All Chapters of Loving the Heartless Singer: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
142 Chapters
Special Side Story of Tove 40
“hmm” I couldn't help but make a noise when I felt pain all over my body when I woke up. I tried to open my eyes and move but I failed when a heavy thing was wrap around my waist. I look at my side and controllably smile flashes in me seeing this man beside me, sleeping peacefully with his charming face. I gently stroked her hair as if blocking her face. While doing that he started moving until, he finally opens his eyes and gave me those sweetest smiles ever. “Good morning” he said with his morning husky voice. I remember I just woke up so I immediately covered my mouth, I hat morning breath!!! He chuckled and pulls my hands away and gives me a soft kiss in my lips. "Hey, I'm not a real brush yet!" I said and move away, cover my mouth again. This time he laughs and pulls me in my waist underneath this comforter. “I love everything about you even your flaws” I felt a little tickled myself when he said that so I just smiled and hugged him. "What time is it already?" I ask whil
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Spceial Side Story of Tove 41
Kalila’s point of viewAfter that night I become engaged to the man I love and like what we deal for, he accepts the offer and prepares for his papers there, he resigned to Salazar Condominium and he focus on fixing things for Frances. And only now did the realization of my life enter me when he left. I feel sad but I can’t, because I’m the one who pursue him with this. Also this is his dream and I will support him with this. It’s been weeks on preparing and no matter what I prepare myself I can’t prepare it because I honestly don’t know when we’re far from each other. It will be hard I know it but I’ll hold into this ring.***This is the day. "Son, are you really here?" I stop fixing my clothes as my mom asks me those. I build a wide smile at her, and make her feel ok about it. "I'm very sure mom." My mom pouted and stops putting my things on my bag. "Why can't you just be an artist here, there are many beautiful song records here son" she's still trying to convince me with thi
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Special Side Story of Tove 42
It's been 2 months already since Tove went to France for pursuing his carrier and I can say that everything is going in as what we planned and expected, he started doing his first appearance on live television in France, and it booms to the audience's taste like he used to have a lot of fans here in the Philippines, now he has more and there are also international fans.I’m so happy to see this happening because his already reaching his dream, and I can’t wait to see him again after 2 years.We maintain a good connection with each other even when we are far away from each other, we don’t forget to text and video call every night, updating each other. It seems like just like before, non-stop texting but we just adjusted now because we are not in the same country.And our times are different.“Hey, good morning Love” Tove."Good evening Love" I greeted him while yawning, I stretched before getting up and going to the kitchen of his condo.Since he went to France I decided to live here i
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Special Side Story of Tove 43
"WHAT?" Celine suddenly react and all of us are staring at her. "Babe?" I ask and held her shoulder. She looks so shock right now. “Ahm..i you don’t mind may we excuse our self? Ai take care of Nyla for a minute ”My wife stated and quickly grabs me out of the room. When we came out of the don, he pulled me a little farther before stopping and addressing me, "What's the problem Babe?" I ask. “Did I hear it right Babe? She’s Tove’s Girlfriend? ” I can't believe this question. “She said that she’s Tove’s girl,” I said even though I’m not sure too. Well, I have the perspective that Tove is with someone, but he didn’t bother to tell us. Maybe he won't want to share it cause he thinks that it’s his own business handle so I didn’t bother to ask. I know that he was seeing someone before but he didn't introduce it to Aiden and me. “Do you think it’s true?” My wife asks again, I frown my brow cause I don’t really get what she’s up to. "I think so, she said it right" “No babe! I know w
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Special Side Story of Tove 44
Kalila’s point of view“Do everything just to find him there, I’ll pay even though how much it takes just fucking please find Tove !!!!” I shouted my lungs out because of irritation and stress. It’s been one month of finding find until now there is no lead of him… “I’ll do my very best to find him ma’am” “You better do !!!” I hang up that fucking detective call and throw up to sit in my swivel chair. “Kali can you please don’t stress yourself!” Coco said in front of me while peeling an apple for me."Yeah, Ghurl I want what happened last month to happen again shit you almost!!!" Bannie, raising his eyebrow as he said that. “That’s right we don’t know what will happen next if you continue this state Kali, this might put you and your Baby in danger!” I was caught in the act when Coco said that. I feel guilty of being stress because I know that it would affect this precious thing inside of me. Last month was like a terror to me but thank god he guided me and gives me this kind of b
