All Chapters of Trinity of Power: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
223 Chapters
Chapter 120 - Bhakti
I’m always the first one awake in our house. I think it comes from doing my residency when I mostly worked overnights or early mornings. It’s really hard for me to actually sleep at night. I tend to wake up a bunch of times, so I go to bed early and wake up early. Liam typically gets up not long after me, Sandra being the night owl in our trio. At least I know that we’ll naturally have someone up at all times with the pups. It’s nice, too, because we each get alone time with each other. Liam and I usually make breakfast together in the mornings, sitting and catching up on pack business, looking over the news, or just talking. Sandra and Liam have regular shows that they watch after I go to bed, like Late Night with Seth Meyers, Last Week Tonight, or SNL. And by the time that Liam goes to bed, I’m usually waking up and making my first lap around the house, so Sandra and I have a nightly tea ritual, just talking and spending time together. We’ve settled into a cozy routine tha
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Chapter 121 - Sandra
When we finally get out of bed, are showered, and have gotten dressed, it’s time for lunch. Instead of going to the dining hall, we decide to make food at the cabin. Liam chops stuff for salad. Bhakti uses the air fryer to make french fries and prepares veggies and condiments for burgers. And I actually grill the burgers on our back patio. I love grilling. I used to be in charge of the big barbecues that we used to have at our pack. I had this huge slow cooker that took up an obnoxious amount of space in the backyard of the packhouse, a smoker, and a portable deep fryer because…America. Land of fried food, right? I miss it. But it’s nice to be out here in the cool Texas breeze, the smell of the cooking burgers and the charcoal mingling in the air. When the food is ready, we sit at the dining room table, figuring out everything that needs to be done for the day. We needed to meet with our pack leadership to prepare everyone for the move. Our pack will be leaving within t
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Chapter 122 - Slade
I wake up to Naomi’s scent all around me. It makes sense when I open my eyes and see that her hair is all over my face. She’s nearly completely on top of me, her leg thrown over my entire lower body, her upper body pinning my arm to my chest, and her head directly under my chin, forcing my head at an odd angle. Not exactly the idyllic scene that I’d heard about when people talk about sleeping with their mate. But honestly, I wouldn’t change it at all. I love that she needs to touch me in her sleep. I love that I’m at the edge of the bed with barely any space to move because my mate needs to be near me in her sleep. I love everything about her. Pushing Naomi’s hair out of my face, I reach my hand out to grab my phone to check the time. 8:00. We have a meeting with Naomi’s pack leadership at 11:00. I look down at my mate who’s sleeping nearly on top of me, naked. Hmmmm. What should I do for the next couple of hours? My morning wood becomes even harder as I run my hand down
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Chapter 123 - Nathan
I’m mad at Mommy. She just got home AND had a new mate and she made me stay with Mariana and Carlos again last night. I like Mariana and Carlos, but I wanted to be with Mommy and Slade. He was nice and fun. He was pretty good at soccer, but I was better. I grab the red crayon and draw a big circle. Red is the color of mad. And I’m mad.. I don’t like red. I like blue. My room is blue and my blankets are white. It makes me feel like I’m sleeping on clouds in the sky. But right now, I feel like red. I miss Mommy. And I want to hang out with Slade. Mariana told me that mates need time to themselves for the first couple of weeks and that I would be staying with them for a while. She told me that I’d see Mommy every day, but I want to go back home. I miss my room. And my toys. I scribble all over the circle, pressing the red crayon into it hard. Then I get the black crayon when Joanie is done with it. I make two big circles for the eyes and a big frowny face. Ms. R
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Chapter 124 - Slade
My time with Nathan was…I can’t believe how empathetic and astute he was. And how at ease I felt with him. In just a few words, he managed to take our shared pain and pushed it aside, only leaving room for love and understanding. If it hadn’t been for us being in public, I would have broken down and cried. How this five year old, who has experienced just as much pain and suffering as I had in his short life, could bring me to tears in his understanding and grace, I don’t know. What I do know is that Nathan will make an amazing alpha one day. After we finished our ice cream, I took Nathan back to his school. Naomi was meeting with a few of the lunes and lunas to figure out how to get the packs to the Meteoric Rise pack territory. Naomi’s packlands. Where I’ll be the alpha. It’s hard to believe that I’ll be an alpha, not just in name, but in actuality. After we destroyed my pack and moved the orphans, I thought that I’d just be alpha in name only. Kesha and Chloe were tech
