Semua Bab Loved by the Gamma: Bab 11 - Bab 20
95 Bab
Beta Matthew
Ashley As we arrive at the entrance to the hospital I feel my heart rate pick up its pace, my hands are clammy and in all honesty, I'm scared. I'm scared of facing the reality of my dad being dead, I'm scared of saying goodbye to him, and more than anything I'm scared of never seeing him again. Jack opens the door and pulls me inside he hasn't let my hand go since we left the packhouse and I'm grateful for it. We walk down a long corridor the walls are pristine white while one of the lights above our head flickers as the familiar smell of a hospital hits my nose and I want to gag, We stop at a door and Jack knocks on it before looking at me with a beautiful smile, I go to talk to him but the door opens, and out walks an older man he has been at least 60 years old, his salt and pepper hair is long enough that it's tied with an elastic band and his huge glasses rest at the end of his long nose but his smile is comforting and he instantly makes me feel more at ease before he's even sai
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Is it true?
Gamma Jack "I'm sorry, say that again doc?" There's no way he just said what I think he did my mind has to be playing tricks on me. "Beta Matthew is alive Gamma Jack!" "You have got to be joking with me!" "I'm not Gamma Jack, he's here with me now sitting up and talking." "We're on our way!" I close the link and turn to face my mate. How the fuck do I tell him this? How do I explain it when I haven't got a fucking clue about what's going on myself. "Ashley we need to head back over to see Doc, Benny." I try to sound calm and normal but the look on his face tells me that he already knows something is up. "What's going on Jack?" He looks confused and worried and I fucking hate it! "Ash, doc just linked me and... Look there's no easy way to say this so I'm just going to spit it out. Doc Benny linked me and told me that... that your dad is alive." His jaw almost hits the floor as I watch shock invade his beautiful face. "What do you mean my dad is alive? We've just been to se
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He's alive
Alpha Calvin This morning ended up being an absolute shit show, that prick of an Alpha lied through his stinking teeth to get us to help him and god knows how many other packs he told that lie to. I don't understand why he did it and I don't understand why he had a problem with his Beta's son being gay. Fuck I couldn't give a fuck what your sexual preference is, it doesn't define you and it certainly doesn't stop you from being a good person. It took all my strength not to end his worthless life right there and then but fuck the fact that Ashley ended up being Jack's mate was the best thing I could have hoped for. He's welcome here and my Gamma Jack is one of the best men that I know and I already know that he's going to give Ashley the best life possible. I just wish that we could have got there sooner so that we could have saved Beta Matthew. I had only met him a handful of times but I always respected him as a Beta and finding out that he died because he stuck by his son's side
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I want you
Ashley My head is fucking fried, today has been a complete and utter fucking mind fuck and all I want to do now is sleep, sleep and hide away from the world because I am completely and utterly fucking confused! Jack and I sat in the hospital room for over an hour talking with my dad but so far we are none the wiser on what's going on, he doesn't remember anything either so we are all completely stumped but the doc said that if there is anything there that he could remember that it could come to him over the next couple of days and right now I'm praying that it happens so we can try and have some sort of explanation and I know I'm not the only one hoping for it. Unsurprisingly my dad was exhausted after everything that's happened today and my mate was quick to offer him a room on the Gamma floor with us but he refused claiming he would be imposing despite ou
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I need you
Ashley How can this man think that I wouldn't want him yet? I'm fucking melting for him but I can't deny that my nerves have quickly started kicking in and I'm pretty sure that he's noticed. He slowly pulls back looking at me with a look so full of love that for a second I forget about any worry but it soon comes back. What if he's disappointed with me because I never saved myself for him? I notice him staring at me and suddenly my worry is swapped for shyness as I look down at the plush grey carpet that my bare feet are sinking into. He hocks one single finger under my chin and lifts it up until our eyes meet and I hate the look of worry on his face as he leans into me until our faces are close "Talk to me, sweetheart." His tone is gentle and even though it shouldn't happen a shiver runs through my body that I know he notices as his worried look is quickly replaced with a small smirk and I see the gleam in his eyes. "I.. am... I." Fuck I can't get the words out no matter how hard
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Hungry for him
