All Chapters of Forever Mine: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
40 Chapters
Chapter 31
Chapter 31 AnaI'm crouching outside of Alex's room, my tail blazing. I'm an alpha female, for god's sake; I don't run or hide from anything—I fight and stand firm in every situation. I thought agreeing to pretend to favor Alex would be easy enough. But then he took off his clothes and everything changed. He was wearing nothing but a towel and looked so good that I couldn't help but stare at him. Even though I've mated with someone else, the attraction and connection between us remains strong. He doesn't know that it's over between us, which only makes me feel more pain and regret. I can't keep pretending not to be attracted to Alex without him knowing why I'm pulling away from him when the connection is still so strong. Damn it. I need to get in touch with Max. I want to tell him I care for and miss him deeply. He has been a constant support, even before Alex came around again. Though it's tempting to forget everything now that Alex is back, I know better than that. His behavior le
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Chapter 32
Chapter 32 Alex I'm in a state of numbness, yet something deep inside of me is compelling me to find Ana. Everyone around me appears to be avoiding my questions and giving me half-hearted answers. I haven't seen her since this morning, and I need her desperately. Mr. Jackson, the club owner, has clarified that I can’t leave the room because of the risk posed by my wolf form. Even though I can't actively feel Blade at this moment, Dylan Maverick explained why — there must be some kind of spell keeping him quiet. But now, his emotional outcries demand that we find Ana immediately. Could she be in trouble? I get dressed in black jeans, combat boots, and a simple tee. They gave me these clothes. I normally dress a bit more casual, sporty kind of way, but don’t really mind what they have given to me. I throw open the door, unwilling to tiptoe out of my room like some awkward teenager. I'm all grown up, searching for the girl of my dreams. Instinctively, I run in Ana’s direction. The do
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Chapter 33
Chapter 33 Ana Oh, no. This is not how I wanted Alex to find out the truth. Dylan's warlock friend had used some kind of spell to subdue Alex's wolf, Blade, so he wouldn't go feral. It wasn't ideal, but it was the only way to keep him from going wild. This is where we stand now: Alex clinging onto his composure with an iron grip. His jaw is clenched tight, his eyes narrowed in distress, and lips pressed together in a thin line. He wants to fight Max, but Blade has stepped away from him after hearing my Alpha command. We are left in this strange place between honesty and deceit. All I know is they have bound Blade inside of Alex and the recent event with Shauna's father has set him free. But he's still angry and hurt, and so is Alex. He looks so pitiable and remorseful that I can't help but feel guilty, though it's not like I'm the one who betrayed him or anything like that. After getting involved with Shauna, he deceived me, lied to me, and pushed me away. And yet I understand why h
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Chapter 34
Chapter 34 Alex I had begged Ana to talk to me, and she eventually agreed. I was worried when I saw her sitting in another guy’s lap. It filled my veins with rage. But a single glance into her tender eyes calmed me down instantly. When we held hands, Blade’s anger dissipated, and I felt like I was back in control. My mind raced in all directions, questioning my history and my family, trying to figure out who could have done this to me. Was it really just my father? I wasn’t sure. It all felt too much for me to process. But a glance at Ana made everything seem easier. I suddenly felt connected to my body and soul, as though she were the missing piece that bound me together–providing happiness, security, and comfort from all my worries. She is the only one who kept me from losing control. I was drawn to her as I intertwined my fingers with hers and looked into her eyes. That she lets me hold her gives me a spark of hope. But as soon as my gaze catches sight of the mark on her neck,
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Chapter 35
Chapter 35 Ana I’m in a trance-like state when Alex is near me. I lose all sorts of judgment and rationality. He has complete control over me. What have I done? Have I really asked him to be my second mate? It happens occasionally, but usually it’s only between siblings. I haven’t even talked to Max about this. But I’m serious about this. I love Max with all my being. This won't change that. Not being with my fated mate will kill me if I do nothing soon.Yet what I just did was totally irrational. I should have spoken with Max first, but the look of relief on Alex's face, combined with the peace in my heart when I said those words, comforts me somehow. It seems there are no other solutions to resolving this dilemma; it’s that or utter mayhem. I choose my words carefully as I explain to Alex the steps I'll have to take in order to make this work. I need to seek Max's approval first, and that will be difficult given his animosity towards Alex. Even with all the new information that h
