All Chapters of The Alpha King Maker (Ties to the Wolf Blood): Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
153 Chapters
Chapter 110: Essence
Kayleigh “So, you just made me believe that it’s your child to intentionally hurt me? Just how cruel are you, Cillian? Do you know that I haven’t slept a full night’s sleep since the tribunal? Do you know that I’ve been disgusted of myself thinking that I’ve slept with a man who’s been double-dipping between me and his friend? And do you know how much power you gave Kinsley to allow her to constantly bully me?” My lungs constrict and I feel myself gasping for more air. “Kayleigh, I’m sorry, baby…” He tries to catch my wrists but I swat his hands off. “Don’t… Don’t touch me. This --- this has got to stop, Cillian.” My cheeks heat up from the anger that’s boiling from within. I’ve been lied to, again. It never stops. “I’m sorry. It was wrong for me to keep the truth from you. I was hurt after watching the video. I wish I could whisk you away in a nice place like that resort. I wish I could buy you expensive jewelries like Andrei can. I was jealous. I was hurt. I wanted to get even.
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Chapter 111: She’s My Priority
Cillian The drive going out of the boroughs of Devil’s Elbow was a blur. Kayleigh remained quiet on the road until she dozed off. I started to panic when I saw her wipe drops of blood coming out of her nose with the back of her hand. She assured me that she doesn’t feel weak or hurt, just strung from disabling Bash. Without even hesitating, I mind-linked Andrei and reminded him that Kayleigh might need his hybrid blood sooner. It’s almost eight in the morning and I know that it’s around the time when she needs her transfusion of Andrei’s blood. He was quick to assure me that he will come right up after Bash recovers from his embarrassment. Losing from the Alpha Luna, that is. Andrei’s blood. The reality that the hybrid blood helps my mate while mine doesn’t do shit is still a hard pill to swallow. But it’s not all about me. Kayleigh needs it, therefore, she should have it. I’ve been an asshole and a jerk far too long. I can’t just keep letting my jealousy take reins of my behavi
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Chapter 112: I’ve Grown as a Person
Cillian “Cillian…” Kayleigh’s very presence renders me speechless. I stare at her stunned and mesmerized by her beauty. “Hey, lover boy! I told her I’d call for you but she was adamant to come out here.” Gisella pulls me out to realization. I am awake. Not in dreamland. “No, it’s alright. How are you feeling, love?” I approach Kayleigh and put my hand on the small of her back. “I’m fine.” She nods, slightly. It’s a small thing, but the fact that she didn’t pull away from my touch makes me feel hopeful that whatever bump we’re going through will soon be straightened up. “Wanna sit down? Need something?” I don’t intend to be overplaying but I just can’t help it. I want to take care of her and make sure she’s always comfortable. “No. Just seeing what you’re up to.” She peers at me and my stomach somersaults. “You miss me, baby?” I bite my lower lip to hold back a grin. I didn’t wanna look like a goofy asshole. “No.” She rolls her eyes but I don’t miss the slight smile on
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Chapter 113: The Ultimatum
Andrei My dad is pissed. No. Scratch that. He’s furious. Despite his efforts to bribe the council, they were adamant with their decision to make me the sacrificial lamb for the peace treaty. My dad didn’t have a choice but to follow through. Thing is, I am unwilling to be their pawn. I informed him about the plan that Kayleigh and I devised. I thought he’d commend me and be impressed that I found a solution. But instead of getting his seal of approval, I’m getting hollered at and have been given an ultimatum that I’d lose my luxurious lifestyle if I don’t abide by the council’s wishes. “Perestanʹ vesti sebya kak rebenok!” Stop acting like a child, he says in Russian. “Papa, this is bullshit. Tell them to find another alpha.” I snarl but I rein my anger in. I don’t really want to add a log to my dad’s burning fury. “The red wolves specifically asked for you. They already said that no else is acceptable.” His voice is firm and unyielding. “Nyet, papa. I’m not gonna do it.”
