All Chapters of Sinful Visions of the Mafia: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
142 Chapters
Chapter 111: Kidnapped
*SILIA*It felt strange to be sitting in front of Draven like this just passing time.“You know it’s almost as if we are on a date,” I commented, sitting outside a cafe that overlooked a small rundown bakery.Placing down his own coffee cup he narrowed his eyes and shook his head, “No, don’t you dare take this as our first date. I can’t let something like this to be a part of your memory as a date after we got back together. This isn’t enough.”“You know I am fine with anything as long as it’s with you. We used to have coffees like this quite some times in the past. You know taking a break in between work,” I said smiling at him as I was now happily able to recall and reminiscence of the time that we were together.“Even then I am sorry I should have done something sooner. It might sound like an excuse but I hope you understand that I got too wrapped up in work,” he said making me laugh.“What are you talking about? I am equally responsible for this. I was just as involved and pushing
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Chapter 112: Overcome
*SILIA*“This room?” I asked, making Draven nod and I entered first to see that the room had Alfeo already present there with the man. Carlo is tied up to a chair and he faces away from me so he cannot see me enter yet but Alfeo does and he nods at me in greeting.When I am about to round and step to the other side he merely shakes his head lightly to tell me to stay put and Draven stands beside me looking at Alfeo, wondering what he was up to.“So you don’t know what La Fedelta is?” Alfeo asked Carlo to make us understand the reason he had told us to stay put.“For the millionth time, I don’t know what the fuck you are talking about!” Carlo shouted out, taking me by surprise.“Are you sure you aren’t lying? The consequences wouldn’t be good for you otherwise,” he said and Carlo made a frustrated angry groan in response while once again yelling, “I don’t know shit! Why the fuck have you kidnapped me!”I am sure Carlo realizes who he is talking to but I have to give it to him to still
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Chapter 113: Expert
*SILIA*“How much longer is it going to take?” Alfeo asked kicking away Carlo’s body to the side.“I kinda feel sad for him,” I said remembering about is parents.“You don’t have to, the man didn’t care an ounce about them to actually take care of them,” Draven scoffed glaring at his dead body. He paused for a moment and then simmering some of his anger he continued, “Although he might not be that bad too for he saved their lives. The least which he should do.”“What do we even care about some guy and his parent’s lives?” Alfeo asked shrugging nonchalantly, not the least bit bothered by it. “This is common in this business. You should get used to it. You do know your boyfriend is known to be emotionless and ruthless, right?”“Yeah and I don’t really mind that much but it just made me wonder how I would feel if something was to pose a threat over my loved one and what I would do then,” I said looking over at Draven to let him know that I was thinking about him.Titling his head he look
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Chapter 114: Bare Minimum
*SILIA*“You are weaker than I thought,” Alfeo commented as the now wide awake Darla looked at us with a meek disposition.“It makes me wonder how she even got into this,” Gavin said, agreeing where he stood to the side, “It was almost too easy for me to catch her.”“Alright we can think about all that later let’s get to the job at hand,” I murmured making Darla look at me and then move her gaze away very quickly to the other side of the room where she saw Carlo’s body was dumped for her to take in and know of the fate that awaited her if she was to try to act smart.Alfeo nodded at my words and then coming forward he stood in front of her and said, “You should be well aware by now exactly why you are brought here so I will not beat around the bush. If you want your life safe then answer our questions and we will make sure that you can go back in one piece unlike him.”She gulped when Alfeo gave her the warning and pointed at Carlo but still she didn’t budge that soon and shaking her
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Chapter 115: Cryptic
*SILIA*Suddenly there was a banging on the door.“Open up! I have some bad news!”“What’s Diana doing here?” Gavin murmured, rushing to open the door as all of our attention now centered on her.She stormed in as soon as it was open and looked really worried about something.“What’s the matter?” Gavin asked her, approaching her from behind as she faced him once and then looked at all of our faces.“I think they are onto us,” She said almost in a panic, “We are unable to track down the other five guys that I had sent the people after and we have no idea about the rest.”“What? How is that possible? It’s only been around an hour since we kidnapped Carlo and Darla, they shouldn’t be able to find out so soon!” Draven shouted, taking the tab from her that she had bought with her and was holding out for him to see. Leaning closer to him I saw that there had been CCTV footage of different areas and all of them showing empty rooms with all the furniture intact except for a few strewn and ruf
