All Chapters of Marry Me, Ms. Stranger: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
30 Chapters
10. Suffering is Just Suffering
She needed to recuperate from Mr. King’s surprising devotion. He had played his part well, too well. She brushed her fingers across her lips moments before Mr. King had planted his most passionate kiss yet. He had ignited a charge in her that began slowly and increased with the pressure of his lips. By the time he pulled away, her body wanted to explode. Her head swirled, and his friend shouted for more. She did not know Mr. King kissed that well, not that she had much experience. The kiss wasn’t part of the deal. She wanted a moment to herself; she needed to regroup. She ran to her room. She put her elbows on the table to rest her pounding head. This wasn’t how her life was supposed to pan out. But, the shock of her now-husband demanding to marry him, his callousness and devil-may-care attitude, was slowly seeping into her. All it took was one poor decision. Now her life is in shambles. It was all because of Ken; if only he showed up at the wedding? She picked up her phone and wonder
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11. Hard To Please
"I can't believe you are defending them. Our sorry your parent's actions have left me no choice. Sometimes suffering is just suffering. It doesn't make you stronger. It doesn't build character. The only thing that hurts is. I will get changed." She changed into a white dress belted in with a broad blue ribbon. The dress came down to below her knees to her mid-calf. Sleeves were trimmed with a light beige. Her hair into a French twist with wispy tendrils hanging down her neck. She refused any makeup and just applied lip gloss on her dry lips. "You look beautiful." Lee smiled as if she had won the lottery. "I will miss you." Anita hugged Lee as they both fought tears. They pulled back when they heard a knock on the door. It was the minister who officiated their wedding. Before she could reply, she heard her husband's voice."Ani, this is Daniel, my bodyguard, driver, confidante, and my second father." Anita felt her nostrils flare. "My name is Anita, not Ani. And no offense, Sir, yo
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12. Welcome Home
“Honey, did it ever occur to you that some people just don’t care about money? Fine, you can make whatever you want to happen with the snap of a finger, but you can’t give someone the ability to love you, can you?”He remained silent as we sat in eerie silence for a few moments. He still didn’t know what to say to my last stab.“Daniel, please pull over.” It was about time, and she will put a full stop to this marriage drama.“No” was my only husband’s response. “Listen, why don’t you go home and re-evaluate your unreasonable expectations? Where you’ll inevitably do nothing because the minute you figure out how the wedding happens in the real world works, you will tap out.” “No” “Please don’t be silly. We are talking seriously. You don’t want to end up in a loveless marriage, do you?”“I’m married. We-Are-Married.” He repeated, enunciating each word as if talking to a young child.“I spent my entire life making other people happy. It’s time I find happiness the only way I see possi
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13. A Bull In A China Shop
Anita leaned forward and whispered to Daniel, "May I ask you a question, Daniel?" The older man gave an encouraging nod through the mirror. "Of course, sweetheart." "Promise me you won't answer the question with a question?" Daniel watched Alex in the rearview mirror, trying to control his laughter. "Sweetheart, there is an answer to every question." She frowned. "I apologize; They led me to believe the other way round. An answer to a question is a question. And if your back is against the wall, then twist the question as an answer to your question. Maybe this is the rich people's language that I will never understand."Daniel smiled and, again, nodded. "Some questions, the answers to which everyone knows, but no one knows differently, are better left unanswered.""That answer is not mysterious at all. You and the stranger are cut from the same cloth. No wonder he introduced you as his second father. But as a father, didn't you think it was wrong of him to force a girl to marry him
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14. A Tantrum
Alex shook his head, exasperated. Without giving it a second thought, he held her wrist and pulled her closer; bending down, he picked her up in his arms in bridal style. Anita was shocked as she kicked, screamed, shouted profanities, and hit him. “Put me down, you bastard.” Alex put her down gently and shut the car door behind him. Anita quickly adjusted her dress. “That’s an endearment you will never hear from a newly wedded bride. You’re a lucky man, Alex.” Michael patted his hand on Alex’s shoulder.Alex was losing his patience with his wife. “Get out, Michael. Go to your home.” Alex snapped. “Oh, dear! And miss this wonderful wedding drama. Didn’t I tell you I’m going to stay with you to watch the movie ‘Alex’s Hellish Wedding Life’ and I can’t wait to get to the climax? Will the bride kill the groom, or the groom finally loses his patience and kill her?” Alex opened his mouth, but Michael stopped him. “Spoiler alert! Spoiler alert! Don’t ruin the ending for me.” “Well, sor
