All Chapters of Sky Full of Stars: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
21 Chapters
Chapter 11: Rogue in the Woods
It was now November and winter had come on strong. Shaw special ordered coats and boots for Amelia and me, apparently the stuff I had wouldn't work for us here. The coats and boots he ordered could withstand the most frigid temperatures and I was appreciative, even though I didn't plan on spending a ton of time outside. The residents of Lake Orion did not celebrate Thanksgiving as most of them are indigenous peoples either mixed or full blooded. However, there was some excitement about the ice fishing competition coming up. I was both curious to see how it was done and dreading being outside in the cold for hours just for fish.Shaw kept telling me "The shanty will keep you warm." I had a hard time believing that a piece of thick plastic would keep the cold at bay considering the temperature has regularly been in the low twenties all month. Amelia was across the street bundled up in her winter gear playing with Zachariah and Jeremiah in their yard. I was folding laundry and t
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Chapter 12: Rogue in the Woods Part 2
I still held Ame in my arms and she never stopped shivering. Sam's boys both seemed very calm almost as if this is a normal occurrence. I set Amelia down in front of me and looked her in the eyes."What happened?" A puddle formed around her feet as the snow on her bright pink boots melted where she stood."I saw a big wolf. It wanted to bite me, mom." She sniffled as she began to cry.I pulled her in for a hug. Wolves were common in Alaska I knew that much."Were you watching them?" I questioned Sam. I didn't want to point fingers."I stepped inside to grab them some snacks I was gone for less than two minutes when I heard her scream.""Did you see it?"She nodded and averted her gaze. She looked like she knew more than she was letting on."Why do you have that look on your face Samantha?" She was supposed to be my friend. I trusted her to look after my daughter and now she's keeping secrets. I was five seconds away from gettin
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Chapter 13: Omission
Shaw's POV'Lying by omission was still lying.' That phrase kept repeating in my head as I walked across the street back to Jasons house. I went into the back yard sniffing the air as I went. The stink of the rogue wolf lingered in the air, and it sickened me. We hadn't had a rogue enter our territory in over eight years. Eight years ago, when my father was killed, and I earned this scar on my face I also earned the title alpha of my pack. I was only twenty years old when it happened. A group of rogues had been hitting our borders for months testing our weaknesses until they found one and got through. My father was the first one to realize what was happening and he got there first, no back up or help when they jumped him. He took out as many as he could before he succumbed to his wounds. The ones that got away didn't last long, I hunted them down one by one until I had satisfied my need for revenge. Jason was my right-hand man in all decisions pertaining to t
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Chapter 14: Transparent
Kat's POV He just turned into a wolf. Shaw just shifted into a fucking wolf! I feel like my eyes might fall out of my skull. I looked at the dark brown bear sized wolf and instinctively took a step back. For lack of a better word this is obviously a surprise, a shock or any other word that means I was not aware my boyfriend could shape shift into an apex predator. "So, this is the big secret huh?" I try to keep my voice even and calm even though I feel like I could literally drop dead any moment from the shock alone. "Did you choose to be this way?" Can he understand me? He moved his big head side to side signaling a no. I nodded my head and tried to find some part of him that was familiar, and despite everything you hear in movies I looked this wolf right in the eyes. His honey brown eyes looked back at me glowing bright with moonlight. It was then that I recognized him. I knew those eyes and right now I recognized fear within them.
