All Chapters of The Huntress' Revenge: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
124 Chapters
“Are you sure this is what you want son?” Landon eyed him seriously, he knew Will was a mature and intelligent young man who would someday make a fine Alpha, he only regretted that he would be thrown into the deep end by recent events. “I am sure, Uncle Landon, this is what I was born to do.” Without a hint of hesitation in his voice, WIll claimed his rightful position. “In that case, by the power vested in me by the Alpha Council and the Lockwood pack, I Beta Landon Pierce hereby declare you, William Lockwood as Alpha of the Lockwood pack.” Will nodded curtly and turned back to face Alpha Greene. “Has the Alpha Council been notified of the circumstances?” Alpha Greene’s lips pursed distastefully. “Yes, but unfortunately there is more bad news on that front. I received news early this morning that six other Alphas were attacked on their way to the Council chambers. Most got away with minimal injuries, but regretfully Alpha Augustus Sentinel and Alpha Clarence, as well as his so
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The full moon was high in the sky when Will’s head lifted from his father’s laptop to glare at the office phone blaring before him. “William Lockwood.” He answered, the number was unfamiliar and no doubt an emergency. “Like father, like son.” Star chuckled on the other end of the line. “Mom? What are you doing awake so late and why did you call instead of mind link, is everything okay?” Will sat forward in the chair, concern bubbling within him. “I didn’t mind link because there’s someone who wanted to talk to you.” He could hear the smile in her voice. “Hey, son.” Will’s eyes widened before he felt his shoulders sag. “Dad. It’s so good to hear your voice.” Max chuckled. “It’s good to be back. How are things at the pack, Will?” Will rolled his eyes but smiled at the question, his father was the type of Alpha every werewolf wished for. “The pack is good, I spent some of the day beefing up the security around the border. They send their love and are praying to the Goddess
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“Will this plan is ridiculous, what do you even plan to do once you’re there?” Max burst, standing from his chair to pace the office behind his desk.  “The other Alphas have already agreed to send ten of their best warriors each to form an army. I waited till you were better and able to care for the pack once again, but I won’t sit back and wait for them to bring us to extinction!” Will narrowed his eyes challengingly at his father.  “Will- I…” Max ran a hand through his hair and sighed aloud. “You didn’t deserve the predicament you were put in while I was out of commission, but have you forgotten that they're after you too?!” Max’s agitation was quickly turning to anger, both at Will’s insistence and at the impossible situation they were i
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Similar to nights prior, the castle remained moderately guarded by gunmen on rooftops and scattered camps in the forest surrounding the castle and Will smirked to himself.  “Phase one is a success, ready the troops, we attack simultaneously,” Will ordered Landon and Ethan who were tasked as leaders of the other two groups.  “Everyone is in position, Alpha,” Ethan answered after communicating with his team and Will nodded when Landon echoed the affirmative.  “Move in.” Glancing behind him, Will ensured Kiah was right by his side when they stormed the castle and let her lead the way through the maze of secret hallways and trap doors away from the clatter and chaos of
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For the first time in decades, the Royal Lycan Palace was alive with the laughter and chatter of its native kin. Alphas from around the world arrived clad in their finest attire to celebrate their victory over the hunters. “Ladies and gentlemen, may I please have your attention.” the spokesperson of the royal institution announced and all eyes focussed on him standing at the podium. “Today we celebrate not only the victory of the Lycan kind against one of its greatest enemies but also the return of the Royal family to the Palace.” He paused for dramatic effect, “For decades the identity of the Royal clan was kept a secret to protect them from the wrath of the hunters, as some may know, hunters, humans, and werewolves used to be one till the plague known as Sicarius caused many to lose their shifting abilities. Hunters, unlike humans, maintained the recessive shifter gene which made them stronger and set them apart from humans, thus creating three different races.” The speaker pause
