Lahat ng Kabanata ng M.I.N.E endless Love: Kabanata 51 - Kabanata 60
97 Kabanata
Is she dead or alive?
When Emma arrived home, she ran with her weighty wedding dress into her room. She wondered if the dress was so weighty when she wore it that morning. Her bouquet of flowers were gone, littering the floor and her well set hair was something else.   She dashed into her room and shut the door on herself. She started sobbing profusely and loudly. Ella ran after but it was too late for her to get in with her after Emma shut the door.   " Emma dear. It's enough. Don't worry, he will crawl back to you and apologise, begging you to be his wife,he will, don't you trust your mother again?   So please open the door, let mama come in okay? Emma baby, you are the most important thing in our lives, your dad and I love you a lot. &n
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I don't have a family
The next morning, the breaking news was the wedding ceremony where the groom didn't show up. The reason why he didn't show up for his wedding was because of the disappearance of Camilla Dickson.  The picture of Emma in a wedding dress and her Jared, dirty makeup was flying around on social media and television stations.   The news captioned it "The bride without a groom" some cationed it as "the waiting bride" all sorts of embarrassing comments were being made.   The groom was supposed to wait for his bride but in this case, the bride was the one who waited and waited in vain.   As if that was not enough, Rodrigo's whereabouts were dug out as he was seen at the prison and in the hospital because of his ex-girlfri
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We love you
    " Mum had sobbed all these years because of you. First she was told her baby died when she was born. She spent years, sobbing the death of a child who actually was still living.   Then we got to know that you didn't die. You were stolen away from her when you were born. And to cover up the fact that you went missing, they lied to her that you had died.   She sobbed and almost cried her eyes out that her baby was still living and yet separated from her. You have no idea how she had looked forward to this day.   I found you at the verge of death and rescued you. Gave you my blood to keep you alive until we arrived here. When we got here,there was still a thin line between life and death and the doctors struggled to rescue you and your unborn baby.
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A Sudden realization
It was then confirmed that truly Camilla was pregnant. This woman that just left just proved that she was pregnant.   Mirabel just found a seat and sat down. This is too huge of a reality before her. The woman she slapped, pulled her hair and testified against in the court of law might probably be innocent.   She glanced at her brother and saw him digging his hand into his hair, the fellow was feeling depressed already.      While Rodrigo was losing his peace and decorum, Lola was sweating profusely while in her bedroom. She shut the door and kept staring at the opened envelope in her hands.    She had received the envelope from Ella as agree
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Mirabel has known
Mirabel paused and lingered by the door, she wanted her mother to hang up so she could come in. She needs to tell her mother what Rodrigo just discovered and the effect of it on him already.   But suddenly, her attention was drawn to what her mother was saying "... Rodrigo and Emma's wedding being cancelled has got nothing to do with me. I hope you understand that Ella.   You are such an ungrateful woman. I already helped you in ensuring that Camilla was sent out of Rodrigo's life. Now they both are enemies, two parallel lines that can never be met.   What else do you want? I want the company's documents as soon as possible if you love yourself. I kept my part of the bargain and now you wouldn't release the company's documents to me rather you sealed empty papers to me
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A new life
"Katie is Luke's fiance" Eduardo replied simply. Next morning, Camilla woke up and didn't find her mother by her side. She looked at the bedside click and saw it was past 9am already.    She raised herself to a sitting position and yawned, stretching herself. She looked at the magnificent bed she had slept and the pinky decorations of the room, and she felt happy, totally pleased with her new life.   It was great to wake up in a place like this, and not the prison she had been waking up in for the past two months. She went to relieve herself and took a bath.   She was going to see a gynaecologist that day, probably that morning. Her father had told her that and she got dressed and came downstairs.
Magbasa pa
Almost lost her life
Rodrigo just stared at the mother and daughter pair which just came in. He was trying his best to control his temper and not blow up, leaving clues for them to guess why they had been invited.   Meanwhile he had asked the superintendent to ask them questions individually and away from each other. The police chief said ok.   Without as much as an exchange of greetings, the two women were asked to be interrogated. Ella said Okay and she was made to sign some documents.   But one thing surprised her when she saw her daughter being led to a different interrogation room from hers. Ella squinted, looks like Lola had breached their agreement.   If Lola thinks she can lure them to the top of the tree and then remove
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Is that you my Child?
Jared saw a foreign country number calling him and he squinted, who could that be. It rang the first time and he didn't answer his phone.   When it started ringing the second time,Sara felt an impulsion that Jared should answer his phone. "Answer your phone already" she ordered.   Reluctantly, Jared answered but did say anything. He wasn't going to say anything. Who knows, maybe Someone was after them again.   Seeing that Jared answered his phone and didn't talk, Camilla smiled. Jared with his self principle. She missed him so much.   "Jared" Camilla called. That was enough for her to say. Jared stood up hurriedly. He knew that voice too much. Even in his dreams, he would still recognise the voice.
Magbasa pa
Busy getting engaged
His grandfather pleaded with him to allow Ella and Emma to get a bail. That doesn't stop them from being charged to court.    Rodrigo asked why his grandfather was interfering with his decision? Was he being used by Martin to get his wife and daughter out?      And besides, he wasn't the police superintendent who kept them in detention. If they hadn't done something that is worthy of having them detained, why would he?       Grandfather Larry Campbell said he was asking him for a favour. Not Martin nor his family but he was the one asking. Martin had requested that he let his wife and daughter out. They had a confession to make.   As if that word aggravated his fury. R
Magbasa pa
She's pure hearted
An hour later, the day's work was over and most of the staff had closed for the day. Rodrigo was considering visiting the police station and probably going to the glass house.   His phone ranged and he saw that the caller ID was Martin. He squinted, he had asked his grandfather to talk to him and he had refused.   He had decided to call him directly. There isn't anything like that. They must confess to what they know and how Camilla disappeared from prison.   Anyways, he answered his phone. But Martins voice over, in mockery "You think you are right by refusing my wife and daughter from being bailed.     Why should they be the only one to be locked in there, shouldn't the third party be locked up a
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