All Chapters of Scoundrel With A Noble Heart : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
96 Chapters
Chapter 21
Stranded in a foreign town with nothing but the clothes on his back, Matthew knew no other way to survive but to return to his old ways. He stayed in a blind alley near the market town, where he could easily blend with the locals while picking out his targets. He'd resolved to go on with his life, but not a day passed that he didn't think about Arabella. Her images pervaded his dreams and consumed his waking hours. He imagined her reaction the minute she found out he was gone. He'd promised to stay, but he'd left her without a word. What would she think of him? It was likely that she hated him now. Not that it mattered. Sooner or later, she would return to her family, and when she reentered society, she would meet a man of her class, and soon forget about him.Determined to put his misery behind him and get on with his life, he plunged into the bustle of the market town. As he pretended to jostle through the crowd, his hand unobtrusively made its way into some man's pocket, and a coi
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Chapter 22
It happened in a flash that Joseph "Mighty Joe" Goddard could barely see anything until the young man who shouted at him suddenly crumpled in a heap at his feet, and the other man reeled back with a surprised look. The next second, Goddard caught the sight of a blood-coated knife in his hand.Then a shocking realization struck him. The blood dripping from the knife would have been his had the young man not thrown himself in front of him. Leaping down, Goddard swiftly flipped the young man to see the severity of his injury, and found that red stain had been expanding rapidly over his shirtfront.Goddard cursed himself for not being aware of the oncoming danger. He'd dismissed a threat he'd received not so long ago as a mere bluff. He'd never feared for anything under the sun in his fifty eight years and he'd always refused to be defeated by age despite the fact that he was nudging sixty. However, it appeared that he began to lose his customary alertness."Fucking bastard!" He sprang
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Chapter 23
Marguerite said nothing more, allowing Goddard time and space to dwell on the matter. She remained there to offer him her quiet support. Time crawled in silence, that seemed to grow oppressive with every passing minute. The wait appeared to be an unbearable torture for Goddard, who glanced impatiently at the door every few minutes and never stopped flicking his fingers on his clad thigh. After what seemed like ages, the door opened and the doctor stepped out of the room. Goddard leapt to his feet, and practically pounced on the older man, not even giving him a second to draw breath."How is he?" "He will be fine. He lost a lot of blood but thankfully the stab didn't get into his vital organ." Goddard's face instantly cleared at the news. He continued to ask the doctor several other questions, while Marguerite slipped into the room. The nurse, who had just finished tidying up after the doctor, informed her a moment before leaving."We've had him cleaned up for now, make sure to keep
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Chapter 24
"I... I'll fetch you a blanket and something to wear."She stammered and hurried out of the room. Turning his head on the pillows, Matthew scanned his surroundings to find his clothes, but they were nowhere in sight. He cringed at the sight of the lacy handkerchief over his crotch and, couldn't bear the embarrassment for another minute, he searched for another possible covering within his reach. He almost reached for the pillows under his head when the girl returned with a pile of folded sheets and robe.Fixing his gaze on the ceiling, Matthew suppressed his mortification as the girl spread the blanket over his legs and pulled the sheets above his waist. She seemed to understand his predicament, careful to keep her gaze fixed anywhere else but on him. After she'd done arranging the blanket, she reached for the folded robe."I brought you my father's dressing gown. I know this is too big for you but I suppose it will have to make do for tonight. I'll try to get a pair of trousers and a
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Chapter 25
The minute she swept inside the privacy of her suite, Marguerite shut the door and leaned her back against the stout wood. She breathed out deeply, but she couldn't seem to slow her racing heart. She'd never experienced anything like this in her entire life. Her eyes fluttered close and a smile creeping onto her face as she relished the prospect of staying close to him tonight. With a sigh she opened her eyes again, only to meet Goddard's savage scowl across the room. He'd just stepped out of his bedroom, still wearing his complete attire since he'd be joining the casino crowd later.His presence immediately reminded Marguerite that she had to get his permission to take care of Matthew, and the expression Goddard wore told her, it wasn't going to be easy. But she had promised Matthew to stay near, and a promise was a promise. She shouldn't give up before trying. With the resolve, she looked up and met her father's eyes."Papa, tonight I need to stay downstairs to check Matthew every h
