All Chapters of The Duke's Unwanted Wife: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
161 Chapters
60: Fated Meeting
{So, why did you wish to come to Aldie’s Hollow?}“Fairies are natural hoarders of pure mana which means you have a few rare plants growing here. I’m here for the blue five leaf clover”{Not that I wouldn’t give you but why do you need something like that?}“I realized something early on. Fredrich could ascend at any moment. He confirmed it that not even death could take me from under his control. So, I want to make an effort too”{The Blue five leaf clover is a good herb but the pureness of the herb can cause an opposite effect. Are you sure you still want to consume it?}“Since you’re growing it, you know how to utilize it, don’t you? By the way, I am curious. Why haven’t you ascended yet, despite living for such a long time?”{The answer to that question, I can’t give you today. But meeting you, I think I have regained my motivation so I am thankful for your presence. I will ask someone to harvest a few for you. Why don’t you come in?}“Thank you, Madaline”The Basilisk’s territory
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61: Peaceful Death
The rumors about Sebastian grew worse and more malicious by the day. From him bausing his connnection to the first princess to abuse his workers to him treating everyone as if they were beneath him because he was from the kingdom of Ducroft. Temara was worried about him but he didn’t stop, imposing more daunting deadlines on the workers and carrying out his plans speedily. The person that was meant to stop him, Amaika, was focused on something else, something they considered important. Finally, the day they anticipated seemed to have arrived. The pieces of their plans had come together and they had come to present it to the Queen. There was a commotion in the Queen’s palace as Temara and Sebastian walked there together with the laborers who drew carts to the Queen’s garden. “To cause quite a commotion, I do hope you have something reasonable to present, Lord Sebastian” the queen said, her cold tone tinged with curiosity. “I am sure I would be able to impress your majesty. If you wo
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Harsh Realization
The magnitude of the chaos that seized Ducroft when the Grand Duke announced he was taking over was by no means small. The borders were shut down, the capital was put in a lockdown and the nobles were forced to pick a side. If it was in the past, there would have been a few loyalist to oppose the Grand Duke but as more crimes of the Crown Prince came out, everyone submitted to the Grand Duke. Marvis watched all this happen from a distance. With the commotion, it wouldn’t be weird if his master had already heard what happened. He did have to go back to report but it wasn’t a problem if he didn’t go right away. Since he was already in the Forest of Telra, he decided to go to check out the Werecreature’s village that was being built. With how long he was gone, it should’ve been completed.He traveled for four days, making it there with only tracing the scent that was unique to werewolves. Since there were werewolves with them, he would be able to find them. He finally exited the forest,
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63: Moving Forward
“What are your plans now, your grace? They haven’t yet found out that we stole your body but once they do, there would be guards everywhere,” Countess Quartz said, handing her a cup of tea. Natalia collected it, taking a sip from it. Her sense of taste was returning gradually and her body was still very sensitive since she just left a state of near-death. “We would leave for the Empire of Illumine today,” she replied, putting the cup down on the table beside her. “You want to reach the Berden Pass from the Empire?”“Yes. The territory bordering the Berden Pass in this kingdom belongs to Marquis Bellam. If we pass through such an open place, I would get returned before I realize it. Going from the empire where no one knows us would be better. All you two have to do is escort me over the border”.“You don’t want us to follow you to your destination?”“I made a promise and I won’t go back on my word. The moment I get on the carriage heading for the northern part of the Empire, we would
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Moving Forward (2)
“Your grace, who is that?”“I need a quiet room and no disturbance for the next three hours”.Whenever Natalia didn’t give a definite answer, it was a sign that she didn’t want to be pressed. They were quite surprised to see her come in with a body floating right behind her. They couldn’t recognize the person which made them wonder who he was and where he came from if he was even a he. Natalia was unable to use her healing powers properly because of how little mana she had left so she summoned Madaline. {Werecreatures are rarely this fatally injured. Most of them were wiped out but this one is particularly resilient}“Can you heal him?”{I need a medium. Do you still have the medicine I used to heal you?}“Yes. Here it is”Natalia stood aside and watched Madaline heal Marvis. It was a complex possess she couldn’t interfere with but it was interesting to watch. It was different from the other types she had seen and she could feel it especially now that she was rapidly losing her natu
