Semua Bab Reincarnated With A Badluck System: Bab 101 - Bab 110
112 Bab
Fun With Nymphs [part 3] 18+
Fuck it... T-This is bliss.All my senses turns off as the Nymphs suck my big dick in sync while circling their tongues around my nipples. The sensation is just phenomenal!While still enjoying the way the five Nymphs are sucking me off, Aeleora crawls towards me, bringing her face closer to mine."Husband, I want... Dick. My first time taking big one," She mutters before planting her lips against my lips. Raising her ass a little in the air, she brings her right leg across my body before sitting on my abdomen. Surprisingly, she doesn't seem heavy or inconvenience me at all. If it was back on earth, my stomach would have ruptured from her weight.Upon, sitting down, Aeleora continues to kiss me fiercely. The taste of her lips is just akin to the taste of cold water with mint in it."Iyaaaaan~! You wenches should allow us to service husband too," The remaining three Nymphs apart from Alea shouts in sync before crawling towards me too.What are they planning to do...In a twist of occur
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Fun With Nymphs [part 4] 18+
"M-Me... Come?" Alea stutters while her face turns red."Fufufu..."Slowly, she starts walking towards me, taking measured steps. Now that I notice, her tits are around the C-cup size. (The reason why I know about titties sizes is simple. Because I have always been a tits fanatic after watching thousands of porn and hentai. There are times that I even come across traumatizing porn videos or hentai. However, It's as if there's no humanity left in me as I started enjoying those types of content over time. Maybe in this world, I might actually be able to carry out my sexual fantasies.)To cut the story short, tits are my favorite because tits are peak! Raising my head, I see that Alea is already standing in front of me, fidgeting for some reason. However, after Aeleora speaks to her in a peculiar language, she gets down on her knees, lying down, and turns her face to me."Husband... G-Give me seeds," She mutters while biting her lips.Looking at the other Nymphs, they are staring at me
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Predecessor's Memories
"Iyaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnn~~""Iyaaaaaaaannn~~""Aaaahaaaannnnnn""Iyaaaaaaaaaaan~~""Iyaannnn~~"*Several women moans*"Argh!!!!" I let out a loud groan as I release every last drop of my semen inside Aeleora before slumping onto the bubble bed just like them. "Haaa~ Haaa~" I let out accelerated breathings while trying to calm myself as much as possible. As you can guess, I fucked every one of their pussies one by one, filling their holes with my dirty nuts.Phew... Nutting inside a woman is a good feeling. I would say, Aeleora's pussy felt good the most because it was fucking clenching on my dick and sucking every last drop of me like a vacuum. I don't think I can ever have sex with a woman now without nutting inside her, haaa.Glancing at the sky, I notice that the sun is still hanging brightly in the sky, and the Nymphs are all asleep for some reason. Just like before, their bodies radiate with lights before diminishing.Suddenly, familiar characters appear before my eyes.[Ding!][Co
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"Husband... We give gift... That will help you," Aeleora says, stretching out her hand to give me a small brown box. "What's that?" I ask in curiosity as I extend my hand forward to collect the box. But the Nymphs don't answer me.Collecting the box, I open it and see a small silver necklace with a silver pegasus pendant on it. The pegasus is beautifully crafted, showing the craftsmanship that was put into it."Thank you," I say, keeping the box near my clothes that are on the bubble bed. Though I am a bit curious about what they gave me, Oracle had warned me not to use the inspect function in front of the Nymphs or anyone. "Wait, husband!" Aeleora says again as a black ring materializes in her hand.Aye, does she want to propose to me?"Keep inside...." She says, wearing the ring on my middle finger.Now that I notice, the ring is similar to the one I saw on the holy Knight's finger. It's something Oracle called a space ring.[Just send a bit of your Mana inside. Oh, never mind, I
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First Step Of Revenge [Part 1]
The moment I get into our house, a familiar odor wafts into my nose, the peculiar odor that each home usually has. Darting my eyes around the room, I can't help but be in awe of the grandeur of the somewhat large living room that looks like a small hall. It's equipped and decorated with many beautiful beast skulls and finely carved artifacts on the walls, each telling a story of past conquests and adventures.There are also many brown exquisite couches arranged in a round shape with a small table at the center of it. As a guy who lived on scraps in my past life, it was an amazing sight to witness. The richness and opulence of this place are beyond anything I could have imagined.However, in this new medieval world, I will live my life to the fullest. According to my predecessor's memories, he has a room upstairs. Let me get into the ro--"Waaaaaaaaaah!!!!!! Tristan!!!!!" A loud voice suddenly lets my body jolt, causing me to stop my movements.I see a red-haired girl running towards
