All Chapters of The she wolf and the wolf hunter: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
162 Chapters
91 The root of everything
"How did he manage to come back after he had been executed in such a terrible way?" she asked the moon goddess, as she finally raised her head up."He was saved by his ancestors and brought back to life," she answered her."What? How possible is that? How could a dead human be brought back to life?" she asked again."There are so many things that happen beyond the earth, inside the underworld that will marvel you more than this little miracle. Do not bother yourself or your brain by trying to figure it all out because you are not going to understand anything," the moon goddess said to her.The last sentinel nodded her head, then she immediately stood up from the floor."I am through with watching the video and I now know who my enemies truly are. I was in doubt at first, when I had seen Sabrina in the video but after watching I know that she's is very wicked. I am highly disappointed to know that the woman whom I considered my family had been planning my downfall all along. She only w
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92. Witches never love
"A sentinel can never cease to exist on earth, no matter how many deaths she dies, she will always return. A last sentinel is respected by all the wolf breed of any kind, irrespective of their different packs. To your second question, Sabrina believed that you had stolen what was meant for her daughter. History has it that sentinels was a position meant for the first girl born in the newest generation of her pack. Her daughter was born before you and she was also the first born in your generation and pack," she paused again."If all the sentinels were first Borns of the current generation, then why did you make me the sentinel?" she asked her."I made you the sentinel because given it to Sabrina's daughter was only going to cause great havoc because it was a great abomination. Sabrina was a half witch and a half wolf by mating and so her daughter couldn't stand the chance of taking such responsibility," she answered."If I had made that witch blood the sentinel, then their would have b
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93. She killed her husband
"Of course she stopped her son but that was only because she cared about him. She only stopped him because she needed him. She knew very much that her son's power was no match to that if Lucas. Even from the video, you will realize the reason why she stopped him. She stopped him because she wanted you and Lucas to fight against each other, that was the only way she could get one of you out of the way," she voiced out."But that is not the only reason. She stopped her son because she could not let him die. If her son were to die, then no one from her family could become the next alpha of the pack. She is only using her children to secure her power," the moon goddess answered her."What if she gets to a point where she has to kill her children in order to gain more power, does it mean that she will really do it?" Emilia asked the moon goddess."Of course she will do it. She is a witch and it is hard for her to feel emotional about anything. To witches, family does not matter," the goddes
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94. Narration
"I am sorry for over reacting earlier today but that was the only way that I could convince you and look, it worked out so perfectly," he said to her but still received nothing more than a smile from her."You are still angry at me for what I did, so I guess I just have to let you get over it," he voiced out and walked into the closet but little did he know that he was never going to step out of that closet.Sabrina had used a spell to paralyse him inside that closet and afterwards, his body disappeared to a place where no one could tell.)"I do not really know neither can I tell if her husband is truly dead but after he had entered that closet, he never came out again," the moon goddess voiced out.After Emilia had finished seeing how Sabrina had killed her husband, the moon goddess still left her to hang on the air. Obviously the moon goddess still had more things to reveal to the sentinel, things like the revelation of how her father and mother had died. Emilia did not voice out a
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95. Brutal murder (narration of a thousand years)...
The moon Goddess's POV "Look into my eyes," she said to your mother."Whenever my husband is being asked for, you are going to tell them that you sent him on a mission," Sabrina said to your mother.Your mother immediately nodded her head, them she turned to the door and left.Sabrina stood there smiling so widely." I paused my narration, as my eyes began to wonder around, there was something I felt pass through me and so I was trying to find out what that was and why it interrupted me.After sometime, I continued with the narration."(Months after, Sabrina's husband still hadn't returned but so many minds drifted from finding out his whereabouts because your mother had put to bed, you were born."Good day to you my lady," Sabrina greeted your mother, as she walked in. She had a large smile on her face."Sabrina how are you doing?" your mother asked her."I am good a...," she didn't finish talking before your mother interrupted her."And your husband?" your mother quickly added, cau
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96. You have a helper...
