All Chapters of Tangled With The Badboys Of Shining Stars High: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
101 Chapters
Fifty One
**Next Morning**“Ellie, for goodness sake. What is it that you have been doing?” Elsa asked.Ellie has been in the bathroom for the past one hour and still counting. Ellie started whistling as she scrubbed her body with the sponge.“Elsa, I will soon be out.” She yelled.“Be quick. I really want to use the bathroom.” Elsa said impatiently touching her abdomen.After some minutes, Ellie stepped out of the bathroom and without further discussion, Elsa hurriedly ran into the bathroom. She emptied everything that had been stored up. She heaved a sigh of relief and smiled.Ellie watched her sister rush in. She shook her head and went towards the dressing mirror.After a while, Elsa came out also wrapped in a towel. She hurriedly used the lotion and wore her clothes. At this time Ellie already wore hers and was combing her hair.Ellie went over to a corner and picked her shoes, she wore it and buckled up the lace.Elsa finished wearing her clothes and using lotion. She wore her shoes also
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Fifty Two
**Evening**“We will be taking a total of 75 students.” The principal said and disappointment crossed the faces of the students.They had been called to the announcement hall in order tell them about the fun fair they would be going for.“But that does not mean that the students here won't have anything doing.” He said.“They would be free for the week. They will also engage in lively activities. We are only going out of the school premises for some time to celebrate our win and also to help relieve to some examination fevers.” He explained.“Students that will be going will be called, understood?” He asked.“Yes, Sir.” They replied.“Good.” He said.“You can leave.” He said and they all walked out.“Elsa, where have you been?” Ellie asked her sister as soon as she entered their room. She ran towards her and held her hands.“I was summoned by the principal and guess what? I was chosen as part of the people that will be going.” She said and Ellie's hands that were on he
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Fifty Three
“Aria, You did not get chosen?” Ellie asked surprised.“Yeah. Guess I was unfortunate.” Aria said and forced a smile.“So where are you off to?” She asked.“Café and after that I will be studying with Jake.” She said and Aria's face brightened up.“Jake?” She asked with an undertone of surprise.“Yeah, just now he asked if we could study together and I agreed, not like I have any other thing to do anyways.” Ellie said. “Can I join?” Aria asked.“Sure.” Ellie replied.“Then let's go have breakfast.” Ellie urged her. They smiled at each other and started walking towards the café.“Hey.” Jake said as he pulled out a chair and took a seat beside Ellie.“Hmm.” Ellie nodded at him as she was about taking a bite out of her hamburger.He smiled at her and turned to look at the person that was sitting with them. Aria smiled a little. He only nodded his head and his stomach rumbled which made a sound.Ellie giggled and Jake looked at her accusingly. He stood up quickly and w
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Fifty Four
“You can all alight from the bus.” The principal declared. The students stood up and carefully alighted.“You all are with your whistle, right?” He asked again.“Yeah.” Some said while others nodded.“Move.” He said and started going in the woods. They got to a clearing. Their tents has been tied up and other things have been put to place.They really put so much efforts.“Since it is evening already. Let’s all take a rest and also don’t forget your partner.” The vice principal said. There were so many tents.“Wow. Look it’s indicated which tent will we be staying in.” A student said and they went in search of their tent.“So did these people realize that I was paired with a guy?” Elsa asked no one in particular.“You can stay in the tent. I will stay just right outside here.” Jayson said from behind her and pointed towards a brick. Elsa looked at him.“Such a gentleman but I don’t think it is necessary. All we will just have to do is tell the authorities.” She said. Jayson scoffed at
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Fifty Five
**Two days later**Grrr! Grrr! Grrr!“Elsa, please turn off the alarm.” Ellie mumbled sleepily as she turned over on the bed. But the alarm being an alarm kept ringing.“Elsa, didn't I say you should turn off the alarm?” She said almost like yelling angrily as she sprang up. She was breathing heavily in annoyance. Then it dawned on her that the Elsa she was calling was away for a planned break by the school. She hit her head at her silliness.She yanked the alarm that would not stop ringing and angrily turned it off. She dropped it on the shelf angrily giving it a thud sound.She sighed and wrinkled her eyebrowows in sadness. I placed her head on the pillow and sighed.“Guess you are enjoying over there.” She said. “And also happy that I am missing you.” She said and sat up again.“I wouldn’t let myself be down. You are enjoying and I will also enjoy.” She said with half hearted determination and pulled off the top and pyjamas she was wearing hurriedly.She threw them on her sister's
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Fifty Six