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Chapter 125 - Corinda
I wake to the feeling of sparks marching all over my skin. After spending the entire night being loved, caressed, restrained, spanked, and fucked by my new mates, they took careful care of me. Bathing me, caring for my bite marks and redness from the cuffs and spanks all over my body, checking in every step of the way to make sure that I was ok with everything that they did and had done. We fell asleep in a puppy pile in Seth’s huge bed after they had changed the sheets. Both of my males seemed like they couldn’t get enough of touching me and I fell asleep with Seth’s leg between mine and Mike’s across my hips, both of them caressing my skin. Waking up, there isn’t a part of my skin that isn’t touched by one of my mates. I’m still sandwiched between the two of them, Seth’s leg still between mine and Mike’s still across my hips. Only now, my back is pressed into Seth’s chest, his entire body curled around mine. He has one hand threaded into my hair and one cupping my mound in h
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Chapter 126 - Seth
Mike and I have shared a few women before, though it’s been mostly watching each other, not actually taking her at the same time. If anything, it was fingertrap style: one in her mouth and one in her pussy or ass. This is new for us. And it’s amazing. Nothing incestuous. We’re not wanting to be together. But the extra pressure that both of us being inside of Cory at the same time gives, the extra tightness that it creates, and the way that she responds to it. It’s mind-blowing. I can’t get enough of her and I know that Mike feels that same way. At first, we both move at our own rhythms. But we eventually find a rhythm that seems to drive our mate wild, him thrusting in while I withdrawal, me pushing in when he pulls back. She was a little seductress, sucking our cocks while we slept. That was probably one of the most intense orgasms that I’ve ever had and it’s all because of her. Now we have to pay her back. Cory pushes down on us, causing her to clench inside. “Goddess
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Chapter 127 - Devin
The mating period is a unique time in a werewolf’s life. We wolves are typically very social animals, but during the mating period, when our females go into heat during the night of the full moon, and at the time of our pups’ births we get very territorial. We don’t want anyone around our mates, especially those of the opposite sex. Males are the worst, but females can be pretty cutthroat. This can be overridden for our human sides at times of great need, say during a war, and it is easier for higher ranking wolves to push aside. But now, there is no impending attack. We’re relatively safe at the moment. And, though Coridna is of beta blood, none of these three are of high rank currently. So, when Mike mindlinked to ask Arya and I to come the house as soon as possible, we were afraid of what we were walking into. All three of these wolves have been through a lot of trains. Whatever was going on was bound to be really emotional. And in typical Mike fashion, he didn’t tell us
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Chapter 128 - Arya
We follow Mike, Seth, and Corinda into the house and to a chaise lounge that they weirdly have sitting in a corner. These guys, as much as I love them, are fucking weird. Who the fuck has a chaise lounge? It’s only after I see the attached cuffs on all four of the legs that I realize why it’s there. Oh. Dev is still putting out the calming vibes and I truly think that’s the only reason I haven’t had to use my luna tone on them. Though I won’t hesitate to order them to stay out of the house until we’re done. If they truly want this done, they can’t interfere. And Dev is going to have to use all of his powers for what we’ve got to do, since I have to use some of my powers to protect the pups inside of me from the strain of what this will do to my body. It’s great to have demi-god powers. They are really helpful in a lot of situations. Problem is that we don’t have demi-god bodies, so it takes a strain after a while. I won’t put my pups’ lives at risk to help Corinda, no matt
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Chapter 129 - Arthur
It’s just after noon and I had gotten a text from Liv that said that she and her council were about five minutes outside of our covendom. The rest of her coven will be heading directly to the Meteoric Rise territory and meet us there tomorrow. I have never been so nervous in my entire life. It’s been almost 20 years since I saw Liv. Twenty years brings a lot of changes, some good, some bad. Other than Vesta, Liv is the only woman that I’ve ever loved. Will that spark still be there? Will everything have changed? Will she feel the same? I’ve got about three minutes until I’ll find out. “Are you ok, High Priest?” Elvin asks me. He’s caught me straightening my shirt for what must be the fifteenth time in less than 30 seconds. Irritated, I say, “I’m fine, Elvin. And why are you calling me High Priest? For Hecate’s sake, you’re my uncle. You never call me that.” Elvin smirks at me. “Just trying to get you out of your own head, my boy. I know that there is a lot riding on
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