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Chapter 114: The Noon of the Moon Festival (Kayleigh)
Kayleigh Even though all I did for the last 24 hours was eat and sleep, I still feel tired and hungry. Yesterday’s fiasco with Bash and getting the truth out of Kinsley took a lot out of me. Gio went to hash things out with Bash and worked something out to make sure that the demon wolf will not come for retaliation. Gisella suggested that if he did, well, I can put him in his place. Again. I considered my best friend’s suggestion for a minute but with the growing pup inside me and still being wolf-less, I prayed I wouldn’t have to. Using the Alpha Luna essence always leaves me drained and exhausted. Sure, Andrei’s blood is helping, but I can feel my body needing more than just my hybrid blood lifeline. I’m counting on my wolf to emerge sooner than soon. Cillian never left my side. He’s been very sweet and caring. Always asking what I need, always feeding me, making sure I’m resting, and just staying close. But he hasn’t tried to nag me or ask questions. He hasn’t tried to touch
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Chapter 115: Noon of the Moon Festival (Cillian)
Cillian Twenty nine hours. Twenty fucking nine hours. That’s how long I’ve been schooling a neutral expression every time my cock twitches as a reaction to everything Kayleigh does. Her sweet voice, her supple skin, her delicious smell, and the fact that she’s carrying our baby --- all leave me with a raging hard on. But for the last 29 hours, I’ve been holding back and stopping my Kayleigh-obsessed self from taking over and try to act all matured and grown up. I thought surviving a wolf-match with a fucking hybrid was the hardest thing I’d ever do. Nope. It’s willing myself not to rip the throats of every wolf blood drooling over my woman at the bonfire last night. I almost carried her back to Gio’s apartment so I can punish her with spanks on her ass and multiple orgasms until she remembers not to wear clothes that reveal too much of her body, that her body is only mine to look at and mine to feast on. It’s been really challenging to keep myself from touching her and fucking
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Chapter 116: The Afternoon of the Moon Festival 
Andrei There’s something brewing in the air, and it smells like trouble. Something is off but I can’t put my finger on it. I mind-linked Gio just to relate my concerns to him. He informed me that the Alpha King’s Special Forces unit arrived earlier today so he ensures me that they can subdue any catastrophe that occurs. That didn’t satisfy me at all. I mind-linked Cillian and asked for clearance to investigate around the border, just to see if my cousins and I can spot something odd. Despite being pissed that I pulled him out from, apparently, a day-date with Kayleigh, Cillian and his beta met us up at the border. Cillian instructed their pack patrol guards to turn their security cameras off and take a break at their patrol rest house while we went for a run. I’m guessing, so they wouldn’t see me in my hybrid wolf form. It took us a good three hours to run around the perimeters, check on their electric barb wires, make sure nothing is broken, and just search for anything amiss.
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Chapter 117: Moon Festival Part 1: Ties to the Wolf Blood
Kayleigh Up in the skies, the yellow-orange full moon glows against the dark backdrop of the night. Millions of sparkling stars are sprinkled all over the vast black to navy milieu. At eye level, I’m besotted by the enchanting sight of hanging lights, pastel-colored fabrics draped on the surrounding trees, wooden tables and chairs, mismatched centerpieces made of burlap, greens, and fall flowers. There’s a huge make-shift dance floor in the open space, complete with a disco ball above it. The rustic décor is everywhere, a mesh of both old and new, antique and contemporary, neutral and deep colors, and the mixture of glam and country. The set-up isn’t as fancy as how we do dance balls and festivals back home, in Ireland, but for some reason, the fusion of elegance and ruggedness stirs warm welcome and a sense of belonging. Wolf bloods, young and old, dazzle with their outfits. She-wolves walk around with their elaborately designed gowns while the male wolves prance with freshly pr
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Chapter 118: Moon Festival 2
Cillian To say that Kayleigh is stunning is simply an understatement. She exudes a natural vibe of royalty, even without trying. Her blue dress makes her look even more regal. There’s sophistication in her every movement. There’s kindness in the way she interacts with others. Spools of red hair tumble behind her back while a handful of tresses frame her angelic face. Underneath the lanterns hanging on the nearby trees, her constellation-blue eyes gaze at each member of the sisterhood as she bites the lower half of her heart-shaped lips. With creased eyebrows, she listens to them, intensely. She opened up about her wolf and the women are all besotted that they are in the presence of the Alpha Luna herself. I grew up around these ladies, even flirted with a few of them. I’m glad that they’re opening their coven to my mate and not giving her a hard time. “Sharry, I know that you’re a member of the wolf blood lawmakers. I’d like to invite you to brunch or high tea whenever your sch
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119: Moon Festival 3
Andrei “That’s my girl, the one in the red dress.” I zero my stare and focus on the blonde she-wolf as she moves towards the venue’s exit path. “The one with the short dress? Tight body?” Misha follows my train of sight. “Cousin, keep looking anywhere else but her ass before I pluck your eyes out myself.” I say with a firm voice. Not wanting to sound like an asshole but I’m pretty sure I sounded like one, anyway. “Whoa. Man. Never saw you this possessive before. Not even with Kayleigh.” My cousin chuckles, grinning like a clown. “I’m gonna follow her. Go tell Alpha Zerdan to negotiate with the red wolves on my dad’s behalf. I’ll sign the arranged marriage deal. With one stipulation, I have to pick my red wolf bride.” Ignoring his comment, I give him instructions as I start walking away from him and towards my red wolf. My little red wolf. My apple blossom-scented she-wolf. Oddly enough, right now, she doesn’t smell like apples. I’m guessing, my blind wolf mark is fully ac
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