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With five votes still left unread the chairman looked up at the council, “By a majority vote of confidence, the Alpha council resolves to assemble a united army under the leadership of William Lockwood as Commander-in-Chief.” he announced, sounding pleased with the outcome. Will paced by Kiah’s bedside recalling the events of earlier today with eyebrows furrowed, he thought about the decision taken by the Alphas to enlist volunteers before actioning the registry and how he would go about creating an army to fight such a widespread army, he worried their mobilization would cause hunters to go into hiding amongst human communities rendering it impossible to find them. “Will?” Kiah’s soft voice broke him from his reverie and his body stilled upon seeing her almost black irises. “Hey, you okay?” She blinked, looking around the lavish room with confusion. “I’m fine, how long was I out?” she appeared disorientated when she finally focussed back on him, a sight Will wasn’t used to see
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As the distance between Will and the Lockwood pack grew, so did Kiah’s anxiety. The Lockwood pack welcomed her openly and she easily felt like she belonged despite not being a shifter which came as a surprise to her, but still, she found herself missing something. “I love you and I’m tired of pretending I don’t, I’m tired of waiting on a promise spoken of by others.” Kiah halted in her step and her eyes widened, certain she was intruding on a private moment but found herself eager to hear the response to the man’s words. “Zai…” The girl sobbed, sounding happy, yet mournful at the same time, “We can’t do this-” Her words were cut off by a startled gasp and Kiah curiously peeked around the bushes only to see Azaiah and Serenity’s lips locked in a passionate kiss. The reminiscent smile that formed on her lips only increased the ache in her heart and Kiah turned away, deciding she would come back to the little sanctuary later. “You’d be proud, Will.” She whispered to herself, chuck
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Just as Will predicted, the second round of attacks came only five days after the first, but unlike the first time, he was ready. With troops stationed outside five different packs, he set the trap, waiting patiently for the attack, and at midnight when packs had settled for the night, the invasion began. Three packs, uncoincidentally all with Alphas who bashed Will’s suggestion in the meeting were targeted but this time Will’s orders were different. Troops were commanded to capture and not kill on site, unbeknownst to anyone other than himself and troop leaders and by the time the news of the failed attack reached the ears of the Alpha Council, Will’s prisoners were already in custody. “They’re ready for you commander.” Will nodded, shutting the file when the prison guard came in. “Thank you, Grant.” The interrogation room looked more like a dungeon out of a medieval movie than anything else, but it seemed to unnerve the woman sitting in the chair so Will counted it as a win.
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Will’s face had become a familiar one at Alpha council meetings, having gone from never even being a guest at them to attending them regularly was seemingly paradoxical, but none of the Alphas seemed to notice, or if they did, none had the guts to point it out- certainly not after the second round of attacks occurred based on Will’s prediction. “Commander Lockwood, is there a reason you have insisted on summoning us to the palace for this meeting, as you yourself are aware, the recent attacks on our packs have left them vulnerable, and having alphas away from their packs leaves them more vulnerable to attack.” The Chairman himself was displeased at Will’s actions and he smirked inwardly at how easy it was to upset these men despite only requesting the meeting be held at the palace and not insisting. “I have a few findings I thought it best you heard in person and a picture of what the future holds.” Will stood up and clicked the power button on the wall-to-wall screen in the boardro
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Elders from far and wide returned to the ancient Palace of the Lycan kind, summoned by the blood running in their veins loyalty of their forefathers to the crown. “The Institution is ready.” The throne room guard announced, opening the doors for Alphas to enter from the main hall. “Good evening honorable Alphas of the Council. Today, after centuries, the Royal Institution has reunited in the name of the Lycan Crown.” Elder Frederick, who was elected as Chairman announced. “We live in a future determined long ago, in a fated world where success is achieved only when the Royal rule prevails. As per the plan of succession left behind by the former King, the Alpha Council must perform a uniting ritual in which they each pledge their allegiance to the Crown and when all is said and done, a sacred scroll will be read aloud, it is only then that the holder of the crown will be revealed.” Max sucked in a deep breath, the course of action they chose was not one which may have traditiona
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