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Chapter 36
Chapter 36 Ana Max was instantly furious when I explained my plan and promise to Alex. He must have thought I was going to leave him, but after I reassured him, he became more concerned about my health. Everyone knew the danger of taking in another mate—except for Alex. After talking to both men, I went back home to take a few moments for myself. The more I thought about it, the clearer it became that there was no other way: I wanted them both, and the full moon - just a couple of days away - would be the deadline. Time was quickly slipping away. As I made my way to the apartment, I had plenty of other things on my mind; Shauna and, as well as Mr. Giovanni and his mob. Of course, Alex's father would be a problem for later. By now I was about to start alpha training, something I was quite eager to do. To be a good pack leader, I had to know how to lead, fight and use tactical strength. I believed it was the mob which caused the infiltration in our pack and our business. I daydreamed
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Chapter 37
Chapter 37 AlexI sensed her presence and smelled her perfume even before she tapped on the door. Somehow, I was aware of her entrance as soon as she stepped into the building. My dormant werewolf characteristics came to life—my suppressed feelings and instincts rose, giving me a sense of strength, but also making me uncertain about many things. One thing I was certain of, it was Ana. My love; my soulmate. From the moment I met Ana, I felt an overwhelming connection to her that surpassed anything I had ever encountered before. It all made sense now, knowing what I know. She belonged to me. When I heard her footfalls in the hallway, I swiftly checked myself in the mirror and made sure my appearance didn't disappoint. I wanted her to feel for me as intensely as I did for her. But if there was something I could sense from Ana, it was that she was unsure. I was sure that I wanted to be with Ana, either alone or sharing her with Max. I made the most of our time together and learn as mu
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Chapter 38
Chapter 38 AnaAlex's words were clipped and concise. As soon as Shauna answered the phone, he informed her that their engagement was off - a fact which didn't sit well with her. She shouted curses and threats at him, me and everyone he cared about. It was difficult to listen to, though she had it coming. She ranted about a supposed baby she was expecting; pure fiction. I knew for certain she wasn't pregnant, having smelled her scent again at the club with Courtney. Alex promised me he had never slept with Shauna. He recalled only one instance two years prior but said maybe he confused her for me on the night of the party when they hooked up. According to him, someone may have drugged him that evening. I believe him. People have been trying to keep us apart for some dumb reasons. Alex seemed relieved yet worried when he hung up the phone, but I still felt insecure about the way he hurt me. I was a mess and put on a face of being okay, though I hadn't been since that night when every
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Chapter 39
Chapter 39 Alex Ana's kindness and selflessness astounded me; she was offering something so amazing. No matter what happened, I knew there was no way I'd leave her. Afterwards, I called my dad, and it was an unhappy conversation. He was yelling, demanding and threatening me to return right away - or else. Or else what? Would he disown me? There were no limits for him; whatever he wanted, he did. It boggled my mind that my mother ever found him attractive. He was wild, delusional, and fanatical in his beliefs: that he was invincible. I shared everything with Ana. No more secrets for us. We committed to spending the rest of our lives together, and though I wasn't thrilled about sharing her with Max, that was an issue for another day. We spent the rest of my first shift preparing, and Blade said we were fortunate to have each other accompanying us. When she told me the timing of her shift, something within me ached. She shifted early, not only because my father threatened to harm her,
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Chapter 40
Chapter 40 Ana The wolf that stood before me was a sight to behold. Max, my chosen mate, was beautiful in his own right, but this animal was breathtaking. His fur was silver grey, and his eyes were crystal blue. He towered over me, his aura nearly bringing me to my knees. It was apparent he was an alpha, the leader of a pack. Alex's family history had always been shrouded in mystery. When I met his father for the first time, I could tell he was a high-ranking wolf despite being a rogue. Perhaps he once belonged to a pack before leaving and setting out on his own. Then again, maybe Alex's mother had something to do with it all. When Alex returned to Montana and reunited with me. Something shifted within him. The final straw broke Blade free from whatever held him back was when I flirted with Mr. Giovanni––it set Blade free to be with me instead. Blade approached me carefully, almost like he didn't want to startle me. It made me smile; after all, I was an Alpha just like him, althoug
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