All Chapters of Sinful Visions of the Mafia: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
142 Chapters
Chapter 81: Call
*SILIA* The world seemed like an alien place to me.It had been so long since I had been here that I felt completely out of place and slightly paranoid about the eyes on me.Was there someone watching me? Was there someone still after me? Did they know that I had a gun wound on my shoulder?I tried to tell myself that I was safe and that the accident from before was just a freak coincidence but a fear had settled in the back of my mind. As long as I had been with Nick I hadn’t been able to feel it because of the comfort that he provided me but now that I was all alone I was weirdly conscious of everything about me.Deciding to at least walk inside I look around to see people hanging out with their friends, families spending time together but it wasn’t as crowded as it could have been given that it was still early morning and a week day.I had been to this particular mall many times before so it wasn’t as if I had been completely clueless and deciding to go to one of the famous pastry
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Chapter 82: Secret Meeting
*SILIA* I am about to go up to her when I think against it. I am sure if she finds out I am here then she would haul my ass back home without a second thought. Deciding to follow her for a little while I suppress a laughter, watching her from the shadows. I am sure to anyone passing by I must look almost manic but it was so fun to see how she behaved so differently than when we were together. Or wait, could she actually be on a date? Maybe she was lying to me. But why would she have to lie to me? Was it to save me from feeling hurt as she probably thought I would seeing her go into a relation when I had been craving to be in one. Not to forget that I had been cruelly forsaken by the person I loved. Given how much she cared about me that was totally possible. I am sure she would not tell me even if it took her months if she thought that I wasn’t in the mental state where I could accept it. But I was curious, I wanted to know who was the man that had wooed her. If she had decided
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Chapter 83: Best friend?
*SILIA*Making my way towards the exit in a hurry I am briefly aware of the eyes on me but unlike before I couldn’t be bothered by them. All I knew was I needed to get out of there. My heart was crushing in my chest. Its fragments a dust inside the shell of my body.How many more times did I need to fix it for you to break it again Draven?By now the mall has become busier from before and being careful to not bump into anyone with my injured shoulder I walk on the extreme side of the mall against the walls. Thee exit is visible to me in a distance and wiping the tears I am about to head towards it when I hear someone call out to me.“Excuse me, ma’am!”I don’t want to stop so I refuse to look back but I recognize that voice and the guard from before quickly catches up to me.“What happened?” she asks blocking my path while looking down at my shivering body that I clutched tighter to myself to somehow stop it from vibrating so much.“I-” I try to speak but words get caught in my throat
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Chapter 84: Speak of the Devil
*SILIA*“This is not right you need to stop,” Nick said coming up to me with a bottle of water.“Why? Why am I not allowed to drink my pain away?” I grumbled wanting to get lost in the oblivion again now that I was bobbing in and out of it.“Please, Silia come on, you know that it isn’t good for you, especially because of that gunshot wound,” he said making me tug at my shirt to look at the bandages inside.“Oh for fuck’s sake be more aware of me as man,” he said tapping my hand to make me let go of the stretched material. He looked annoyed and I could understand why he would be, I had forced him to baby sit me all day today.“Nick,” I called feeling my eyes water once again, “Why did they do this to me?”“Oh my god, this is your seventh break down since this morning,” he grumbled but nonetheless sat beside me in the empty park bench that we both had been occupying since the last two hours. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and like each time before that morning he patted my head
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Chapter 85: Guilt Tripping
“Nick please let me go to a hotel. I’ll rather stay there than go to Draven’s place”.With some consciousness back in my mind I had now realised the position that I had fallen into. Don't get me wrong I loved Diana but having to see Draven again, so soon, was not something that I believed my heart could do.Therefore I requested again, “Please Nick can you let me off at a hotel, any hotel. I'll stay the night there I don't mind staying alone.”“Absolutely not. It is not safe there and Alfeo will chew my head off if he finds out that I had let you be in an unprotected environment.” As he said this he increased the speed of his vehicle and rushed towards Diana’s house I could see the familiar streets passing by and the closer I got the more I could feel my heart beating; almost ready to fly out of my chest.“Then what about Alfeo’s home. I can stay there, right? That shouldn't be a problem.” Giving me a strange look that clearly spelled out ‘are you crazy’ he asked, “You do realise that
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Chapter 86: Was I mistaken?