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Special Side Story of Tove 45
Kalila's point of view “I can see no complication on your pregnancy Miss Flores; you babies are in good health” “Babies doc?” did I hear him right? “Yes, apparently you’re having twins Miss Flore, look at that” she pointed a small feature on the screen of the monitor while moving the machine in my tummy. "Did you see that he's not alone, there's another heart beat there. I guess you another baby is a little bit shy to show up" the doctor couldn't help but smile while looking at the monitor like me. I want to feel happy with all my heart knowing that I’m having twins but there’s a pain in my chest that keeps knocking every time I’m here. Because I’m found with loneliness, I’m facing my pregnancy months without the man I love and the father of my children. “Aren’t you happy Miss Flores you are blessed with twins?” I smiled and “I’m super happy doc” and I felt small tears running in my cheeks. “that’s great I hope you would maintain your good health until you give birth to the twi
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Special Side Story of Tove 46
"KALILA DON'T RUN !!!" I didn’t bother to listen to Coco, because the only thing on my mind right now is that I found her and I know where she is.I need to talk to him.I quickly made my way to my room, I grab my phone and laptop immediately. I searched for information about him.There was a lot of information about Fayre but when it came to Tove, only revealing to the public was there.I looked for sources they could contact…Even though my eyes are dimming because of my tears, I still try to find a way to talk to him.“Kali calm down” I heard Coco opens the door but I agnored what she said and continue finding.I can do this, I need to talk to him…"Kali hey calm down don't stress your self can be with Bab -----"“HOW CAN I CALM DOWN COCO I ALREADY FIND HIM!!!! HOW CAN I CALM IF I KNOW WHERE SHE IS AND SHE WILL GET MARRIED NEXT MONTH !!!! ” I suddenly burst out and cried harder in front of her.He approached me and held out my trembling hands.She held it so gentle and full of comf
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Special Side Story of Tove 47
Kalila’s point of viewFrom CocoThis is this contact Kali try it if it works 08*-***I felt very nervous to see those numbers.I took a deep breath before typing the number in my phone, after that I tried to call it and it rings…Every ringing of the ring is also accompanied by the fast beating of my heart, "Please" I whisper, I hope it's you Love please…"Hello?" I stiffened and trembled to hard after hearing those voices again after a long time, as if he wanted to cry immediately when he heard his voice.I badly know that it’s him.“H-hello” i can’t even utter a proper word right now.“Yes? Who’s this? ” he gently asks in the other line."L-love""What did you say?"You can do it Kali… “Love it’s me Kalila” I said weakly, I felt my babies kicking my stomach, maybe they also heard their father's voice so they get excited too.“Kalila”“Ye----““Sorry I don’t know you maybe you got the wrong number sorry”“Wait! Don’t hang up… Tove I’m Kalila, Orabelle love it’s me” Tears started to
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Special Side Story of Tove 48
Coco’s point of view“Yes? Who are you? ” I saw how Kali stiffed when Tove asked her that, I feel how her heart stop beating after that. It was as if I could feel the longing on his face. I can’t help but to cover my mouth and control my tears while watching them. ***Kalila’s point of vew“It’s m-me K-Kalila” I said and tried to reach for his hands but he quickly react and move away from me making me gasp from his actions. “Sorry but I don’t remember someone named like you sorry” he respectfully apologies like he really means it. Which really breaks my heart, why it all seems so real, why it seems so real that he doesn’t know me. Why do I feel his blank stare at me? Those eyes they use to look at me like I’m the only person in the world but now I don’t see anything….I held back my warning tears as I watched him closely. “Tove can we stop this joke anymore, I what to talk to you about a serious thing” I tried to chuckle a little for him to understand that I’m not playing with
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Special Side Story of Tove 49
Coco's point of view"Do you want to kill your son Kalila !!!" Aunt and her but Kalila remained stunned.Since we went home here in the Philippines, she became so sad and silent but she never forgot about her baby’s health she still eats a lot and drinks what she should drink."Auntie, let's let her go first, maybe she's just awake" I said and let Kalila go back to her room.I was the one who put away the broken plate. "I don't know what I'm going to do with that boy. He doesn't talk well with us anymore. His dad. Tell us what really happened when you went to Europe Coline.""Auntie, maybe it's better that we just let Kali go, she'll be ok too, I know that…" I said and tried to avoid her question.What they know aunt is that Kali and Tove broke up because they like the two of them and they don’t love each other anymore but they don’t really know what really happen in Europe Kalila choose to hide it to them and clean that Bastards name…I went up to his room and found him snoring and s
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