Semua Bab SOLD BY THE ALPHA: Bab 101 - Bab 110
196 Bab
.....   Colt, Vaan, Bianki, Stephen, Hiro, and Taki arrived in Minerva's home land after a four-hour journey. That's exactly what they had been planning. And Minerva was directing them as they approached their big gate.   Minerva's Alpha was waiting for them at the entryway as soon as they stepped inside after opening the metal barrier.     "Thank you for welcoming us, Moss," Colt expressed his gratitude.     And Minerva's home land's Alpha is Moss. He is a werewolf that is 350 years old. His hair was white, and his eyes were also red. He is attractive and friendly, but he is also dangerous. He and Colt were previously enemies, but because they shared the trait of being Alphas, they formed a powerful partnership. That was also the moment when Minerva was appointed as one of Colt's scouts.     "It's been a long time, Colt," Moss said.
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.....     After an hour of discussion, Colt and Moss were done. Then Moss called an all-hands meeting with his and Colt's packs. Everyone then proceeded to the training ground because there were too many of them to fit inside Moss cabin.     The gathering began after that. Inside the training area, Colt and Moss informed their packs about the approaching battle against the rogues and them. Some were taken aback, while others were well aware of their circumstances. And it took them nearly three hours to end their meeting.     "Let's have a toss, Colt," Moss said. "I wanted to congratulate you on having a mate."     They were on their way out of the practice field then. Their packs were also following them from behind.     "You know I'm not a drinker," Colt emphasized.     Moss protes
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.....   Following Moss's simple celebration for Colt, everyone went out of their job which according to rogues they would be hunting.     Colt and Moss were still discussing minor details of their plans. Everyone appeared to be quite busy because they were well aware that their situation was not simple. They must give it their all to ensure that they do not fail in their goal.     When night fell, Colt, Vaan, Stephen, Taki, Hiro, Bianki, Minerva, and some of the Moss packs began collecting their belongings in preparation for their trek to hunt the rogues they sought.     "Don't be too hard on my men, Colt," Moss jokes, grinning at Colt. "If I get a message that you're oppressing them, I'll hunt you down."     "I can't promise that, Moss," Colt replied. "You know me."     Moss continued, stroking
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......   Colt said his goodbyes and informed Lilith that he still had a lot of work to do after their phone talk, and Lilith believed him because she didn't know what Colt and the others were up to.     After that, Lilith went directly to bed. Tio and Carla were still watching her as she slept with a smile on her lips. The two were also relieved to find Lilith in such good spirits. However, their concerns remained, and they were apprehensive that Lilith was unaware of what was going on around her.       Carla felt terrible, but she couldn't help herself because Colt had chosen to keep everything from Lilith. Aside from that, Carla was confident that Lilith would be recovered in no time. And when the time comes, they'll be able to reveal their true selves to Lilith.       "You seem preoccupied, Carla," Tio said, staring at Carla. "Why do
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.....     Colt, his packs, and several of Moss' packs made the decision to live at one of Moss's Paris homes. And they're getting ready to carry out the tasks that Colt and Moss had set for them.     "Alpha, Stephen, and Moss packs were leaving immediately to begin their own searching," Vaan said from the front door.     Colt said while focused on his laptop, "Call Zillo. Tell him I needed to talk to him."     "All right, Alpha," Vaan replied.     Vaan then exited Colt's room and proceeded to the Drake and Moss packs. And he noticed them speaking in the living room.     Vaan spoke up, drawing everyone's attention to him. "Zillo, Alpha is calling you," he said.     "All right, I'm coming," Zillo replied.      
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.....     "Is there something wrong here? Is it just me or has the ambiance really gotten colder?" Nissy asks, breaking the silence between them.     "Put that glass down right now and quit drinking," Vaan said sternly.     Vaan doesn't want to force Bianki to do anything, but he also can't let her do whatever she wants, especially drink too much. Vaan was fully aware of what Bianki would do if she became inebriated. And he doesn't want to muck things up when they're supposed to be doing their duties and taking things seriously. But, in her current state, Bianki appears to be uncaring, which is why Vaan was unhappy.     "Come on, Nissy," Bianki murmured as she continued to drink, utterly ignoring Vaan.       Kiela and Nissy, on the other hand, are at a loss for words. They were baffled as to what was go
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.....       While typing on his laptop, Colt made a phone call to Lilith. Vaan hasn't returned yet, despite the fact that the fight between Vaan and Bianki lasted several hours ago. Colt had previously texted Vaan, but Vaan had not responded.       Vaan was now spending his time alone, reminiscing about the past and relaxing himself, as he often did when he was having trouble dealing with his own emotions, Colt knew. Despite his desire to console Vaan, Colt was unable to do so since he wanted his packs to handle their own difficulties. In addition, they must learn from their own mistakes.     "Hello?" Lilith said in response to Colt's call.       Colt asked as he relaxed his back on his chair, "How's your day? How was your harvesting earlier? Did you have fun?"      
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.....     Colt and Lilith had communicated over the video call for about two days. And Colt hadn't responded to Lilith after he asked her two days before. As a result, Lilith grew depressed and believed Colt was truly angry with her. Colt had asked her to bear his child for the third time, and she couldn't forget it.       Carla was still thinking about it, as was she. And when she looked at Lilith, she couldn't help but feel concerned and guilty.       Tio then saw Carla and Lilith were also silent. As a result, he was becoming increasingly intrigued. "Is something wrong, Carla? You and Lilith have been quiet for two days now," Tio inquired.     Carla asked, throwing a glance at Tio, "Do you want to know?"     And when Tio noticed Carla's seriousness, he became concerned and perplexed at t
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.....       "Victus?" Carla grumbled as she noticed him standing outside Lilith and Colt's house.       Victus whispered gently, "Alpha sent me here to join you, Tio and Lilith."       "All right," Carla says, faltering as she opens the door to let Victus in.       "You can join Lilith and Tio in the living room," Carla said, "and I'm busy cooking right now."       Victus simply nodded and returned to the living room, while Carla returned to the kitchen to finish her dish. She then became lost in her thoughts. She couldn't tell if it was just a fluke or if Colt had sent Victus to keep an eye on them. She was concerned that Colt was aware of her and Tio's plans.     Then Tio, Victus, and Lilith all sat at the same table
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.....     As soon as Tio saw Lilith enter the kitchen, he said, "Good morning, Lilith."     "Good morning, Tio and Victus," Lilith said as she took a seat in the chair. "Where is Carla?" she inquired.     "She's out for today," Victus replied, smiling, "and she also stated she needed to finish some drugs she was manufacturing."     Lilith said, "Umh... Ok."     Without Carla, Lilith felt as though she couldn't do anything. Carla was accustomed to always being by her side and accompanying her. She was aware, though, that she would have to learn to manage herself on her own. She also learned to do things without the help of others.     Victus inquired, "What do you want to do today, Lilith?"     Tio was already washing the dishes when they had finishe
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