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Chapter 116: Locked
*SILIA*“I feel like you only keep me around to use me,” Nick huffed as we drove to Lisa’s house.Gasping dramatically at his words, I widened my eyes, placed a hand on my heart and asked, “Whatever made you think of that?”“Maybe because you never call me for a simple cup of coffee or to hang out like how normal people do? Why is it always lining up on the edge with you?” He asked, beeping at a slow driver in front of us.“That’s not why you are angry. You would never skip work and stop for a brunch even if that’s the last thing I ask you to do for me,” I said with an accusation clear in my voice, “Besides I gave up after I called you a few times before and you always said you were too busy for that.”“Move it you motherfucker!” he shouted at the man ahead of us honking at him again as he took his time answering my question.“Well what is it?” I asked not giving up yet when I didn’t receive an answer from him.“For one I know that you are doing something dangerous again-”“No, I am n
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Chapter 117: Wrong Move
*SILIA*“I should have known I wouldn’t be able to win from you,” I sheepishly smiled approaching Draven from behind Nick who for once didn’t look as scared as he usually was in front of him. When Draven’s expression only narrowed further at my words I shielded myself further behind Nick and said, “But you should know that what you did was wrong!”“That’s only because I didn’t want you to get hurt,” he said making me feel guilty and then all of a sudden he looked away and then mumbled, “Also I wanted to see if you could get yourself out of there on your own. I wouldn’t have actually kept you locked there for more than half an hour.”There was a smile on his face and it was making me confused looking up at Nick who was staring at me with same surprise I tentatively asked, “So you aren’t mad?”“Not yet but if you don’t stop hugging another man before me then I just might,” he said and at once I let go of Nick and ran into Draven’s arms that opened to catch me immediately.“So I did the
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Chapter 118: Bracelet
*SILIA*“Are you sure we should be here now of all times?” I asked, looking at the quiet unfamiliar diner that Draven and I were sitting in. “I mean shouldn’t we go back and plan something to somehow take down Lisa or at least try to track her?”I was worried especially after that note. It really made me question if it was a good idea for us to do what we did. Draven said it was better if they made movements than to stay still as it would be easier to catch them than when they would be comfortably hidden somewhere.“Hey relax a little, we aren’t going out of our way to waste time, we have just stepped outside for some dinner. It’s perfectly alright to take breaks in between,” he said, taking hold of my hand and bringing it up to his lips.Suddenly realizing something I asked, “Did you bring us out here because you knew I was hyperventilating before in the conference room where we showed the note to the others?”The guilty smile immediately came on his face making me realize that it ha
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Chapter 119: Saving
*SILIA*“Can’t get enough of your boyfriend, huh?” A hand tapped me on the shoulder making me turn around to greet Nick.“Try soon to be fiancé,” I said, showing him the bracelet I had on.“Congratulations,” he said, identifying the intricate design of my previous engagement ring. “But I think we should get out of here first.”Taking me by my arm he huddled me closer to him and shielding me from the people ahead he pushed through the oncoming crowd of people to go to the café.“What are you doing here anyway? I thought you would be waiting for me in the café,” I said looking at him as I pulled us closer to the side of the pavement towards the building and away from the thickly forming mob.“That was the plan but when I saw that the scene outside wasn’t looking good in your favor I instead came out to look for you,” he said pulling me closer when a woman rushed past me almost knocking me over in the process as she shrieked to her friends to go see Draven. “Who knows who lurks in this c
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Chapter 120: Ruin
*SILIA*Lisa charged at me without a second’s pause and bracing myself I waited for her attack to either dodge or counter. Since I had a tracker fit into my phone I didn’t worry much about Alfeo coming here soon to find me but till then either I had to escape or stall.“Nick move to the side I’ll take care of this,” I said giving him a slight push to move aside but he didn’t move and I watched as he moved one of his leg back brought out one of his hand in a Kung Fu stance.“So you think you can fight me?” Lisa laughed and aiming or him instead of me she was ready to swipe her dagger at him. I tried pushing Nick to the side but he didn’t budge and just when Lisa was about to strike him he moved me away with a powerful shove making me stagger to the side as he blocked her attack with hand caught hold of her arm in the swiftness twisted it to make her lose her weapon and then punched her face making her stumble back in surprise.“Fuck!” she shouted holding onto her nose as she looked at
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