All Chapters of My ruthless billionaire husband...: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
51 Chapters
Agnes was already blushing from the back of her ears wiyy embarrassment. Was he not going to show up?She thought her head had already fallen when she heard his voice."Are you newfound, not something that you can take care of by yourself?"She felt like crawling into a hole at that moment when he said that but she ignored it and just said in a chirpy tone."Well, I don't know if this zipper is not agreeing with me at all right now..."There was a silence that followed it for so long that she suspected t maybe had walked out on her or something like that until she heard his importred shoes grinding against the ground until he reached the changing booth."Miss Agnes?"He called carefully stepping on each syllable as if it was actually walking on glass, Agnes sighed shoving her hand out and grabbing his arm pulling him inside with her."Miss Agnes!" He gasped instantly looking away the moment he was in the changing booth his face was so red up to the tip of his ears, how did someone like
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"Are you gonna close your mouth anytime soon or when a fly moves in?"Clinton couldn't help but ask his best friend who was crouched over another video of his ex-wife and her new found lover."I can't believe this!"He snapped slamming his hand on his desk like he was intending to chop it into two at that moment."Why?why would she do this?"He all but cried."We just broke up and she's already with another man!"Clint looked at his friend with that same patience that was running out of steady supply of."I'm sorry but if I remember correctly a certain someone had a woman warming up his bed last night..."Ethan's face looked constipated as his friend pointed this out."Not to mention, she is a divorcee and not a what's your deal? she's a young woman did you expect her to pine after you for the rest of her life?"Ethan had nothing to say to this but a bunch of flimsy excuses."That redhead was just a fling, "He shivered as he remembered that it almost cost him his life as the
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The words were suddenly again in Ethan's throat as he imagined how his father would react to the truth that the woman that he had lover for so many years, and had never stopped really loving had played him."Your wife actuall-""Did I come at a bad time?"Marcus suddenly walked into the living room and Ethan gritted his teeth as he heard his cousin's voice, leaning back on the couch with his legs crossed."It's none of your business, Marcus."He said to his cousin his words going back into his throat as his teeth kept gritting. Why has it been so hard for him just to tell his father the truth the truth that he didn't know about his wife and of course he's causing her the worst timing ever what was he even doing here he sent a look at his way that asked this question in a way that words could not.Marcus so the nasty look that was pointed his way and went to sit next to his uncle while Ethan was sitting adjacent of them so that he could be closer to him while he complained about his co
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When it's on arrived at the party she was wearing a sharp black suit and walking in with a blonde that was wearing a dress that was two sizes too small for her. he didn't seem to mind though as her only focus was on her date Ethan Moore.The blonde was smiling like someone that had won the lottery as she crossed her arms with him and his eyes never seem to meet hers for more than a second before it was gone again scrolling around the party it was as if he was looking for someone, because he look so distracted."Babe I'm right here what are you looking at?"She said waving her hand in his face with a smile a smile that quickly fell to the ground as he grabbed her hand and shoved it away like it was trash, then he said with a nasty looks shot in her direction."I know you are probably never been in an elite party before but can you at least try not to embarrass me?"The blonde girl looked as if she was close to tears but did not see anything simply shaking her head and muttering an apol
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Now it was one thing altogether to be seeing her in tabloids news and stories that just seem like petty gossip outlets, then a part of him could deceive himself that what he was saying was just a lie that it was only fiction.He had told himself that if ever he was to cross paths with Agnes again he would simply walk past her like she didn't exist.But here he was standing and still and stoic as a statue staring at her as if that was the first time he had ever seen her in his life and in a way it seems to be so.Her hair had been styled in a wavy pattern and the dress that she wore was a designer special a black sparkling gown that pulled down to the ground and how the tearing that went up to her knee and feather fluffed hands.A part of him and actually thought that the next time he will see her again she will be on the road with a bowl in our hand begging for assistance and help, then out of the goodness of his heart and the consideration of all times he will just casually through a
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"Ethan let me go this minute.."He looked at her biting his lips as the question that had been itching him finally came out."Why are you with that basterd?""He's not a basterd, he's my date Mr Moore.."She said icily"I don't see how who I'm with is any of your concern, especially with an eye following you everywhere."His grip on her waist tightened abd he pulled her closer to himself so much that she felt something that made her go stiff.It was poking her boldly with it's hardness, rubbing against her gown as his voice got raspier."Is this because of me?"She asked abd then brushed against it that sudden move made Ethan to trip and fall on the spot but he held himself just then her hand cam e down and squeezed his member through his clothes.At this point he couldn't help but audibly moan arching his back a bit, but he quickly straightened up before someone would catch on."Agnes what are you..."She didn't say anything and kept squeezing his hardness till he couldn't take anymore
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"It's late..I think it's best you sleep in my house today,"Through out their drive to Charlie's mansion those were the only what he spoke to her after that his eyes were solely fixed on the road it wasn't as if they were the chattiest peer after they were done talking about taking Ethan moore down they really didn't have anything else to talk about.There were other things to talk about but Agnes decided that she wanted to keep her distance with Mr Jones, so there was no need to engage in any petty small talk. It wasn't as if they were even a real couple they were simply business partners nothing more nothing less.Even with that in mind being in a car in such a cramped space for almost half an hour and not saying anything to the only other person in the car was a little awkward and she couldn't wait to get down so that she could escape this awkwardness.It was so awkward that she almost hit a sign of relief when she saw his Mansion meaning that they would soon be coming down she has
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Charlie quickly told thet butler to quickly call the doctor, that was his own personal doctor. However Agnes argued with him not to bother that she was fine."You don't really have to go through all that trouble for me,""Bu-""I said it was fine can't you just let me be? Do I look like a child I'll get a doctor when I need a doctor I'm fine I'm just a little tired from the night,"She told him in a reprimanding tone and for the millionth time just that let alone the billionaire Charlie Jones blushed all the way up to his ears."I was just trying to help you there was no harm intended."He said as he dropped her all the couch in his living room where they had stopped for their argument, he called back the bottle I told him to tell the personal doctor that he will not have to worry anymore about coming over to his mansion and that he should lead address over to the best spare bedroom in the mansion and made sure that she ate well for the night and generally her well-being should be loo
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Agnes felt sick. There was a cup of coffee in front of her, she inhaled the deep sense and allowed it to absorb itself into her body but even so she was still shivering thinking of what had happened last night she had done everything possible to push that to the back of her mind but it was still coming back she could still hear Charlie screaming begging someone she probably have never met my entire life never to leave him never ever.She took a guess and thought that maybe the person he was referring to could have been the woman that he had in the past, and he had left her with such a force that initially ripped her dress when she pulled back and manage to escape his grip.She had managed to get the butler to give her a pressing pin so that she could clip the front of her dress and immediately leave at that moment she decided that she could not sleep in that mansion no matter how comfortable it was and the butler was more than willing to show her the door out it was only when she came
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After she said that, utter silence returned back into the car, as Ethan was washed over with shame over the thought of what he had done to her back then. He tried to restrenthen his resolve, by telling himself that he had done nothing wrong.The roads were at this point deserted, so it was save for his own car. He glanced at Agnes seeing her still wrapping her arms around her chest."You should put on your seatbelt for safety..."He said as half a joke not thinking that what would happen next could even take place in a million years because she actually reached over to wear a seatbelt. It was not the fact that she had done that. The actual problem, was the fact that her dress was practically ripped out, causing most of her breast to practically spill out of the dress. Her nipple was even peeking out.Ethan felt himself instantly harden on the spot. He looked around and noticed that no car was behind him. He was relieved that there was no driver ahead of him if not they would have defin
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