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Chapter 15: Introductions
Kat's POV The smell of bacon pulls me from my deep peaceful slumber. I look at the empty space beside me taking in the crumpled white sheets. Over these last few months he had taken to cooking breakfast whenever he stayed over. The memory from last night skated across my brain and I sat up abruptly. He's a wolf, an alpha wolf. I had to admit the news though shocking seemed relatively easy to accept. The real challenge would be adjusting to seeing wolves in my everyday life. How would I know the difference between a familiar wolf or a threatening one? I shake my head feeling the tangled clumps of curls against my shoulders. I decided to shower and get dressed for the day. Shaw mentioned introducing me to the 'pack' today. As I was descending the stairs I could hear Amelia and Shaw in conversation. "How come you always sleep in my mom's bed? Don't you have your own bed?" My eyes doubled in size at the question presented by my daughter. I internally giggle at the in
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Chapter 16: The Sins of the Father
Kat's POV I get up on my knees before him on the bed. Slowly and delicately I lift his shirt exposing his lower abdomen before lifting the shirt over and off his frame. Looking into his golden eyes one last time I lean forward and kiss him right above his jeans. I unbutton them and slowly push them down his legs and he steps out of them. I beckon him forward onto the king sized bed along with me. He follows my silent instructions without hesitation. He looks intimidating in all his glory. His firm chest flexed with each movement and I found myself under his spell. Even on his knees he was tall, too tall for what I need of him now. I push him backwards with my hands on his shoulders. Again he follows my silent command obediently. With his back flat against the bed I climb over him and kiss him deeply on the lips before making my way down to his chest and then his abdomen. The rippling muscles of his abdomen are firm against my lips and I lick the ridges seductively. His huge hand crad
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Chapter 17: Aftermath
Kat's POV The measurement of time was man made and arbitrary. There were twenty four hours in a day. Sixty minutes in an hour and sixty seconds in a minute. So how was it possible for time to slow down like this? How is it that the hands on the clock seemed to move backwards instead of forward? I was counting every second and yet time did not move. I wasn't entirely sure how much time had actually passed since he left. Amelia was long asleep on the couch beside me. Jason had been in the backyard the entire time waiting for some sign that he was needed. Sam had put her boys to bed and seemed so calm. Her entire aura was calm almost as if she didn't have a care in the world.  "Sam, how do you do it? I feel like I'm going crazy." "Well, I've lived here my entire life. This is just a part of life for us here. However you're feeling i
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Chapter 18: Picture Perfect
Kat's POV It had been a week since the attack and Shaw has been on edge for the last few days. He was confused about who would hire some random pack to attack us, and he had been trying to get to the bottom of it. His new routine consisted of...well I wasn't quite sure. He always came home freshly showered after being at the den all day long. He still slept beside me every night but I missed having breakfast and dinner with him everyday, but his peculiar work schedule has made that nearly impossible. Poor Amelia has been asking for him all week and I made his excuses to her telling her he was busy at his job, but being three years old that only meant so much to her. Today is the ice fishing competition and Shaw said he would be here to pick us up around noon so we could go as a family. However at noon Jason knocked on my door making excuses for Shaw which had become the norm. "Where's Shaw?" I cross my arms in irritation. "He's caught up right now. He'll be done soon but come on Sa
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Chapter 19: Thin Ice
Shaw's POV Today Jason shouldn't have said anything about anything. Now I had to dodge Kats' questions which I really didn't want to do. She was still skating alone where I left her and I felt like a dick for brushing her off that way. I had come to the conclusion that the picture had been taken at her fathers funeral before I even knew her and yet it was being passed around now almost a year later. Things weren't adding up no matter how long I searched for answers and it was driving me to the brink of insanity. Actually what I was doing the last few days was insane. I did the same thing everyday expecting different results. I beat the shit out of Cal, the one who had the picture originally and waited for him to remember anything else about the attack. He hasn't yet, but I wasn't anywhere near done with him. I went to the outer territory looking for anything that could tell me where the other rogues went once they left here. Where were they hiding and when would they be back? Fuck I
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Chapter 20: You are NOT the father
Kat's POV "Yes, it's me. How are you? I'm so glad you answered. Your mother must have told you I've been trying to reach you." He sounded as prim and proper as ever. Ugh I rolled my eyes. "Uh, fine. I don't understand why you would want to talk to me, we haven't spoken in years." "Come on Katty don't be like that." I sit on the couch with my elbows on my knees. This day couldn't get any worse. I wasn't even sure why I was still on the phone with this guy. My stomach was in my ass because I already knew Amelia will be brought up. "Stop calling me that it feels much too personal and we're practically strangers after all." Petty? Maybe, but I stand behind it. "Listen, I know the way things ended between us was less than ideal but I'd like to see Amelia." "Why would you want to see MY daughter William, I don't understand." He let out an exasperated sigh on the other end of the phone. "She's my daughter too, Katherine." I took a deep breath and laughed right into the phone. I l
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