All Chapters of A Mafia's Possession : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
60 Chapters
Chapter 21
Her hands tried moving across the satin white sheets of the hospital bed but it proved abortive. Every move from her partially numb fingers were been restricted by a severe pain that flowed through her battered body."Raph I'm scared. The car. I don't want to die please"  Those words, like a dying cry, echoed through her mind followed by a vociferous crash which immedately made Nicole instantly feel a jolt like electricity pass through her body, shaking her entire being.  In a flash, she flew her eyes open only to be welcomed by a bright light. The searing bright light felt like a hot steel on her skin. It was awfully painful yet hospitable. It took a moment for her blurry visison to adjust to the oddly white hospital ward.    White ceiling, white walls, white bed, everything was white. Her breathing was painful with each rise and fall of her chest. It felt
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Chapter 22
Leila was tongue-tied. Why was he asking her that? Her heart sank and panic rooted itself in her.Raphael observed her and wondered why she suddenly looked shocked like she had seen a ghost.  Leila was quick to suppress her thrown aback state and cleared her throat to speak. "I have no idea Raphael. Why would you ask that? Are you suspecting me?"She knew Raphael was smart and sharp. He was also shrewd. Any hint of panic in her face would give her away so she masked her frightened state and quickly put on a smile.Raphael shook his head at her. "Look everybody is a suspect Leila. Some one tried to fucking kill my wife. It wasn't an accident. Somebody out there is after my wife's life""And you think it's me? Didn't you mention some weeks back that you recieved a threatening  letter from Ivan and he promised to harm Nicole so...""It's not Ivan"Raphael
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Chapter 23
NICOLE    My accident really hit me like lightening bolt. From going to the boutique to getting a major car crash and the next thing that fell upon my eyes was this hospital ward which had more or less become my temporary abode. It was a very scary experience. I had never been so scared like that in my life.  I thought I was going to die noticing how the car kept on accelerating in speed and my inability to control it. I could only imagine how terror-struck Raphael would have been. He stayed with me all through the day of the accident and held on to my hand.My stay in this hospital was gradually climbing to two weeks and Raphael never left me. He made my ward his second home. I watched him abandon all work activities for my sake. I felt really bad because I knew it meant his work would be compiling and once I was discharged, he would have a lot on his plate
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Chapter 24
Raphael had his hand encircled around Nicole's waist as he supported a limping Nicole in her steps. They were heading to the other victim's ward.  Nicole stopped walking for a brief moment and sighed. She felt she needed the short walk break.Raphael caressed her waist as if telling her she will be fine. She understood his touch and smiled at him."Why don't you just let me carry you Nicole?"Raphael asked once they began walking again.Nicole shook her head. "I need to exercise my legs by walking""If we keep walking at this rate we will reach the other victim's ward by sunset and before we get downstairs it will be midnight"Nicole tried to hold in her laughter at Raphael's reply.  Raphael sighed and in one scoop, he picked her up bridal style.Nicole had her lips parted and encircled her arm around his neck as he began walking.
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Chapter 25
NICOLE    It's been three weeks since I got back from the hospital. Everything was going smooth, Raphael still worked late but at least I did get to see him every morning though I rarely saw him at night.     He would work late at night and come back sometimes five in the morning. It was a cycle for him. I truly wondered how he was keeping up with the torturous routine. I just hope he wouldn't get insomnia as a result of his over working attitude.I knew being in the mafia was a hell of work but I felt Raphael was just being a workaholic.Like the man needs a fucking break!I suddenly started missing the period I was admitted to the hospital. Atleast I knew Raphael got enough sleep and rest. It was just both of us in our own world. Just like normal couples.  A shaky sigh escaped my parted lips as I reminisced about t
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Chapter 26
Nicole filled the entire room with her moans as Raphael's expert tongue feasted on her hardened nipples.Her fingers fisted into his scalp and held on to his nape as he lavished her engorged breasts."R-raph more please"she pleaded in an airily breath.Her hands slipped past his neck to his pants, sensually rubbing on his budging, rock hard dick.Raphael let out a low, guttural groan and trailed his lips to her neck.  He swept her neck with his tongue before giving her soft bites. Nicole squirmed on the bed and moaned even more.Raphael raised his head up and locked his lips with hers. Time stopped in an instant for Nicole with Raphael's tongue moving so sensually inside her.   She completely surrendered herself to his burning, fervent and possessive kiss.  His fingers explored her skin with a mind of its own. Hands reaching for her a
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Chapter 27
Nicole tossed about in her bed, unable to sleep as her slumber was being haunted by terrible nightmares.Suddenly her eyes shot open and she was instantly jerked awake. Her heart beat was racing to its summit. Nicole sat up and placed a hand on her chest, trying to calm down her erratic heart."God. Why am I feeling so scared?"Nicole asked no one in particular.Her worried thoughts then drifted to Raphael and her breathing got hitched. He wasn't back home yet. Her eyes roved around her room, scanning every corner.  "Raphael?"She called out as she stood up from the bed in hopes of meeting him in the bathroom or closet.The only response she got was an empty closet.  "Raphael where are you?"Nicole cried out to herself, slumping on the cold floor of the closet.This wasn't the way she imagined her married life to turn out.
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Chapter 28
RAPHAEL"In recent times" I began leaning forward and placing a cigarette in between my lips."For the past four months if I should be precise, our goods have been targeted and we've hard such a hard time passing them through the boarders of Columbia and Ecquador. And I'm surprised noticing I have high classed politicians and those bitches sitting in the boarders and embassy in my payroll"I pulled out the cigarette in between my lips and watched the features of Marcello hardened. He oversee the distribution of our drugs from the boarders of Columbia to Ecuador and also from Paraguay to Argentina.He opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off at once. "Look Marcello we've recovered those drugs well thanks to me"I added cockily."But somehow I always have to deal with issues when those goddamn drugs are going into Ecuador""Well you can't blame
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Chapter 29
The guards went stiff, their frigid orbs darting to the ground on seeing Raphael stride towards the doors of his father's office.  He ignored their rigid state as they acknowledged his and Dante's presence with a slight dip of their heads.  Dante let out a deep exhale and snatched out his gun from its hoister."Why are you bringing out your gun cazzo-cock?" Raphael asked in a low tone with his face turned to peak a glance at Dante.Dante shrugged his shoulders. "Incase one of them pees in their pants. I don't know why they look so pale whenever they see you"Raphael had a smirk forming by the corners of his lips. They should always look pale on seeing him. He loved the fear and spine chilling dread that ignited in the hearts of people whenever they thought of him.Raphael roughly pushed open the door and elegantly walked inside with Dante to
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Chapter 30
NICOLE    The room was dark, the only light illuminating it was the one shining from the blue screen of my laptop.I was surfing the net, searching for available tech companies in need of workers.  It felt like I was the only person in this mansion not engaging in any sort of job. I had every thing I wanted at my disposal, well Raphael made sure of that, but still I was beginning to feel like a house wife.  It was sickening. I hated the feeling.I had to get a job. Besides everyone else was always working and Raphael clearly never had my time these days. Instead of brooding over his frequent disappearance at least I could get a job and keep myself busy.The cold breeze rushed into my room without any hesistance, roughly blowing my braids over my face.I whipped my face to the windows that were opened wide open. The soft rays of the moon struggled to
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