All Chapters of My Werewolf System: Chapter 761 - Chapter 770
855 Chapters
Chapter 761
A year had gone by since the fight between Gary and Midwak for the battle over who would be the Alpha of the Howlers' pack. In turn, whoever won this fight would have control of the other Beta Werewolves, which included Kai, Olivia, and Maria.It wasn't just the Howlers' pack, but more so the entirety of the Howlers' corporation that was on the line. Thankfully, Gary had managed to win. It wasn't an overwhelming victory, but it was a victory that had been achieved during the day.It showed that Gary now had the strength to defeat a powerful Omega wolf at Midwak's level without using the class skills he had obtained. The reason for him doing this had worked out as well.Midwak, although able to challenge Gary once every month, had never challenged for the position again, nor did he seem to complain about the tasks he was given by Kai.This was all because a promise between the two after that fight had been made, and although Midwak was still wild and hard to control, he seemed to be ke
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Chapter 762
Gary sat down in his seat and pulled the chair closer to the table. As he lifted his head, he looked into Xin's eyes. They were as beautiful as ever. What had started out originally as just a simple crush had grown stronger in Gary's heart.The two of them, although having spent little time in total together, he still had yet to find someone who made his heart beat faster or gave him the feeling of butterflies when he saw them in person.It had been over a year now since the two had met in person, and yet here he was in front of her, getting those same feelings again."It's been a long time since I've come back to this hometown of mine," Xin said. "It really has changed a lot, and look at you as well, you look completely different. No, there is something different about you."Gary smirked as the courses came out and were delivered to the table. They were small in size but with several smaller plates, allowing a person to get a true taste of everything. It was a fine dining experience
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Chapter 763
Almost immediately after hearing the words that Gary had said, Xin dropped her fork, which she was using to enjoy her dessert, onto the ground. It took her a moment or two, and she only reacted when Gary was the one who went to pick it up.The two of them slid under the table and reached to get the fork."It's okay, I'll get it," Xin said, as she placed it back on her plate and sat there in silence, looking at Gary until she eventually smiled."Haha, that's quite the funny joke, Gary," Xin chuckled. "I mean, it's a good way to try and convince me, but it's kinda cruel, don't you think? You know, growing up, all I would hear were the bad news and stories about gangs from my father, even though he was quite the big hypocrite."It wasn't just her father, but even during the time she had lived with her brother, the two of them would always consider those working for gangs as scum. Yet, everywhere Xin's father, Ben Clove went, he would work closely with a gang to get what he wanted. This t
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Chapter 764
It was unexpected words that had come out from Xin's mouth for Gary honestly. For one, Jayden always seemed like this powerful figure who was above him, almost like a teacher. It was hard to imagine him having any type of trouble.But, since Xin was concerned, he wanted to hear her out, more so than that, he would have been willing to help Jayden out as well if he asked for it."What's wrong?" Gary asked. "Isn't everything fine? I saw that he just recently entered the top 25 in the AFC. Hasn't he been doing really well?"Gary had been keeping track of all of his fights. Going from top 50 to top 25 was quite a feat in the AFC, and Jayden had done so by continuously taking on fights.There was a rule in the AFC, and that was that Altereds weren't allowed to use active skills or powers. They were allowed to use anything that their bodies transformed into, but that was it.This gave a slight advantage to those who were more physically altered and relied on their bodies transforming. Yet,
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Chapter 765
The man was remarkably large in size. One could tell even though he was wearing a large green hoodie. It was tight around his body, showing his well-developed shoulders and muscles. What had come as a surprise was how someone so muscular was able to move that fast.He had made quite an impression on his entrance. The guards pulled out batons from their backs, and as they tapped the bottom, they started to light up."Oh, Anti-Altered weapons!" The large man said. "It looks like quite a bit of money has been spent on the protection of this place, huh."With the weapons in their hands, the men had confidence as they charged in. They swung the baton down, but he swiftly avoided it and kicked the guard in the stomach, sending him flying.He then grabbed the baton in the air that he had dropped and swung it, hitting another guard right on top of the head. It had been swung with so much force that the baton itself had broken.From the very back, though, a small arrow was fired. It hit the la
