All Chapters of The Huntress' Revenge: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
124 Chapters
The unexplainable“Was that worth being mad at me for?” Star bit her lip to stop the smile that was tugging on her lips.  “You knew I was mad at you?” She turned her body to face his, feeling his bare skin on hers beneath the sheet.  Max chuckled, “You think I didn’t hear you cussing me out when I left your room?” He ran his index finger down her soft cheek, following the invisible path with fascination. Being so close to her gave him a chance to study her face in vivid detail and he found himself loving every little freckle.  “I was hoping you didn’t.” She chuckled breathlessly, his actions were driving her crazy.  
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Darkness is not the absence of light   Like the day is not complete without the night, a rollercoaster isn’t complete without the ups and downs, her happiness could not be without turmoil. Star looked around the dark room and felt herself shuddering, the room was both cold and eerie and smelled of death. How she knew that she had no idea.   She had no idea where she was or how she got there, but the room had not a single source of light and the last thing she remembered was stepping out of her apartment when a hard object hit her head from behind. The memory seemed to have awakened her pain receptors because she could suddenly feel the painful bump behind her head and as she reached to feel it, she felt the dry matted hair that surrounded the pain.    Blood. It stopped now, but kno
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The Dean of Hell Star’s body jerked upwards when a bucket of ice water was thrown on her, the already freezing room became even more unbearable.  “What-” The two men from the previous day latched onto her arms and dragged her out the room while she struggled to push up onto her feet, stumbling as she did.  Star was thrust onto the chair in the interrogation room roughly, this time the Dean wasn’t in the room, but when the guards exited, he entered, shutting the door after himself.  “Let’s try this again, shall we?” He dropped another file on the table and took his seat. Star was shivering in her seat, but he didn’t seem to care, his eyes were focused on hers steely.&
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Devastation FLASHBACK Star walked into Max’s office dressed in a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a black turtleneck sweater which she paired with leather, ankle boots. Her mid-length red hair was straightened to perfection and tied into a high pony from which a few stray wisps escaped.  “Hey, are you ready to go?” She smiled up at Max, but it dropped when she saw the distressed look on his face, “What’s wrong?” Star stepped up to him and placed her hand on his arm, feeling his worry seeping through the bond.  “A fire just broke out at the Diner, I’m sorry Star, I know this meeting is important to you, but I have to make sure that things are okay here.”
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Awakening the hellhound Re-entering his office, Max found everyone working as they were before as if he never left. He knew the power was rolling off him in waves and he didn’t care to mask it, even though he knew it was affecting his pack members.  “Landon, get Reece on the line.” His beta’s eyes widened but quickly followed through with the Alpha order.  “Reece Lockwood.” His cousin’s stern voice broke through the line after the third ring. Being so far away meant he had little connection with the pack and Max only kept in contact with him about business matters.  “Reece, it’s Max. I need your help.” There was a pregnant pause and some shuffling from th
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Beyond enemy lines “I know what Star suspects, but do you think they’re stupid enough to keep her held here?” Ray frowned, looking through his binoculars at the gate to The Academy in the distance.  “Maybe not, but I am damn sure they have a clue here as to where she is.” Mr. Pollock hummed along with Landon’s answer, they were told to hang back with the team scouted the area at closer range, their security was top notch and the last thing they needed was to set off a land mine before they even went in. “You think there’s really land mines?” Veronica whispered and Greg nodded.  “Dean Atterman is a bastard straight from Hitler’s era of thinking, he though
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The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies Landon’s heavy hand came down on Max’s shoulder, somehow stopping the rampage that was about to erupt from him.  “They couldn’t have gotten far, we will find them.” Landon asserted and Max sucked in three deep breaths, willing his wild thoughts to calm down.  “Let’s go.” He walked out the door and they found their way out of the building. When Max was satisfied that they were far away enough from the toxic air, he ripped the mask off and sniffed the air. He wanted nothing more than to get down on all fours and search for any trace of her scent, but he didn't have the luxury of that.   
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"It’s done" Max paced from end to end of the door to Star’s hospital cubicle, she was being treated for severe hypothermia and a host of other complications that came with being beaten half to death, an infection was setting in already and they had to pump her with fluids and antibiotics to stop the infection from spreading. Max didn’t know what many of the medical terms they used meant, but he kept his ears peeled for any sign of danger.  “Max, your pacing is making me dizzy.” Donna sighed and Max stopped for a second to glare at her. When she found out that Star was rescued, she forced one of the warriors to bring her to the hospital to be there for her best friend.  “Shouldn’t you be at home taking care of your baby?” Max snapp
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Like drowning in the open air Suffocated. That’s what Star felt when she first opened her eyes, there was a heavyweight holding her down and she could feel the uncomfortable pinch of needles under her skin.  Looking around, all she saw was darkness concealing the vague picture of a- hospital room? Star gasped, she refused to be another one of their test subjects. Thinking she was alone in the dark room, she struggled against the weight and felt relieved when she was able to move her arms and used her frail fingers to rip off the needles and wires attached to her, but before she could release herself from the weight holding her down, a pair of hands gripped hold of her.  She didn’t feel anything above the panic, her mind was screaming at her to get out of there, but
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Holding on No matter how hard they all tried, Star couldn’t muster the smile they tried to garner from her. Seated on her hospital bed, she watched- almost as a bystander as her mate and friends told stories even though they seemed to be doing for her benefit.  The psychologist that saw her earlier that morning easily pointed out that she was experiencing PTSD and that it would take a while and a lot of work to get over it and back to normal. As much as the woman persuaded her to not be harsh on herself for the way her mind reacted to her experience, Star couldn’t shake the feeling that she was wrong, the life she knew was a distant memory, nothing could or would be the same again.  “Are you tired, do you want us to leave so you can rest?” Ray offered, h
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