Ashley He lets go of my ass cheeks and I groan out as I look over my shoulder to see why he's teasing me but the words get lodged in my throat when he leans over me and places a swift kiss on my lips before reaching into the draw of his bedside table and pulling out a bottle of lube. He goes to take out something else before he pauses and looks at me instead. "Do you want me to wear a condom baby?" Do I fuck! "Hell no! I want to feel you inside me, skin on skin but if you want to wear one I'm ok with it, baby." He shuts the drawer and places himself back behind me. "I want to feel you, all of you too. I've always used protection so I'm clean darling." "Me too" I'm interrupted by the feel of cold lube as Jack applies some to my asshole. I look over my shoulder and let out a low deep growl when I see my mate smothering his huge cock with lube. He is long and thick and I'm pretty sure that he's going to tear me apart but fuck I can't wait! I let out a surprised yelp when I feel hi
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Meet Jane
Alpha Calvin I've barely got any sleep again and it's taking its toll on me but there are too many unanswered questions swarming around my head for me to be able to settle. I check the time to see it's 6.05 am which isn't a bad time to be in my office working except I've already been here for 3 hours and worst of all, I've barely got any work done. A knock on my office door distracts me from my thought, someone knocking this early is never a good sign and I'm not sure how much more shit I can mentally deal with today. I shout for them to come in and relax slightly when I see my Beta Liam walk through the door with a pretty relaxed look on his face. "Morning Cal." "Morning brother." He takes a seat in the chair across from and even though he's smiling I can see the hint of worry in his eyes. I've known him long enough to know his looks plus I also know that same look is currently plastered across my own face. "It's early is everything ok? "Yeah I just couldn't sleep so I thought
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What is she?
Ashley Just as I'm about to get my paws on my man we get interrupted but I can't really complain as Alpha Calvin has done nothing but help me since he met me and if he needs us then I'm more than willing to go to him. We make quick work of getting dressed and I hear a chuckle leave my mate's mouth and quickly realize that he's caught me readjusting my raging hard-on. I don't think the Alpha will appreciate me walking in there with my cock standing to attention. "This is your fault," I grunt out while trying and failing to hide my smirk as I turn to face him but he doesn't seem to care as he's just standing there with a huge grin on his face, he looks at me while I readjust again causing a flicker of black to invade his eyes and in turn causing my cock to twitch and harden even more. "You're not helping me here!" I whine out right before I close my eyes and work on taking in deep breaths. If I keep looking at my mate's beautiful face and lust-filled eyes I'm going to bend him over t
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My 13 year old self
Gamma Jack We spend some time with Nora and she made it known that she loves Ashley already even if we were only there for 30 minutes not that I'm surprised mind, everyone that's met him in the short time that he's been here has praised him and I know that both the moms love him already too. I check the time as we are leaving and realize that we still have some time before we need to meet the others for a breakfast meeting so we decide to take a walk along the river that Ashley was admiring last night out of our bedroom window. It's one of my favorite places to come on the parklands and I think it's going to be one of his too. Once we get about halfway along the river we take a seat on the narrow bank that faces the river and I can't help but wrap my arm around my mate and pull him in close to me, I always want to be touching him. "I love Nora, she seems like a sweetheart!" My mate has the biggest smile on his face and I find that I'm relieved at his words although I'm not sure
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A day of memories
Ashley Listening to Jack as he shares some of his experiences with me causes a surge of emotions to invade my body and mind. I am so happy that he's already sharing some of his life with me even if he didn't mean to but hearing him talk about another guy in that way makes me angry and Alfie's even worse. Of course, I know it's in his past and I'm fucking relieved that nothing happened between him and Jace but still I can't help but take a moment to think about him being with other guys. I wasn't a virgin meeting Jack and I am fully aware of the fact that I am a huge hypocrite but I don't care. He's my mate and I don't want to think of any other man being near him. The Beta blood that flows through my veins doesn't help me either, the higher ranking that a wolf is the more possessive they are plus male wolves are worse than she-wolves, and there are two males here so we are fucked! On the other hand, I love his story, I love hearing about how well Alpha Calvin and Beta Liam took t
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