All Chapters of My Wife is a Hacker: Chapter 3231 - Chapter 3240
3306 Chapters
Chapter 3231
Doretta's pupils contracted slightly, and after a moment's hesitation, she decided to stay put. She figured there was no need to follow; Everett wasn't likely to escape today. By threatening Lawrence, Everett had sealed his fate—if Lawrence managed to take him, the odds would not be in Everett's favor.Everett knew this as well; his earlier outburst was a desperate measure. He still planned to find a way to escape; being captured or returning with Lawrence wasn't an option, as it would likely lead to his death.Seth, leading his team, glanced at Doretta. She subtly gestured toward the back door, and understanding her hint, Seth directed his team to pursue.Ten minutes later, the operation inside the factory concluded.The captured men from Lawrence's group were sent to the police station by Max's team.As for Lawrence and Everett, Seth and his team pursued them, determined not to let Everett get away.Once everything settled down and quieted, Doretta slowly approached Jared's car
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Chapter 3232
Doretta seemed convinced that Everett's threat had been effective, forcing Lawrence into a corner.Nicole's complexion turned a shade paler. Everett's brief words were a mere threat, but they clearly indicated the gravity of the past events.Reflecting on it, Nicole realized how someone had detected her return to San Joto despite her concealed identity and even her lost memory, managing to ambush her precisely at the airport.Everything started to make sense. Lawrence didn't want her back, hence the elaborate setup. To protect her children, she had stayed away from San Joto, concealing her whereabouts and living on Crescent Island with Nolan and Lana."Is there anything else?" Jared's voice was deep and somber."That's all I heard. I thought it was crucial to inform Nicole," Doretta replied."Max, escort her back," Jared instructed, then looked at Nicole, who remained silent.After Max took Doretta away, only Nicole and Jared were left in the spacious living room."With the tru
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Chapter 3233
After briefly biting her lip, Nicole calmly responded, "It's alright, he probably realized there was no hope and thus abandoned Everett.""So, you mean Lawrence initially helped Everett but then gave up on him?" Preston surmised."Right," Nicole confirmed, giving a brief rundown of the events.Preston remarked, impressed, "I thought Everett was incredibly skilled to escape from such an encirclement. It's unbelievable." He had been shocked when he heard Everett was captured, hardly believing it was real. It turned out Everett's escape was facilitated by Lawrence's secret assistance."Does this mean all of Everett's associates have been rounded up? There shouldn't be anyone else, right?" Lulu speculated with a slight frown.She pondered, 'It must be so, especially if even Lawrence has abandoned Everett. It's unlikely anyone else would assist him now.'"Great, finally, everything is settled," Preston looked around the group. "Should we head back to Grandpa's place tomorrow?""I thi
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Chapter 3234
"Perhaps," Ian muttered, his head drooping. He genuinely didn't know how he'd been detected, but it seemed a plausible explanation now.Lawrence sighed and said, "It seems we need to be more cautious in our future endeavors."He was well aware that Jared was not an easy adversary, especially with Zane's support. Even though Nicole wasn't as physically formidable as before, her other capabilities remained intact, not to mention her possession of the Fire Crest and Water Crest."Sir, about the matter Everett mentioned..." Ian began hesitantly, his unease palpable, "if he were to reveal it..."The threat Everett held over Lawrence could severely compromise him if made public."Eliminate the threat. The dead don't talk," Lawrence stated coldly, his eyes harboring a ruthless glint.Even though Everett had blackmailed him, Lawrence never intended to spare him. Those who knew more than they should weren't worth keeping alive."Understood," Ian responded quietly.With a final nod to La
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Chapter 3235
At that moment, Nicole was processing the news as well."How could this happen?!" Lulu exclaimed in disbelief.Nicole shook her head. "No one knows yet; everyone is investigating."However, she couldn't shake the feeling that this incident might be connected to Lawrence.Everett had leverage over Lawrence with his knowledge of Lawrence's secrets and had even used this as blackmail. Now that Everett was caught, it seemed unlikely that Lawrence would let him off the hook, especially if it meant keeping his secrets safe.But Lawrence probably hadn't anticipated that Everett's threats would be overheard by Doretta, and they could now conjecture the whole situation clearly."It's really something with Everett," Lulu shook her head. "After all the effort to capture him, he just ends up dead."Suddenly, a thought struck her, and she blinked rapidly, "He didn't commit suicide, did he?""No," Nicole shook her head, confident despite the lack of details, "I'm sure Everett wouldn't commit