“Run.” A voice shouted.“You can do this.” Another voice urged.“Run, faster.”Several voices chanted as they urged their representatives to run.The sun has risen and they already woke up. They had eaten breakfast and gotten into the fun that was prepared for them.So right now, they were in a casual race. Part of the fun they had gone for. Elsa and Jayson both sat, still eating their breakfast, hesitantly. Not like any of them was interested in the game they were playing. Other students who had come too, were busy cheering those that were in the race. Christian looked around, searching for a face that had a pair of grey eyes and a heart shaped lips with a little non hairy eyebrows, that is always not smiling neither was it always frowning. He was searching for her face. He looked around but could not find her.“Where is she?” He thought as he narrowed his eyes around the people that were there. Then suddenly, his eyes caught two heads that were sitting in front of the fire that
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Fifty Seven
**Two days later, In the Afternoon**Ellie finally stepped out of her room since the rising of the sun. She walked towards the café with a wrinkled face like she was in some pain. She saw Jake sitting down with his friends on a table. She pursed her lips, contemplating whether to go meet him or not. She decided against it and went to sit with Aria.“Hey, babe.” She hollered at her.“Oh, Ellie. It is you.” She said as she sipped a little apple juice.“Ain't you sitting down with your new made friend?” Maureen asked since she was on the same table with the both of them.“He is with his friends as you can see.” Ellie replied and rolled her eyes.“When will this people be back?” She asked after a while.“Just give them two days more.” Aria said, patting her hands. Ellie pulled her hands away from her.Then Aria remembered a conversation she had with Jake a night before. She smiled at her.“All it takes is time.” She thought.“Wish you happy ending.” She said as she ate some doughnut.“Wha
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Fifty Eight
**Three days later**The students stood in expectance of the students that were arriving or rather coming back.They all chatted happily and noisily. Then four buses drove into the garage and students soon hopped out. Anticipating students soon hurry towards the parking lounge and cheered happily for them.The students that had just arrived blushed as they dragged their bags towards the other students.They ran towards one another and engulfed in a hug. It was really an heartwarming sight. Jayson came down from the car carrying his bags and that of Elsa's. They looked around and saw Jasper walking towards them.“Man.” They shook hands. Ellie and Jake with the other J-Stars stood waiting for the rest of them. Jayson, Elsa and Jasper all walked out of the garage.“See. Over there.” Elsa pointed towards a shade as soon as she sighted her sister.They turned their heels and walked towards them.“Hey, man.” Jace greeted.“Hi.” Jasper replied as he placed his bag on the chair close to h
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Fifty Nine
“Since when?” He asked, not looking at her but past Jake's head.“Huh?” She did not get what he meant.“I said for how long have you been with him?” He asked, raising his tone a bit.“Hmm.. I… Ermm…” She stuttered as she looked at Jake.“I will repeat myself, how long have you been with Jasper?” He asked in a very low dangerous voice.“Erm… you see… brother… I… erm.. It is not what you are thinking.” She stuttered.How the hell did he find out? Then she saw Jace walking towards them.“Man, you need to take it easy and besides what is with the overprotection?” Jace scoffed and took a seat beside Jake. Jayson turned to him with angry eyes.“Let's go visit Jasper.” Jake suggested and reluctantly, Jayson stood up and walked past Julia. Jake and Jace who had just come follows him also.Julia ran after them.They soon got to the hospital block. They went in and did the necessary procedures before finally heading to Jasper's room.“Wait, what is his room number?” Jake asked. Jace looked a
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“Jayson.” Shawna called out as she ran towards him. She has been calling him since they left the café after waiting breakfast. He stopped on his tracks and sighed.“Jayson.” She said and stood beside him.“What do you want?” He asked immediately.“I… hmm.. We are starting examination in a two days' time.” She announced like he did not know it before.“Yeah, I think the principal already made that clear to us earlier on?” He asked and raised an eyebrow.“Yeah, sure. He did.” Shawna said and faked a smile.“Was thinking if we could study together?” She asked nervously. He narrowed his eyes ad her with craned his neck a bit.“I mean like a study group.” She said immediately.“Sure. For as long as it is only for reading.” He said and before getting a response from her, he walked away.“But you have not told me when you will be less busy.” She said jogging after him.“Come tomorrow's evening.” He said and walked ahead of her. She stopped on her tracks with a triumphant smile.“And why ar
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