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15. Tossing A Grenade
“Let’s go,” like an icy wind. Alex’s words went through her flesh, and she nodded. Like a lost puppy, she followed him into the house.Relax, Anita; they won’t kill you. What’s the worst that could happen? His family might not like you, but that’s his problem, not yours. Maybe he will let you go if his family disapproves of you. She kept repeating this as a mantra as she walked through the doors.As they entered through the front door, there was a grand hallway. The wallpaper was some Roman and Greek themes in the frieze on the ceilings and walls. She entered the foyer and gazed around at the beauty displayed before her. White walls, golden chandeliers, and antique furniture graced her, making her wonder if her feet were clean enough to walk on the shiny floor and carpets, undoubtedly made from the finest materials. The house looked like a cut-out from Architectural Digest magazine.Everything seemed to be the color white, the floors, sofas, and house interiors. The hallway flowed int
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16. God Has Finally Woken Up
“Oh, you were so busy?” His Grandmother Mocked Alex. “Of course, he was busy as he had to convince, threaten and finally blackmail this poor girl into being his wife” Michael tossed in a grenade and sat back to watch the drama unfold while everyone in the room gasped in shock.“You forced her?” His Grandfather asked through clenched teeth.“No, I helped her with a family from shame and humiliation, saved them from society’s impunity, and got their pride back.” “That’s some top performance bullshit, Sir. Let me proudly inform you that your Grandson is ruthless, heartless, arrogant, and evil as a demon.” She then turned to her husband and jabbed a finger at his chest. “You didn’t save my life but successfully ruined it, you selfish bastard.” Anita’s face turned red with wrath, and his little eyes blazed with fury.A heavy silence fell upon the room. It sucked every molecule of air out of the room as if everyone had stopped breathing. Anita breathed heavily as the winner of the fight c
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17. A Little Recap
"How do you propose we call this off?" Questioned the woman with the bright red lipstick.Anita meets her gaze, flashing her a megawatt smile. God has finally woken up and heard her out."It's easy-peasy. No one was present at our wedding except my parents, the creepy groom, his friend Michael and Daniel, who officiated the wedding. There were no photographers, no witnesses. No marriage license. This marriage is not even legally valid." Anita took a deep breath and continued, "Just say, 'Get out and never to show my face again in your life,' and poof, my family and I will disappear from the face of the earth. All I need is a promise." "A promise? I knew there was a catch. A poor girl always marries the man for money." Snarled the woman in lipstick."No, Mam, you seem to speak from experience, but neither do I need your money or wealth. Please keep that to yourself. I can earn my money. Yes, I need a promise. A promise that Mr. Money-Bags, aka Mr. Satan, will not come near my family o
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18. Challenge Accepted
“Let’s do a little recap. My grandson twisted your hands and married you, and you want out of this relationship with a guarantee that he will not harm you or your family. Did I get it correctly?” “Totally. Mam, the paper?” “You seem keen to sign the paper?” “I can’t wait to run out of this house and out of your grandson’s sight, Mam.” “Do you know with whom you are talking? You seem to have an attitude, and you know that, don’t you?” “No offense Mam, if a stranger turns your life upside down, then I guess you will be livid too. This man not only turned my life upside down but put a wedge between my parents and me. I’m a girl who lost everything to an arrogant man.” “Are you sure you will sign the paper and leave? What’s the guarantee you won’t show back and blackmail us?” The only one with attitude here is the woman with the bright lipstick. Is that the stranger’s mother? Maybe both their perspectives suck. She lacks empathy and focuses only on the money. That’s one reason she h
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19. Dreams Crumbled To Dust
Alex was looking right at her, eyebrows lifted in challenge. "Challenge accepted." Alex's Grandmother came in between Alex and Anita. "Sweethearts, can we solve this like grown-ups?" "Grown-ups?" Whispered Anita in shock. "Before we discuss, I want to introduce my family to you, Anita." Anita gasped and took a step back, "Mam, there is no need to introduce a stranger. I thought you were on my side?" she sounded like an upset child. Alex's Grandmother threw back her head and laughed. "Anita, do you know my grandson is not only the richest man but also plans meticulously, lays out his plan in his head a million times before he executes it? Everything he does is fine-cut to perfection. He is an excellent manipulator and negotiator. Everyone Businessman in our circle walks on eggshells around him, as he knows everyone's dirty laundry and when and how to use it. That is why he is the King in the business world." With yet another slow and weary shake of her head, Anita released a
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