wondered.I got out of the car and quickly went to her door, opening it for her."Here my lady." I said softly while extend
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Chapter 135
Ian's p.o.v"Mother, what exactly are we doing here?" I asked seriously."We are going to do yoga for pregnant women." She answered then folded her arms. "Okay, but I still don't understand why I am here." I answered then carefully wrapped my arms around Amelia's waist, rubbing my hands on her belly gently.I was sitting on a mat, in comfortable clothes with my crossed legs. Amelia sat on my lap with her back towards me in a similar outfit as mine with her hair tied into a ponytail."You are the father of her unborn pup aren't you?" She asked as I sighed in defeat. There was no winning against her."Yes mother, you already know that. I also see no reason in you asking." I answered lazily."That's why you are here." She pointed out."Um... Sorry to interrupt your conversation, but why the hell am I here with Toni?" Neo asked on top of his voice."Ask her, brother because I still don't get it. Toni isn't pregnant yet she made you join." I said calmly."Hey, aren't you here to watch me
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Chapter 136
Ian's p.o.v"Babe!" I called as she ignored me and kept on walking towards the pack's border."Sweetheart." I called trying to calm her down and stop her from moving.When she continued, I stood in my tracks."Amelia!" I shouted.She instantly stopped."Finally." I whispered to myself then went to her."Amelia." I called softly behind her.She quickly turned and looked at me angrily.Her face was completely wet with tears."Now I'm Amelia?. Do you hate me that much?" She asked in a low tone.I stood there looking at her silently. I was thinking on how to respond to her, without making her break down badly.She was definitely in a bad mood because I had been calling her by her name whenever I wanted to get her full attention. Even in the yoga room I did, but she was now making an issue out of it."I'm sorry." I answered softly.An alpha had pride but when it came to the one he or she loved, there was no such thing.I slowly went down to my knees and held her hands in mine."Babe, I wan
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Chapter 137
Evan's p.o.vWe sat on the couch comfortably drinking our beer in silence. Everything felt perfect and I couldn't help but think back to how our day went by.After eating and chatting for hours we were surprised to learn that our mate did not know how to drive or ride a bicycle. We weren't dressed for any activities or sports but we couldn't overlook her words so we decided to teach her how to ride a bicycle after all they were right under the tree.The first step we took was to make sure she was comfortable while riding. Ryan excused himself before ripping the side of her dress into a slit. Then he went on to help her sit on the seat while I held on to it."Are you ready?" I asked while slowly pushing it without letting go."Yes." She answered with laughter while she paddled.Once I was sure she had gotten the hang of it, I let go and watched as she went on alone.Sadly she had no idea how to stop so I had to stand in front of her to stop the bicycle.I ended up with a bruised hand
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Chapter 138
Lexi's p.o.vI was woken up with loud yelling coming from outside my room. I quickly sat upright and groaned low. I had a very bad headache and the noise I was hearing was making it worse."You did well to take her out, that I acknowledge, but did you have to let her drink all that alcohol to the point of passing out!" Whitney exclaimed on top of her voice.I quickly stood up then paused for a second when I felt nauseous."I think I'm sick." I muttered to myself and slowly went to the bathroom dragging my feet.Immediately I reached the tap, I turned it on and washed my face.When I looked in the mirror I frowned at how I was looking. My makeup was smeared and my hair was a mess. I was about to move from there when something caught my eyes.A silver necklace with two rings around my necklace.I slowly lifted my hand and touched it as a memory flash invaded my mind...."We both got you rings for your eighteenth birthday because we want to marry you." Evan said then chuckled softly
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Chapter 139
Evan's p.o.vI stood looking at Whitney who was still talking nonsense non-stop. It was slowly getting to me because I had not slept a wink and I was very exhausted. I was sure Ryan felt the same way."Do you boys have something to say to us?" She asked."Besides you being a pain in our neck almost everyday, we are sorry." I answered as the room went quiet.They all were looking at me with shocked expressions on their faces."Ryan, you weren't the one who responded right?" She asked."No." Ryan answered then chuckled softly.He really was enjoying this I could tell."Evan, were you the one who answered me or have you guys swapped characters for fun?" She asked, annoying me.I hated it when they acted like this. What did they expect?. Me being reasonable and a gentleman forever?. Fuck no, there were at times when I was fed up and angry to shut up or keep my temper in check."Uncle, you know that I respect the both of you so much. But when it comes to our mate this woman acts crazy." I
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Chapter 140
Neo's p.o.v "Does it make sense to you?" I asked Toni while I applied shaving cream on my face, shirtless in the bathroom. I was looking in the mirror to make sure I wasn't missing any spots. "What?" She asked back softly in the bedroom. "How Ian decided to go to that territory with Amelia from nowhere." I answered. "Well maybe the twins called him and reported something serious." She said "No that's not it. If they did, he would have told me." I answered, then turned on the tap and washed my hands. She walked into the bathroom and stood leaning against the door frame. "He definitely has his own reasons." She whispered softly. I looked at her through the mirror and winked at her, making her blush. "So Mr Beta, what will you do for the day since you are now the acting alpha?" She asked in a soft seductive tone. "Finish shaving my beard." I answered seriously, making her laugh. "It's not a bad idea isn't it?" I asked softly. She moved towards me and stood behind. "Your b
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