All Chapters of An Unexpected Summer : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
33 Chapters
Chapter Twenty-One - Making his night better
Arya I had left Kyson on the sofa with a beer, telling him I had some laundry to put away. I didn’t. I wanted to run a bath for us, bubbles, candles and wine, without him knowing. He had no idea I had the rest of the night planned for us. I have left the bath to run so I can pick something sexy to slip into after. I went through my closet, deciding what I wanted and finally decided on a pink lace baby doll. I have panties to match too. I hide them out of the way so he doesn’t see them until I have them on.I head back to the bathroom, lighting the candles and checking on the bath. It is nearly ready. I pour two glasses of wine, setting them down. I turn the warm water off, adding in some cold water. Once prepared, I stroll through to the living room. He is lost in his own little world, sipping his beer and watching videos on his phone. He doesn’t hear me approach.“Kyson, do you care to join me?” I ask seductively.His head soon shoots up, eyes on me.“Join you for what?” he question
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Chapter Twenty-Two - I couldn't do this alone
Kyson Arya and I had just arrived at our hotel in the city. We drove here, stopping at motels on the way since it takes nearly two days to drive. We could have gotten a flight, but we chose to go by car and enjoy a road trip. Plus, it gave me time to try to get myself together. The party is tonight, and I am dreading it. We were staying here tonight and tomorrow before heading back to the cabin.“Maybe going tonight isn’t such a good idea.” I sigh as we climb out of the car.“Yes, it is a good idea! You need to do this for you, Kyson, and to show her you have moved on. I will be right there with you, by your side the entire night.” She says softly.“I guess…” she has a point, but that doesn’t make it any easier.I grab our bags from the boot, and we head inside to check-in. We had to hit the shops too because neither of us really had outfits for a party. Our plan, check-in, shower, change and then go out to get what we need. Hopefully, it won’t take too long.Arya waits by the elevat
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Chapter Twenty-Three - It belongs to me
AryaKyson and I were getting ready for the party. I finally found a dress: a sexy yet classy dark blue strapless dress and a pair of killer heels to match. I can sense Kyson is still freaking out about the entire thing, and rightly so. I just hope it doesn’t get too much for him, and he loses his shit because they aren’t worth it. If his ex even tries to come near him, she will have me to deal with.Kyson is sitting on the bed, already dressed in jeans and a shirt, which is the colour to match my dress. I am in the middle of doing my hair and make-up. I see him watching me in the mirror, smiling.“You are staring, baby boy,” I snicker, smiling back at him.“I can’t help myself. You are beautiful.” He gushes.The heat rises in my cheeks at his sweet compliment. He stands from the bed, coming over to stand behind me. He places his hands on my shoulders, and I tilt my head back, smiling brightly up at him. He leans down, kissing me softly. I happily kiss back. It is sweet and gentle.He
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Chapter Twenty-Four - The dreaded party
Kyson Arya and I were outside of the hall where the party was. We have been standing here for the last ten minutes because I have been trying to find the courage to go in. I felt like a pathetic coward. It has been years since it all happened, and I have Arya now, so it shouldn’t be getting to me as much as it is. Arya is being patient with me, something I am grateful for. “I think I am ready now,” I finally say. Arya smiles, kissing me softly, “Okay. Come on then.” She offers her hand to me, which I take. I nod, and we head inside. The place is already full. Some people I know, family members, and others I don’t know. I take a deep breath, and Arya squeezes my hand. I glance around and see Gordon sitting at one of the tables with Lena and some of their friends. A wave of anger took over me, but only for a moment; then, it subsided. “I guess that is them over there?” she whispers. “Yes. Gordon and Lena are over there,” I reply, nodding to where they are. “Ignore them. We should
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Chapter Twenty-Five - Who does she think she is?
Arya We finally find Kyson’s mom sitting at a table with some other family members. I can feel someone watching after us, and I have a feeling who it is. I glance over my shoulder, and Lena is staring. I don’t know if the issue is she regrets what she did to Kyson or if she doesn’t like the fact that he is with someone else. Does she think he was going to spend the rest of his life pining after her? I only met her for a minute, but it was enough to work out I didn’t like her. She doesn’t seem to like me either, but I don’t give a damn. Kyson keeps me close as we approach the table. “Hello, mom.” He says softly. She quickly stops the conversation she was having, turns around and smiles brightly when she sees Kyson standing there. She jumps to her feet, rushing over to hug him tightly. He let go of my hand to hug back. “I have missed you, my boy.” She coos. “I missed you too, mom.” He replies sweetly. I smile at the interaction between them. When they pull apart, she turns her at
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Chapter Twenty-Six -How dare she!
