All Chapters of THE ALPHA'S VIRGIN SLAVE : SUBMIT ALPHA IAN'S CURSE : Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
343 Chapters
Chapter 19
Logan's POV: I wasn't going to risk it. Fuck no, and I'm glad that I didn't. When I saw everything play out in front of me, I was furious with the beta for touching my mate, yet on the other hand, I was willing to overlook everything because I was scared of being rejected by her. First of all, I was in bed with another woman before her arrival. Although it wasn't intercourse, it was still oral sex. Me rushing to her side after picking up her amazing scent was a mistake that I couldn't help. Secondly, I acted so possessive over her that it almost made her uncomfortable. When she slapped me hard across my cheek, my wolf and I kept our cool because we truly felt attracted to her and needed her. I saw how the twins, Alpha Ian, as well as Neo, almost messed up their chance of being happy. They acted all high and mighty when, in truth, they were sad and so alone. I wasn't going to go down that road no matter what. That's why I was going to win my mate over and convince her in just a fe
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Chapter 20
Sherry's POV : True happiness was what I was experiencing for the first time. It didn't matter if I couldn't see my mate or Maggie, to me as long as they were on my side. The past weeks that went by I got to meet a few people who where working under my mate and that included his Beta. The day we first spoke I came to learn a few things and among those things was his undying love for Damon. He was like his biological brother and he reminded me so much of how Ian and Neo were. "What's wrong?" Damon asked besides me as we slowly walked. "It's nothing, I'm just happy that we are taking a walk together." I answered with a smile then inhaled deeply taking in the scent of flowers. "Of course, to begin with I was against the idea of you staying couped up in the room for days. You need to take a walk around everyday with either me or maggie." He answered then gave my hand a light squeeze. "Are there flowers around us?" I asked softly. "No, we are just surrounded by trees, the flowers ar
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Chapter 21
Damon's POV: I looked seriously at the two men who were surrounded by my warriors. I could tell that one of them was a warlock, while the other was a fairy. They had no weapons on them, yet that didn't mean they weren't dangerous; they were still capable of using magic. "Turn back now, or else things will get ugly," I commanded coldly. They both looked at each other, then looked at me. "Alpha Damon, we apologize for crossing your border. It's just that we are in need of your help," the warlock said as I raised a brow, studying his every movement. It was obvious that the bastard took me for a fool. How could I help them when I knew nothing about them? Yet still, they could be working for my first mate. "I'll say this for the last time, so listen carefully. Go back now and never, ever cross my pack's border again," I said, then turned to walk away. "Please, we beg you," the fairy said loudly. When I turned back to glance at him, I was taken aback. The warlock was kneeling with
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Chapter 22
Sherry's POV: Felix, the purebred vampire, was a name well-known in Ian's pack because of how close she was to him. Back in the pack, I had met her a few times, but that didn't mean we talked. From what I could gather from Ian, she was a very powerful and capable ally one could ever have. If these men were truly her friends, then it was good to have them on our side. Who knew what the future held? They could one day be needed for assistance. Damon was definitely against it, but I wanted him to be in their favor. "So tell me, what help do you need from me?" Damon spoke seriously. "I come from a long line of warlocks and charm casters," Lee answered. "You mean witches," Damon asked in a correcting tone. "Yes, I do. Not so long ago, I received a letter from my parents who requested my presence immediately. When I went to that side, I discovered that our family crest was stolen by someone. No one had an idea who it could be because it was kept as a secret and only a few people kne
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Chapter 23
Sherry's POV: "I swear to the moon goddess, if she doesn't wake up soon, I'm going to fucking kill the both of you, do you hear me? I'll rip you into pieces!" I heard Damon's loud, furious growl, which was followed by a very pleasant scent that made my heart flutter and my mouth water. I groaned in pain and moved my hand to my forehead, gently rubbing it. I had a terrible headache. "Oh, Sherry. Thank goodness you're awake," he whispered in relief, then gently grabbed my hand as I frowned. The tingles I felt were unlike anything I had ever felt in my life. The pain I was experiencing instantly subsided, and my body relaxed. "Damon, water," I forced out the words. "Right away," Maggie's voice came through. As Damon helped me sit upright, I could hear movements and loud heartbeats coming from my left side. "Where are Lee and Chase?" I asked in a husky voice. "We're here," Lee answered in a sad tone. "Oh," I whispered, then took a deep breath. The scent was alluring and filled t
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Chapter 24
Ian's POV: What sort of nonsense was I witnessing? It was absurd to think that the simple private wedding had already taken place, yet we were still being asked to stay back! My mind was back with my pack; it had been a long time since I left Neo in charge. "You know it's a happy day, you don't have to look like you're attending a freaking funeral," Felix whispered softly. She was sitting comfortably next to me, with a glass of tequila shot in one hand. "Remind me again why you're here?" I asked sarcastically. "Well, for once, Uncle is like a father to me, but besides that, I wanted to be a part of this," she answered, then chuckled nervously. "Did Chase go somewhere?" I asked seriously. "Yes, he went out with Lee to find out about a stolen family crest," she answered and took a shot. "That answers it all. It was shocking enough that you would come here looking all lonely and shit. Like, who could have guessed you really were?" I mocked. "Ian," Amelia called in a cold tone.