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Chapter 26
"I hope I'm doing this right. I'm not sure I recalled Mama's recipe correctly."Marguerite muttered as she put a baking tray filled with cookie dough into the oven. Turning back to the kitchen table, she took off the dish towel wrapped around her right hand and draped it over the chair before taking a seat.Standing on the other side of the table, the Cook, a nice, hearty woman in her late forties stopped chopping onions and glanced at her with a fond smile, "I'm glad to have you around again, Maggie. I never thought I'd see the day you'd be back here baking cookies."A wistful smile curled up on her lips as memories of the good old days wiggled their way out of the far recesses of her mind. She and her mother used to spend time together in the kitchen baking a lot of cookies and gingerbread, only to share them with the servants and casino staff. Back in the day, the heavenly smell of freshly baked cookies along with laughter of the happy servants always wafted on the air here.She'
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Chapter 27
For the dozenth time Matthew's gaze flicked at the doorway that evening. He didn't know when it started, but he found himself expecting to see Marguerite coming through that door, and it had nothing to do with the food she'd always brought for him. It was just good to have her around. He truly enjoyed her company, and she seemed to feel the same way. However, she had been a little bit strange when she left his room this afternoon, he wondered if he'd made her uncomfortable with his earlier answer. He'd known it might sound ridiculous, still, he couldn't give her anything other than an honest answer. As if on cue, the next time he glanced at the door, it clicked open and Marguerite swept into the room with a dinner tray. She immediately paused when their gazes met, fixing her eyes on the floor as she continued to walk toward him. Matthew almost opened his mouth to greet her but then refrained, afraid that after his inappropriate remark, she might feel the need to keep her distance fr
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Chapter 28
Marguerite had been standing in front of the ornate wooden door of Goddard's office for ten long minutes before she managed to muster enough courage to knock. She had strengthened her resolve and braced herself, knowing that it wouldn't be easy, still she flinched when she heard Goddard's voice from within the room. Taking in a steadying breath, she turned the latch and pushed the door.On the other end of the room, Goddard was sitting on a high chair behind a huge mahogany desk. Clearly not expecting to see Marguerite, he seemed a bit surprised. He put down his quill pen and beckoned her to come in.As her gaze swept briefly over the scattered papers on the huge mahogany desk, Marguerite immediately spotted an untouched platter of food on the far corner. It was almost nine o'clock, the food must have been sent to his office a couple of hours ago. She hated to see such a sumptuous meal go to waste, worse yet, to see Goddard ignore his own well being."What do you want to talk about?"
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Chapter 29
Three months later,Standing in front of the enormous, double-sided door of Goddard's gaming house, Matthew pulled the coat he wore above his uniform closer around him, grateful for the outerwear had kept the cold air from getting into his skin. The evening started with a downpour that had lasted for almost two hours before eventually abating to a steady drizzle just a few moments ago. Thankfully, Marguerite had had the coat delivered to him as soon as it began to rain. Though the clothing seemed a little bit well worn, it was of finest quality he guessed that it was Goddard's old stuff. Thinking about everything Marguerite had done for him, Matthew couldn't thank her enough for being so kind and thoughtful. He'd been thinking of some ways to return the favor, and he decided to give her a little present, something to bring a smile to her face. He'd planned to go buy her present tomorrow in his free time.As he observed his surroundings, his gaze drifted from the slushy streets, where
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Chapter 30
It all seemed, at first, like a dream, Matthew couldn't believe his luck. Sometimes he had to pinch himself, in case he was dreaming about it all. He got trained right away, by Goddard himself and some of his dealers. He'd got quick hands, so it was no wonder that he mastered how to shuffle the cards in no time. But he surprised them all, as much as himself, with how quickly he grasped the concept of probability. For the first time in his life, he found fascination in what he learned, and in a very short time, he'd learned several gambling techniques. At first Matthew thought it was sheer luck when he beat one of Goddard's men in cribbage, but after he managed to win easy victories over some other dealers shortly afterwards, he started to realize that he had one extraordinary talent for numbers and rapid calculation of odds. However, it took a while before Goddard allowed him to plunge into the field.Matthew experienced the same odd stirring the minute he set foot on the floor of the
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