Kyson It is the last round at the bar because the party is coming to an end. I am standing at the bar, waiting to be served. I had my talk with Gordon earlier. It went okay, and we have sorted things out the best we can, but it will never be the way it used to be. The trust and bond are lost we once had.“Hi.” I hear from next to me. I knew exactly who it was. Lena.I sigh and turn to face her, “Hey.” I reply casually.“Can we talk, please?” she asks softly.“Yeah, what do you want to talk about?” I didn’t want to talk to her, but I was curious about what she had to say.“Not here, somewhere a little more private.” She pleads.“No. We talk here or not at all.” I make sure I am firm because I am not going anywhere alone with her.I refuse to upset Arya because I would if she saw me disappear somewhere with only Lena. Lena didn’t look too happy with my suggestion, but she nodded. She steps in a little closer.“I am sorry for what I did. I made a huge mistake, Kyson. I know it has been
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Chapter Twenty-Seven - The thought terrifies me
Kyson I pull up outside Arya’s cabin. It is two o’clock in the morning. Our time away hasn’t been so bad. It had been good spending time with family. Not only that but to get some closure too.Arya had fallen asleep. She drove first, and then it was my turn. She crashed out an hour ago. I won’t wake her up. I park the car, grab our things first and put them into the cabin. I head back out, going around to the passenger’s side and opening the door. I undo her seatbelt and scoop her into my arms. Arya groans but doesn’t wake up and snuggles into my chest.I use my foot to close the door, locking it with the key and carry her inside, straight to her bedroom. I lay her down on the bed, slipping her shoes off. She is already in sweatpants and a tee, so she can sleep in them. I bring the covers over her and sit next to her on the side of the bed.I smile, pushing the hair away from her face, “Sweet dreams, my love.” I whisper, kissing her forehead.I took a moment to admire her. The light
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Chapter Twenty-Eight - The last person I want to see
Arya I am sitting out on the front patio, writing. Kyson is away into town to stock us up for the week. I offered to go with him, but he insisted I stay. I did have writing to catch up on since we were away for a few days. My editor is expecting more chapters tomorrow.It is a lovely day, perfect for sitting outside. I had my iced tea and snacks. I would finish my book soon because I didn’t have much left to write. I will miss this place when I leave in a couple of weeks. I have no idea what Kyson and I are going to do once we leave. I am sure we can work it out.Kyson would be away for a few hours, so I plan on making the most of it. I take a sip from my glass before getting back to typing. It doesn’t take long for me to become lost in it. My fingers are flying across the keys. I love when I get into this mode.I only stop when I hear a car pull up. Surely Kyson can’t be back already? Unless he has forgotten something. I glance up, but I don’t recognise the vehicle. I haven’t seen i
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Chapter Twenty-Nine - I want to tell her
Kyson I am trying my best to stay calm on the way back. I am so fucking angry. How dare Lena show up to the cabin? She has no right. I made it clear I wanted nothing to do with her.I arrive at the cabins and spot Lena sitting in her. Arya was nowhere in sight. She must have headed inside. I pull in behind Lena’s car and jump out. I head towards the driver’s window and chap it. When Lena realises it is me, the biggest smile appears on her lips. What the hell is she smiling about? Does she honestly think I would be happy to see her?I step back to let her come out of the car. The second she does, she comes towards me.“Finally, you are home.” She gushes.She tries to close the space between us and kiss me. I quickly put my hand up and put a distance between us.“Back off, Lena. Why are you here?” I ask through gritted teeth.“To see you, silly. I was hoping we could talk since I am single now. Maybe try again?” she replies sweetly.Is this woman high?“No, we can’t talk. I am not inte
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Chapter Thirty - Making a plan
Arya We only have a week left of being at the cabin before we need to go back to our real lives. My book is nearly done! Which is amazing! It usually takes me longer to write, but I think this one was easier because of the experiences I’ve had this summer.I didn’t want to leave, but I didn’t have a choice. I would rather stay here with Kyson. Thankfully his psycho ex has stayed away. Apparently, she is engaged now to some guy she met a couple of weeks ago, so Kyson’s mom told us. As long as she stays away, I don’t care what she does with her life.Kyson is still sound asleep. I woke early to do some edits of my book and make us breakfast. We still haven’t discussed what our plan is when we leave here, but we need to. I want to do it today. We need a good place if we want this to work. I have never done the long-distance thing before, so I don’t know how we will cope with it. I know it works for some couples, but for others, it doesn’t.It takes over six hours from Oregon to New York
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