(After killing all of them, she went straight to you to kill you but no matter how much she tried, it was just too hard for her to kill you. She decided to take you as her own but only for negativity and you have seen for yourself the outcome of it.)"Immediately the moon goddess finished narrating everything to the last sentinel, she freed Emilia.At once the sentinel fell to the ground and her tongue became untied."Ouch!" she said, while rubbing her elbow."Now you have seen how your parents were killed. That wolf hunter had nothing to do with their death or the death of the members of your pack. Sabrina was the person that killed all of them. The hunter had killed wolves but surprisingly, he never killed a white wolf, the only wolves he killed were the black wolves. Sabrina made you fight a good man and now you have to make amends for all your bad decisions," she said to the sentinel."I am very ashamed of myself. I let a witch that killed my parents to use me. Now she has the upp
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97. Her savior is revealed...
A lady in white was passing. Alice wondered who she was. She looked familiar, but Alice knew she had never seen her before." Excuse me, " Alice said, running towards her.But the lady seemed to be in a haste.All Alice wanted, was to see her face." Ma'am I'm talking to you, " she shouted as she reached the lady. Then she touched her shoulder.The lady turned. She was a fair beautiful lady possessing earthy features." I have seen your face before, " Alice said, sounding more shocked than intrigued." Yes, my dear, you have seen me before. I've been following you all along, " the lady said desperately." Why? Why have you been following me? Who are you? " Alice asked keenly." I am here to let you know who you are and what your mission is, " the lady said briskly." What mission? What are you talking about? " she had become confused." I am your guardian for now until your mission is fulfilled, " the lady said toughly." And what is my mission? " she asked looking askance." Like I sa
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98. Emilia's stone shines...
It's been exactly a week since that awful incident happened, but neither had it stopped happening nor had the memory of the first time left Alice's head. It was as though something punched the repeat button on her brain remote control so that only that dreadful event played on her mind. Alice was only ten when her mother died mysteriously. At that time, the black witch Sabrina, the ruler of the black witch realm. In a quest to assume all the powers of the witch's clan, she killed Hellen, Alice's mother, —the head of the white witches. Before then, the coexistence that ensued between the black and white at that time was strict because of some restrictions, rules, and regulations that governed them all. However, the event of eight years ago scrambled out any semblance of peaceful co-existence between the two clans. It was a cold night seven days ago. Alice was in the woods gathering herbs for her father when she felt her pulse quicken, almost like she could hear the snapping and buckl
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99. Emilia's mate
Sabrina could be seen pacing around the bush.She was definitely waiting for something or someone. "I sent you on a very little errand, which I am very sure that you are capable of handling, so why are you not back?" she muttered, looking really pissed."Come on, just get back to me. You are my only hope now. My powers do not seem to work anymore and I can not understand why. Of all time, it had to be this period that I needed it the most," she added, folding her fingers into a fist.It seemed as though she couldn't wait any longer and so she moved out of where she was standing and started heading to nowhere in particular, probably to look for whoever she was waiting for.Sabrina's POVI waited patiently for the python that I had sent to help me find and destroy the last sentinel but it was taking a lot of time for the snake to get back to me.This really annoyed me.I paced around the bush, in order to pass out time.I could not help but wonder what was keeping the snake from returni
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100. Meeting Lucas
"You were so desperate to meet your mate but now that you know him, you intend on backing out," the stone said in her head."Do not be foolish sentinel, put your pride aside and work with him. This is a matter of life and death. You need him to win this fight," the stone tried to convince her."I know that I need him but do you really believe that a man like him will be able to forgive me. Besides I do not see any reason to apologize to him, I was deceived by Sabrina and that was the reason why I had done all that I did to him," she said, trying to justify her actions."Lucas is a very good man, do not deceive yourself by trying to think otherwise. If he is as bas as you claim he is then he would have killed you. He would not have let you off so easily but he did. This shows just how much he loves you," the stone said to her."What? Are we bringing love into this now? Lucas is a womanizer, the only thing he cars about is getting into every lady's pant. You seem to have forgotten that I
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