All Chapters of Til Death Do Us Part: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
124 Chapters
I can’t sleep. Tossing and turning for hours since Bryant brought us home in a cab, yet I don’t want to get out of bed and disturb Greta. She’s a light sleeper, even if she drunk a lot and would hear me wandering about. She looked exhausted, and I didn’t want to burden her with my problems until morning. One of us should be well-rested, at least. My head’s too messy, and I haven’t told her about kissing Jyeon or where he was going after he left. She doesn’t know about Claire, and Bryant didn’t seem to yet either. I’m guessing Jyeon would have told him after he left us, though.I get it. I do. The reason he feels responsible for this and the fact they reached out to him to accompany her. She tried to kill herself, and she shouldn’t be alone in a hospital after that. He knows it’s because of the other day and the very blunt way he dashed all her hopes, and it didn’t sound like she has anyone else. It all ma
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“It’s about everything and how weak I am around him. I’m going to tell him the truth… about not having amnesia. Now I know he’s not a threat, and he’s investing emotion into this…… I’ll tell him. He’ll be hurt and realize we will never work, and he’ll let me go. I can bring back the cold me and show him what he’ll get if I stay. He hated that version of me, and his feelings will die quickly if that’s who he gets.”“I don’t know. It’s not that I want you to stay here with him, but I see how sincere he is, and that’s going to hurt a hell of a lot more than just sticking with the story and regaining them all at once. Jyeon is an idiot, but he seems to love you deep down genuinely. I don’t want to like him, and God knows I try hard not to, but something sad about him has made me warm to him, and I wonder if this is the best thing for you both. He’s as lonely
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“Answer it.” Greta picks up my phone and holds it out to me, but I hesitate and stare at the flashing screen instead. Leaving it between us as we both sit tensely on the bed, now facing one another. Her eyes dart from it to me, and she sighs heavily. “Take it.”“It’s late. As far as he knows, I’m asleep.” I push it away from me but flinch when she grabs my wrist and forces it into my hand, swiping the answer button as she does so. Strangely strong for such a tiny wench.“Yeah, well, now he knows we’re not.” She winks, sliding away, and motions for me to lift it before jumping out of bed and heading to the door. She switches the overhead light and blinds me with the sudden assault. “Hi, Jyeon…….. Don’t keep her up too late. She’s a monster when she’s tired,” she yells loudly, making sure he would have heard her, before sauntering off with a wiggle and a mischiev
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“You can deny it all you want. You sound mad, you’re acting mad, and if you didn’t care, you wouldn’t still wear this to bed tonight.” He reaches over my exposed chest, where the robe hangs open over my nightgown, and picks up my wedding ring, which rests on my necklace. Lifting it and holding it in front of my face, turning it in his fingertips while he leans in and presses his cheek against my temple. His skin-on-skin contact makes my stomach clench and my palms turn clammy.“It’s a part of my past. It reminds me not to go backward.” I yank it back, elbowing him away and berate my idiocy for still keeping this on and not covering it up properly. I make such stupid mistakes around him, and I’m already pissed and seething enough without him being a smart ass about it. “So, she’s fine then? You’re little mistress.” I divert his attention with bitchiness and throw him a cool look and raised brow. Soun
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“I deserved it….. I did. It’s karma, and this is exactly what I should get.” He mutters it in a breathy, almost non-existent splice of words, still looking down and his hands, trembling the same way mine are. “It doesn’t make it hurt any less…. or mess me up any less. That you’ve been lying this whole time…. Pretending… Making me hope…. Was this punishment? Revenge? Did it give you a kick to see me falling all over you and trying to rekindle past memories?” Jyeon finally raises his head, his eyes so steeped in sadness and betrayal that it cuts me deeply. His words are slow and etched with bitterness. Questioning me in his mind and coming up with so many reasons I would drag this charade out and pretend not to know. I can see why he would think it was a ploy to hurt him that it was vindictive and mocking. Despite everything he did back then, I never wanted to wound him this way, and it wasn’t a manipul