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Chapter 3236
Nicole looked straight into Jared's eyes and said, "I think you might be on his radar too, so we both need to stay alert and ready."Jared nodded. "Got it." He was all set to confront Lawrence once and for all.When they reached the Riddle family manor, they parked the car and joined Lulu and Spencer."June and the rest are already inside; let's head in," Lulu said, eyeing Samuel's car parked close by."Sounds good," Nicole agreed.They walked into the living room and saw June and Samuel talking to Benjamin."Have you seen Nolan and Lana?" Benjamin looked around, wondering why they weren't there yet, even though Jared and Nicole had arrived."Mom and Dad are picking them up. They'll be here soon," Nicole told him.Just then, Daniel and Gloria came in with Nolan and Lana, and not long after, Dexter, Emma, Ellar, Stanley with Tia, and even Preston showed up."Dexter mentioned, "Emery's caught up with work; he couldn't come.""That's fine," Benjamin said, knowing Emery was swamp
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Chapter 3237
"Don't try to change the topic, Stanley. You're really looking out for Tia, aren't you?""Of course, she will be my wife soon. I've got to take care of her," Stanley replied.Everyone laughed together, enjoying the light-hearted atmosphere.The older family members watched the younger ones joking around and felt really happy.Gloria, smiling warmly, commented, "These kids are wonderful."Emma nodded. "It's great to see the family like this. When they're happy, we're all at peace."Karen then shared her feelings, "You're all so carefree. I get anxious if I don't see Preston, and yet I feel a bit sad even when I do.""Don't stress too much," Emma suggested. "Preston knows what he's doing. Things will work out.""What else can I do?" Karen let out another sigh.Just then, Alfred, the butler, came in. "Dinner's ready," he announced."Let's eat," Benjamin said, inviting everyone to the dining table.Everyone agreed and moved to the dining area to sit down.As they settled, Benja
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Chapter 3238
"It's not that," Lulu shook her head with a sigh. "It's not that. I'm just glad Patricia really likes you. Otherwise, she might have given up waiting for you to make a move!"Ellar looked a bit downcast. "I've tried my best. I have to consider Patricia's feelings too, not just rush things."He silently wished love wasn't so complicated, pondering the challenges of winning someone's heart.Emma, picking up on the subtleties, asked, "Wait, have you two not officially dated yet?" She was surprised, having assumed their relationship was more developed.Ellar blushed, realizing he'd let slip more than he intended."Mom, I had no choice," he tried to defend himself, mixing seriousness with a hint of jest.Emma frowned. "What do you mean no choice? Were you planning to keep up a pretense?"Ellar hurried to explain, "It all started with Doretta. If you hadn't tried to set me up with her, I wouldn't have turned to Patricia for help. And it turned out, Patricia felt something was off abou
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Chapter 3239
"Dad, we're off now.""Grandpa, time for you to get some rest; we're leaving.""Great-Grandpa, we're heading back home."Benjamin, with a warm nod, responded to each farewell, "Take care, then."As everyone left, Dillon and Karen reminded them, "It's late, drive safely."The house became quieter, and Dillon offered, "Dad, let me assist you to your room."Benjamin, maintaining his independence, declined, "I'm fine, I'll go up on my own."Karen sighed as she looked outside. She reflected, "I never imagined Preston would be the last one single. He's always done things his way, so different from the others."Dillon reassured her, "Everyone finds their own path in time. I'm just happy we have such a peaceful life now." He thought about past hardships, grateful for the present calm.Karen nodded, lost in thought.Dillon, holding her hand, encouraged, "Let's focus on the present and the future. We've made it through a lot.""All I want is for Preston to be happy," she said, echoing
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Chapter 3240
Nicole gave Patricia a knowing look and simply said, "You're back."Now that Ellar was out of the hospital, it was normal for Patricia to resume her regular responsibilities at the company."Ms. Riddle, it seems clear Lawrence was involved with what happened to Everett, but he's covered his tracks too well for us to prove anything," Patricia reported, her frustration apparent. 'We've caught the people who did it, but linking them to Lawrence is proving impossible.'Nicole wasn't shocked. "That's to be expected," she acknowledged. Lawrence would naturally ensure his involvement was untraceable.Patricia, looking concerned, asked, "What's our next move?" The inability to directly connect Lawrence to the crime was troubling."We stay vigilant and wait," Nicole replied calmly, maintaining a composed demeanor. They needed to keep their cool, especially when Lawrence was likely feeling the heat.Patricia nodded, understanding the cautious strategy.Just then, Lulu burst in, delighted
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