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Chapter 766
The werewolf that had crashed into the slot machines was Bardo. He quickly got up from the hit, as coins fell off his body. He had been hit quite cleanly, but he didn't look to be majorly injured."Damn, that guy packs quite a punch, and he hasn't even changed into his Altered form. Just who is this person?" Bardo thought.The two had even dealt with Altereds coming to attack them before. Once in a while, other cities seemed to run tests on just how good the protection of Notsburg was. They would hire other gangs and send their Altereds to attack. Having been hit so far and so cleanly in one go was a first.Bardolph, who was on the ground, went ahead and fully tackled the man in the waist as soon as he landed.He saw the large man lift his hands, ready to slam them down, but before they had done, Bardolph swung to the side and got right behind the large man. His attack had missed and hit nothing but the air.With his werewolf strength, he lifted the man by the waist into the air, read
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Chapter 767
The large man was lying on the floor, his shoulders were shaking. His hand lifted to the top of his hood and he pulled it down. The only thing one could see was the large grin on his face and his large pearly white teeth.Using the momentum of only his legs, he jumped up from the ground. The workers that were watching felt like the hit had to have had some sort of effect on the large man. After all, who wouldn’t after being thrown in the air like that, and from Midwak of all people. When standing, he looked like he had next to no trouble at all.“This is what I was expecting, this is the type of power I was expecting from a tier-2. You must hook quite the high potion in the Howers gang. It’s a shame for you, that it won’t be enough.” Midwak pointed both of his hands out, and nails started to fire out from them. The large man quickly spun his body, avoiding all of them and charged forward at the same time. “You're fast for a big guy!” MIdwak said. “But I’m faster!”Jumping in the ai
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Chapter 768
Due to the severity of the situation, all of the core members of the Howlers had been called. Kai, Marie, Olivia, Austin, and of course, Gary were present. Innu was still considered a core member, but contact with him was limited due to his current situation.All of them were now traveling in the regular limo, making their way to Notsburg."Are those really the only details we know so far?" Marie asked. "Don't you think it's strange that someone would attack the casino, the base, but not go after the rest of the city or any of the other gang members?""Do you remember when Midwak attacked us?" Kai replied. His elbow was placed on the edge of the car, and he had the window open ever so slightly, just enough for two fingers to fit through."He attacked me at the time because he wanted to send a message," Kai explained. "It's often in cases like this that they show their power, so we see that there's no point in an all-out fight. They had managed to take out Midwak, who was a powerful al
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Chapter 769
The group had left Midwak in Notsburg. They had thought about taking him back to Slough with them, but he himself didn't want to do that. He said he was fine, and with a bit more food, he would be back to normal. Gary was inclined to believe him.The damage was just more than what he could take. On the drive back, though, the group couldn't help but worry, wondering who did that to him."Are we going to be okay?" Marie asked. "Midwak was pretty strong. He probably is just under Gary in terms of strength.""Hey," Olivia said. "We have been working hard training together. Don't go putting your hard work down the drain like that. Besides, style makes up fights.""I think the real shocker in all of this is that it just took one person to take Midwak down," Austin stated. "I would have expected a whole gang to come.""Hey!" Kai clapped his hands loudly together. "We shouldn't think like this. This is exactly what they wanted. They wanted to startle us by taking down one of our strongest wi
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Chapter 770
Gary and Kai had just left the main office after their talk with Ashen, having learned what was going on and all the problems the Howlers were dealing with. Gary had seen Kai fall to his knees.He looked straight ahead, staring at the hallway that led to only the elevators as he proclaimed he had no idea what to do.It was the first time, the first time Gary had seen Kai like this."Kai, you've always been strong, always doing everything for the gang behind the scenes and have never been able to rest."As things have gotten bigger, you continued to take on that burden each time. It must have been getting to you, but we never saw it. And now with everything being attacked at once, you don't even know where to start."Walking over, Gary placed his hand on his shoulder."The answer is simple," Gary said with a smile. "We just need to find out who's behind this and pay them back ten times more. We don't have to worry about anything else."Gary's simple view allowed for a light to be seen
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