*SILIA*“Silia would you please tell me what happened?” she asked the question that I had been dreading to answer.“Diana, please not today,” I said not wanting to create a rift between a siblings bond. I am well aware of how much Diana wants me and Draven to get together but if Draven doesn’t want to be with me then what can we do? We will only be disappointed and in the end hurt each other.Not saying another word she first brought me inside the house closing the doors behind her and making me sit on the couch. Pouring out a glass of water for me she asked, “Have you eaten anything?”“I had some lunch,” I said but when she started to get up I shook my head and continued, “Please don’t bring me anything to eat. I don’t have an appetite.”“But it isn’t right to leave your body in this state,” she said again going towards the kitchen when I sighed and said, “Unless you want me to puke please don’t get me anything. I don’t feel very well.”“That is exactly why I am telling you to fill y
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Chapter 87: Photo frame
*SILIA*When I wake up the next morning I am briefly aware of my surroundings. There is a light streaming in from a small gap in between the heavy curtains that have doused the room in darkness. Thankfully for that small stream of brightness I understand that it must be morning now.Diana is no longer by my side and with some difficulty I pull myself up in a sitting position taking her room in. Without her there beside me the room felt cold and unwelcoming and rubbing my eyes I try to adjust them to the light to help me figure out my escape route better.Looking for my phone I grasp for it around me to find that I had tucked it under my pillow. Taking it out I switch it on to see that it had still been quite early in the morning, around seven to be exact. I wondered if Diana had left for work but knowing her I knew that she would skip a day if it meant to safeguard the door from me leaving here without an explanation.I dreaded that interrogation and I dreaded the possibility of seein
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Chapter 88: Believe what you want to
*SILIA*Being careful I tip toe out of Diana’s room to hear the shouts increase to a level where I could put names to the voices.“Let me just see her once,” Draven shouted throwing a vase down probably the one that was usually kept on the centre table of the living room.“No! Absolutely not! It’s been so long since Silia came back here and I am not letting you push her away once again,” Diana screamed back, her voice quivering with an anger that made it clear that she wasn’t listening to anything that Draven had to say.“You know that she needs to go back, right? Let me take her home!” He argued making my heart hurt at the direct way he was telling Diana to throw me off his property.“This is her home!” Diana screeched in frustration and I stopped wondering if I should make myself known or go back to sleep.It was clear that if I went out right now then Draven would try one way or other to hurt me but even if he didn’t I knew my chest would ache if I were to see him now.My phone buz
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Chapter 89: “Secrets?”
*SILIA*“Diana can you please let me go?” I said trying to distance myself from her.“Silia, please I am really sorry about what Draven just did, you know how much of a bonehead he is. Believe me he only wants to protect you,” she said and sighing at the repetition of the same topic over and over again I looked at Nick to help me to the sofa and away from her.Walking there I saw the scattered glass pieces and thinking otherwise I moved back towards the door to directly make my exit.“Silia, Please don’t go back. Stay with me. I will somehow get Draven to agree,” she said but I had enough of their nonsense.“Why? So that I can keep waiting for the time when Draven would finally come to his senses and accept me?” I asked trying to relay to her how frustrated this whole situation had made me.“No, that is not what I meant. I am just- I am sure if you come back,” she started to say but I cut in, “You sure what? That Draven would somehow fall for me? But no I don’t think he will.”That wa
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Chapter 90: A Liar.
*SILIA*“Should I come with you?” Nick asked getting out of his car. Stopping for a second I looked up at the apartment and turning back I said, “No, it’s alright I’ll manage it somehow.”“Still if you need me for anything just call me and I will be right there,” he said with a small worried smile.“Of course, be ready for my call. I will contact you soon,” I said already making plans for what I was to do if Lisa still didn’t tell me the truth. My steps felt heavy as I made my way up the stairs to my apartment. I had purposely taken the steps to stall for time and think about what was going to happen next.I didn’t think it was wise to alert them about the information that I had so I think I should be asking her in a roundabout manner even then I really just wanted her to spit out the truth to me. Reaching my door took a shorter amount of time than I had thought and ringing the bell I waited for Lisa to open the door for me.“Oh my god where were you?” She asked as soon as she opened
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