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Chapter 25
Chase's POV: "So we only have to find a way, that's all, right?" I asked Lee seriously. "Yes, because the auction starts in thirty minutes," he answered while looking in the mirror. We made reservations in time and got a room right on top of the underground building where the auction was being held. The only problem was that we had no way to get in besides the main entrance. The whole place was heavily guarded and shielded with magic. "Hey, I know your family crest is very important, but is it worth your life?" I asked softly. He glanced at me, then frowned deeply. "It is worth more than my life. Look, a crest to my people is like one's identity. Just having the symbol of the crest on my clothes or car makes everyone know which family I belong to. Not only that, the crest is a generational item filled with unbelievable magical elements infused in it. Whoever has it gets to experience power beyond their imagination," he answered as I raised a brow. "So in short, whoever has it h
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Chapter 26
August's POV: HATE! That was what I felt with each and every loving interaction that happened between Sharon and Logan. I wasn't jealous that they were together, or at least that's what I thought. Instead, I was angry because I had no mate. "Focus!" Neo's loud voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "Can we rest for a bit? I'm very tired," I whispered, then brushed the sweat off my forehead with my hand. "You know in our pack, we don't get to rest until we are told to by a lead warrior or a Beta," Neo said, and I looked at him coldly. Was he forgetting that I was a Beta, or was he just being sarcastic? "First of all, I am a Beta, and secondly, this is not my pack. Now, excuse me, I'll be retiring to my room," I answered, then walked to the pack house. I couldn't understand why Whitney and Leo had not called me yet. I knew it was their wedding, but they were supposed to come back home as soon as the wedding was done! Were they planning on making me stay here for a few weeks? If tha
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Chapter 27
August's POV: "Are you saying you want to go back without Whitney's approval?" Neo asked seriously. "What is hard to understand? I want nothing to do with this pack, so yes, I want to go back," I replied calmly. "Something came up, so I have to go back," I answered calmly. "What? Is there something important that you can't share even with me?" he asked seriously. "Yes, it's personal. Look, Neo, I'm not encouraging you to send me off right now. I'm just telling you so you could be aware," I answered, then stood up from my seat. "I'm leaving today, but Sharon will stay behind. Only when I talk to Whitney will she be a part of this pack," I said as he stood up and faced me. "Why do I feel like you are hiding something from me?" he asked seriously. "That's because I am," I answered calmly. "And what is that?" he asked. I didn't want to lie, but I had no choice but to tell him the truth. "I'm in love with Sharon. Seeing her with another guy hurts my heart," I answered. He frown
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Chapter 28
Damon's POV: "What?" Sherry asked with a smile on her face. "Nothing," I answered, then grabbed her hand, gently stroking it. A few days had gone by since the guys came to ask for help, and since then, she had been so happy. She was joyous and did things cheerfully. Whenever we talked, she could sense her wolf within her, but her wolf had no strength to communicate with her. She pointed out that it was just a matter of time until she got her wolf back. That was supposed to make me feel happy, but it didn't. It actually scared me a lot because I had no idea how she would react to my scar. Would it disturb her or scare her? "She loves us, and she isn't like other she-wolves," my wolf growled. He was displeased by my thoughts. "You know, loving someone has nothing to do with fearing them or finding them disturbing. She loves us for what is inside us and not what is outside. That I know, but seeing a scarred man as your lover is something else," I answered silently, then tensed wh
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