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“You don’t have a fever and your pupils aren’t dilated. You should be completely healed soon. How are you feeling inside?”“Why?”“That’s not really an answer. Do you feel unstable inside?”“I’m asking why you saved me.”“A favor should be repaid in kind, shouldn’t it? You saved my life, I saved yours,” she replied plainly as if it was that simple. “Do you even know the gravity of what you’ve done? If you keep harboring me, then you won’t be safe! You don’t even know who I am!”“Then, do you know who I am? You don’t think it’s strange that we met in Ducroft and now we’re both at the border town of the Empire?”“What….do you mean?”“Marvis Jane. A personal knight of Crown Prince Reagan of the Empire. A Werewolf capable of mass destruction and the secret weapon of the crown prince. Am I right?”“How did you……?”“It’s funny that despite being the personal knight of the crown prince, you still haven’t recognized me. Well, maybe it’s because I’m supposed to be dead.”“I am very confused r
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Marvis's Helplessness
The journey to the north was somewhat peaceful because of the route recommended by Marvis. Most of the Empire was developed so the roads were carriage accessible. They got through the security checkpoints quite easily but there were an abnormal amount of Security checkpoints and with the questions they asked, it was fairly obvious they were looking for Werecreatures, most especially Marvis. With the increased security, it wasn’t long until someone figured out who she was so she decided to take the rest of the journey on foot. She was almost at the north and was fully recharged on her energy so she decided to use teleportation and take her time to tour the Empire. In the days of the war, the borders of the warring nations were totally destroyed by either side. The north got the brunt of it, becoming an unrecognizable wasteland. Before the war, it was a quiet peaceful place that relied on agriculture and tourism, especially through the Berden Pass. It took her a total of a week to fi
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67: Berden Pass
The heat coming from the Berden pass was no small matter. Finding a caravan that would take her across proved to be a little difficult as most of them were filled already and none were willing to take a lone, weak-looking woman across the desert that she was more likely to die on. She was turned down there more times than she was turned down in her life. Thus, one day of travel was wasted. It was a frustrating experience. She returned to the inn where she once again waited for the day to pass. The nights were cooler than she expected and since winter was approaching, it was safer to leave sooner to be able to cross the rocky terrain of Polivia. She put off the candle in her room and rested her head on the itchy pillow of the inn. It was uncomfortable but compared to living in the Dukedom, it was more than enough. The inconsistencies of her plans would’ve already been obvious to anyone smart enough to notice it. However, it wouldn’t be easy to look for her openly so she was safe, at
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68: The Berden Pass (2)
If it was any other dragon, she wouldn’t be worried that it was a pointed attack and would’ve just fended the dragon off with everyone’s help but it was a red dragon, the same dragon that sat on the roof of the Duke’s Mansion. If it was there, then Fredrich definitely knew she was alive. “Madaline!”The fairy appeared in a nick of time and saw the humongous creature almost immediately. Without question, she enveloped the whole desert stork in a green barrier. In response, the dragon spat fire at the barrier but was unable to break it with just that. “Is that a…..fairy?” Marvis asked in amazement. Everyone else was staring at her as well. They couldn’t possibly know it wasn’t an ordinary fairy but the fairy mother herself but there was no need to broadcast it. “I’m sorry for calling you here like this Madaline but I need that.”{Are you sure that is what you want? You worked hard to get it.}“It’s fine, I can always get another one. Just do it.”Madaline nodded, disappearing. A gree
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69: Duchess Everon
The feeling of something warm on her hand woke Natalia up. It was still very early in the morning but it was uncomfortable to feel something looming over her. She immediately opened her eyes and reached for her dagger, cautious. However, she was flabbergasted to see a huge wolf in the cave. Its head was two times bigger than hers, its body huge enough to dwarf her even though she was of significant height. The wagging tail felt like a hurricane, blasting cool air to her face. The warm thing she felt on her hand was the tongue that drooped happily from its mouch. “Mar….vis?”The wolf gave an excited howl, circling around her. He nudged her hand with his snout, panting even harder. She was amazed as it was the first time she had seen a werewolf transform. Even Amaika didn’t transform in her presence. She curiously slid her hand through his fur, feeling how soft and silky it was. It felt even finer than all the fine materials she had ever gotten in her life and she was someone who live
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