All Chapters of Trinity of Power: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
221 Chapters
Chapter 70 - Bella
The ceremony was gorgeous.  The look of absolute joy on Citra’s face and complete adoration and devotion on Michael’s is why officiating handfastings is one of my favorite things about being a High Priestess. But now, it’s time for the feast.  Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day.  Add mimosa’s, Bloody Mary’s and cake?  Shit, I’ll officiate a handfasting every day of the week.  And then have to upgrade my gym membership. The cooks ‘put their foot’ in the food as my granny would say.  The eggs are soft and pillowy.  The grits creamy and full of cheese.  The pancakes with the perfect amount of cinnamon.  And don’t even get me started on the steak.
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Chapter 71 - Zak
“Fucking hell!”  I give an exasperated sigh when Bella’s Thane tells us about the encampments.  “We’ve gotta get out of here.  We can’t be putting your people in danger.” Bella looks overwhelmed with gratitude that I’m thinking about her people above our own safety.  “I thank you for your concern, but don’t worry about my people.  We’ve got them covered.”  She goes on to explain the precautions that she’s already set into motion.  “I think that the biggest concern is getting you out of here tomorrow without the Riding Hoods following you and attacking.” “If I may, High Priestess, I think I have an idea,” one of the older male witches speaks up. “Please, Elvin.&
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Chapter 72 - Gael
We rush out of the house.  Liam has an arm around Bhakti’s waist and Diego is holding Lily close to him to help them run.  I have Karamea’s hand in mine and Hakeem is supporting Sandra.  We’ve got to make sure that the she-wolves can keep up with us and that they don’t trip, endangering their pups.   We’re nearing the mouth of the caves when we hear another explosion and screaming.  It looks like the Riding Hood’s are back and they’ve brought company.   Talon looks back and you can tell that he’s holding himself back from joining the other witches.  He’s a good protector for his coven.  He shakes himself and starts ushering us into the cave system.
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Chapter 73 - Brandon
“They’re in the air,” Meredith says, having just linked with Hakeem and Gael.  I had heard the same information from Charlie and Zak, but I’m a little more focused on attempting to get regular clothing on at the moment.  Slade has been kind enough to offer me some sweats and they’re working out ok.  My skin just feels tight.  Like cling-wrap pulled tight over my muscles.  It doesn’t hurt necessarily, but it makes movement slow and awkward. Kesha’s still got me on a high protein diet and frequent meals to give my body all the nutrients that it needs to heal.  I’m in the process of drinking another shake while getting dressed right now.  She went so far as to tell me that we aren’t leaving until I’ve drained the last drop.  Girl means business and is feisty as hell.  She’ll fit right in with the she-wolves in our circle.
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Chapter 74 - Bella
The second the exploding pumpkins go off near each of the encampments we found, all hell breaks loose.  Riding Hoods seem to pour out of the woods from all directions.  Some of them take up positions to protect their sisters, while some hurl magic at my protection shield or chant spells in attempts to bring it down. “Circle up, witches!  It’s time to protect our family and our home!” I cry to my people.  “Defenders, prepare to activate the sigils.  The barriers are still up now, but it won’t be long before they fall.  Get ready!  Protectorate, let your spells, chants, and incantations fly.  Group up and attack one witch together.  Fire at will.  We have to give the wolves enough time to get free and get them the fuck off our land.”
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Chapter 75 - Slade
The second the door to the plane opens a slight breeze picks up and I smell the most intoxicating mix of chocolate and mint.  It’s mouthwatering and somehow arousing.  It’s her.  It’s gotta be. I’ve been putting off thinking about her.  I didn’t want to think about what she might look like or act like.  I’ve been more concerned about how I’ll react when I see her.  How we’ll be a few months down the line.  A few years.  How I’ll hold back my demons. But the second I smell her provocative scent, all those thoughts are erased.  All I can think is getting to her.  Seeing her.  Touching her.  I need her.   I stumble out of the cab
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Chapter 76 - Naomi
Slade is everything that I’d wanted from Julian.  Every touch is reverent.  Every gaze full of awe and adoration.  Everything about Julian had been predatory and for his own pleasure or validation.  Slade is all about me. And the tattoos that cover every visible inch of skin from his neck down are fucking hot.  I want to lick every inked centimeter.  I want to see how far down his tattoos go and then keep licking. And then he tells me that he’s never been with anyone else.  He’s a virgin.  And I’ve never heard anything hotter.  I get to introduce him to everything that is sex.  Show him what I like.  Help him discover what he likes.  Holy fuck, I could cum right now.
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Chapter 77 - Slade
This is the farthest I’ve ever gone with a female. After everything that happened in my pack, I just couldn’t bring myself to have sex with anyone. I was afraid of getting that close to someone.              But Naomi is my mate.  She was made just for me and I’d do anything to protect her. That fear is gone. Though, that doesn’t stop me from being nervous. It’s my first time and I want to make sure that I can pleasure her. I want to see that look on her face again. That look of total ecstasy and know that I’m the one that put it there.            She must see the hesitancy on my face, because she pulls me into a bruising kiss. Her tongue explores my mouth and we wrestle each other for dominance. I pull her into my body, my hard cock pr
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Chapter 78 - Charlie
Slade and Naomi disappear into the back of the plane to snickers and cat calls from all of us, but they don’t seem to hear.  A newly mated pair is always something to celebrate.  But with Naomi in particular, we’re all super stoked that she found her second chance mate.   Based on everything that Meredith and Brandon have told us, Slade is a great guy.  He’s protected Chloe and Kesha for years, helped get Corinda, Severn, and Casen out of their nearly fatal situation, and got rid of a pack that was definitely a blight to our society.  He’s solid and just what Naomi and her son Nathan deserve. Meanwhile, we’ve got about two and a half hours on this plane. First things first, Dev finishes healing Brandon.  With the cauti
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Chapter 79 - Zak
Even with all the excitement that has gone over the past 24 hours, we’ve all been up for a REALLY long time at this point and it’s 2:30 in the morning.  So the plane quickly quiets down, the majority of us falling asleep.  Though, I did wake up once because of a scream from the bathroom.  Damn, those two are going at it!  Good for them. When we finally land, it’s around 4:30 in the morning and we all stumble out of the plane.  We had called ahead of time to have places set up for Rin, Kesha, and the new CCS trio.  Weird how the Mother kept their initials the same, huh?  Almost like she likes those initials or something. “Where are Christy and Jerry?” Brandon as
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