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Jyeon moves back and crumples onto the couch behind him, exhaling heavily, and drops his hands between his legs as he slumps forward. Looking exhausted and so emotionally done with all of this. It’s like all his fight dies a death, and his rage and fizzing energy he wears typically like a cloak disperses into the dim light around us.“For two years…… my life has been empty. I was a walking zombie who focused on work, juggling everything alone, and trying never to give up hope that you would walk back in the door one day. I don’t even remember why I pushed you away as much as I did anymore because all I have felt in your absence is regret and agony at not seeing you. Living with the void you left behind and struggling to breathe without you. I know I am the last person in the world that deserves your love or forgiveness, but for me…. that’s the only thing in this world that matters to me.” He kicks his boot toe against the edg
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The harsh ringing, and vibrating assault, penetrates my sleep-addled brain, pulling me out of darkness, and I groan and attempt to reach for the invasive noise. Semi-aware and caught in a warm comfy bubble until it rudely awakened me. I try to roll towards it, but I’m restricted and held tight in an overly hot embrace around my waist and shoulders that brings me back to consciousness with a jolt and the memory that I’m not in bed alone.“Goddammit,” Jyeon murmurs right at my ear, as sleepy as I am and unamused at the same interruption to our slumber. He is rolling over on top of me, so he half flattens my tiny frame with his weight, chuckling at my ‘oofft’ noise and catching the cell phone on the bedside, sliding it to him. He braces himself on one arm just enough to let me breathe and get’s himself an elbow in the ribs for squashing me. Caging me in and hanging over me in a pose that makes me blush.“Hello.” His vo
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“You are two consenting adults who also happen to be already married. I’m kinda shocked he managed to keep his hands to himself while you’re practically naked.” She nods up and down my black slip of lace and reminds me I have zero time before he saunters out and yelp in realization. Rushing back to the cupboard while waving her away.“Go. I have to get dressed… leave me be. I’ll call you or text you when I know what’s happening.”“Just one thing… Claire’s not dead, right? And you two are fine now?” She stays put, that stubborn air that means she won’t move without a response.“Claire is fine, apparently. He didn’t stay there, but she isn’t critical or anything. He said it wasn’t a serious attempt, and I guess we’re okay. It’s too soon to say…. I’m just trying to go with the flow and take one step at a time. I have no idea what I&
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Jyeon is sitting reading the paperwork at his desk while I pour us both coffee to wake us up. It’s very technical and detailed, and as I have zero mechanical knowledge of vehicles, I left him to decipher it. He knows about cars, especially that one, given how much time he used to spend on it, and I wonder why he never had it repaired and brought back to life after it was recovered.The office feels eerily quiet at this time, and I forgot how much I used to enjoy this silence and serenity before the employees started clocking in at nine am. This was my hour to stroll the nearly empty building, drink coffee, and find my armor for the day in the peace of the company we owned. I forgot what it was like to feel like a queen roaming her kingdom and knowing it belonged all to her. It’s not as weird being back here as it was the first time, and I’m familiarizing myself with Jyeon’s office, even if I don’t dare venture near my old one. That’s a clos
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Jyeon stills, narrowing his gaze on me, and it turns into a deep frown as he struggles to formulate a reply. I can see the flicker of a million racing thoughts in his eyes as he stares through me, and I know he’s having the same conflict of emotions I am. He is trying to understand that what he’s hearing is true and having an immediate painful reaction. His body tensing up and his jaw tightening as deep inner anger begin to show on the surface.“You’re sure? He said that? He admitted it?” His voice comes out in a husky and raw tone, inhaling with a shuddering breath, yet I can feel the pressure building up around him like a steaming pot that needs to vent. Much like it was to me, it’s a blow to him.“He admitted it…. He didn’t mean to hurt anyone, he just wanted to piss you off, and he was drunk and stupid. He thought you would discover your wrecked car and blow off at him. I know in my heart that he wouldn’t
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