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First Step Of Revenge [Part 2]
Looking at all the stats, a smile creeps up on my face. Just how much better can my life get? Although it's quite disappointing that the remaining four skills are locked, the skill 'Stealth' is very useful and will prove beneficial in a lot of ways. The most fascinating thing about it is that each skill also has levels.Just what the hell did the system mean by a god-level Item?[Ahem... I'll answer your question on that. God-level Items are items that are crafted from the cores of Mana beasts that are on gods level. When I say a god level, it doesn't mean the beast is a god; the beast is a god slayer itself, a creature capable of defeating a god. For instance, Draegan Vossen is a god slayer, and he also has a core.]Wait, you mean when Draegan Vossen was killed, he dropped a core like monsters and beasts?![Yes. All god slayers develop a core. And when they die, they'll drop a core. Moreover, don't bother asking me about Draegan's core because I have no idea where it is. But if his c
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First Step Of Revenge [part 3]
Yes!I say excitedly, eager to see the rewards.[Reward: Bondage kit (level 1)][Reward Type: Tools][Description: Bondage kits. One of the most important tools for the host as the host ventures out to take revenge on lots of people. This will come in handy in satisfying the host's dark desires and Draegan Vossen's wrath *wink*.][Ding!][New Quest: Conquer Sue Anderson and learn the deep secret about her.][Reward: Girth Enlarger potion.][Ding!!][You gained 100 EXP from killing the holy knight.][You've Leveled up][Your Mana pool is now Gold Rank 2][Name: Tristan Anderson][Race: Asura (Real features locked)][EXP Level 2: 5/200][Power Level (AGI/SRT/STA): 100][Mana Pool: Gold Rank 2][God's Blessings: 0][Class: Battle Mage][NOPC: 0][Spells: 0][Skills: 4][Techniques: 0]_____________________________________Looking at the stats before my eyes, my mouth opens agape. Not because I don't like what I see, but because a lot of things don't make sense.Oracle, my first questi
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First Step Of Revenge [part 4]
"Come inside, Tristan~"Hearing these words, a grin appears on my face. The skill 'Sweet talk' is actually potent than I thought!With a small push on the door, I enter Sue's room. It's a big room similar to Clare's room with an alluring scent lingering in the air. I find myself standing in the doorway, observing Sue as she sits on a chair with a small wooden table in front of her. The room is dimly lit with a small orb of light that's floating above, creating an ethereal atmosphere. Sue is engrossed in her task, writing something inside a scroll using a white brush dipped in see vibrant red ink. Curiosity gets the better of me, and I try to catch a glimpse of the content, but before I can, Sue swiftly covers the scroll, keeping her work hidden from my prying eyes, making my curiosity explode. But well, we'll keep that for later.It's been almost five years since I last stepped foot into Sue's room. Memories flood back, reminding me of the times we spent together as children, explori
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Sue's Secret
Suddenly, she starts talking. "Tristan, the thing is..."Sue pauses her words while fidgeting with her fingers."Tell me the problem, sister. I promise you, I am very reliable," I say again, persuading her to speak.She leaks out a heavy sigh... On the other hand, I am gritting my teeth inwardly because Meg will soon arrive from the guild."Tristan, you caused it... You caused it by making a promise that you couldn't fulfill." Sue says while she looks up, glancing at the ceiling."Wait, what is that? What did I do?" I ask, as I can't find anything relating to any promise to Sue in my predecessor's memories."Y-You forgot?" Sue asks again, her eyes shaky as if tears are about to fall. I can also see her clenching her fists."I...I don't remember anything, sister," I reply in confusion."Y-You don't remember the promise you made seven years ago?" Sue asks again, frustration etched on her face while she bites her lips."I don't remember any of that, sister. With my current age, seven year
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Meg Is Back
*GWARRRMP*I feel the strange liquid run down my throat. It's very cold, minty, and has quite a foul odor that doesn't seem unappealing. The moment the liquid settles in my stomach, I feel a strange sensation run from my navel, slowly to my crotch, dick, and finally settle in my ballsack."Aargh!" I leak out a small voice as I feel something move and wiggle inside my ballsack. "W-What was that?" Sue asks with a stutter."Nothing Sue, just the effect of the potion I used," I reply with a bright smile. In the next moment, I move my face forward to Sue's face. I can feel her hot breath heating my face as she is also staring into my eyes, anticipating what's about to come.With a sudden movement, I press my lips against her lips, savoring the taste of her red salty exquisite lips. On the other hand, my hands are undoing her clothes and miraculously removing them from her body in a flash, leaving her naked with only her bra and panties on.After removing her clothes, I separate my lips
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