All Chapters of Reincarnated As The Alpha's Mate: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
93 Chapters
Chapter 60
After her training session with Rieka, Amelia spent the rest of the day at the castle taking several walks around. She went to the garden and picked a lot of flowers, giving them to the children at the village. It made her very happy to see their faces lit up in excitement.She also went to the kitchen, offering to help Madam Loretta with some work, though she politely refused, saying she was the alpha's mate and should not be seen doing things like this. Nevertheless, she remained at the castle, bored and alone, trying to busy herself with irrelevant things.Well, it was all because she was waiting for him, Sebastian. She waited till evening, hoping she'd see him after the meeting was over.A few minutes ago, she heard he had returned to his room. That was the news she'd been waiting for all evening. Without wasting much time, she left the garden where she was heading back into the castle.To be honest, she has missed him. Though he hardly talks to her, she has really missed his frow
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Chapter 61
*The Next Day*Sebastian had woken up very early this morning and did all the important paperworks he had to do. It was because he had some very important research to do today. He hurriedly got dressed and walked out of the room, heading down the stairs.He walked out of the castle, heading straight to the training field where he guessed she might be."Rieka." He called as he walked up to her, after sighting her at the end of the field."Hey." She greeted briefly, picking up an arrow."I need to talk to you." He spoke, staring at her as she placed the arrow on the bow, gently."I'm always available." She replied without looking at her. "You're the one who's always busy." She added and glanced at him before taking her eyes back to the bow.Sebastian heaved out a deep sigh before speaking. "I need to talk to you about Amelia.""Hmm, okay. Go on." She simply replied without even sparing him a glance, drawing the arrow back."Rieka, I need your attention." Sebastian spoke exasperatedly.
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Chapter 62
"Wakey, wakey sleeping beauty. Rise and shine! Your prince in- oops!" Rieka chuckled and walked to the window, drawing the curtains open. Amelia groaned and picked up a pillow, placing it over her face to shield her fro the bright rays of sunlight coming from the window. "Hey come on, wake up." Rieka plopped down on the bed beside her, bouncing softly. "Hey, wake up." She rolled her eyes when Amelia did not respond but only let out small groans. She smirked, raising her brows before she lifted her right hand and smakedher butt. "Ow!" Amelia jerked up from the bed with eyes wide open in surprise, rubbing the spot. "What was that for?" She whined, pouting her lips. "A wake up smack." Rieka replied, letting her lip stretch into a wide grin. "Ugh!" Amelia plopped back on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. "Hey get up, go have your bath and get dress up. We're going out." Rieka announced with a smiled plastered on her face. "Where?" Amelia sat up on the bed quickly, using her hands
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Chapter 63
Rieka simply chuckled and when Amelia turned away from her. She mouthed 'smile' to Sebastian with a warning look on her face. Then she placed her hand on the small of Amelia's back pushing her gently "Go, it's your evening." She whispered. Amelia moved slowly to the table, twisting her hands together. Geez! She never expected this. She never even thought about this. This is a better definition of unbelievable. The decorations were perfect. The flowers? Just how she loved it. And the candles made it look really romantic. Now she understood why they waited till evening. So the candles lit the garden. It was nearly dark but the dim lights from the candles made it perfect. Couples with the fresh scents of flowers from the garden. It made her feel thousands of butterflies in her stomach. When she was nearer to the table, Sebastian stood up and drew a chair back for her, in a gentleman-like manner. Heavens. This is pure romance. She heaved out a deep sigh as soon as she was seated, then
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Chapter 64
An image of her brown eyes, red hair and lips stretched into a wide smile was the first thing that flashed in his head immediately his lips landed on hers.*Hey, look at me. Guess what?* A smile plastered on her face as she wiggled her brows. *I love you* she revealed, letting out short giggles.Most of the happy moments with her, came flashing in his head. His hands went up Amelia's neck, holding her head in place as his kisses became rough. The memories of Lupe coming at once in his head.Then he clearly understood and believed it. She was indeed Lupe. Everything about her was familiar. Her smile, character and even her words, always ring a familiar bell around him.There was no doubt she was Lupe. Though a reincarnated one with no memories of her past life. She's Lupe, his long lost lover whom he thought he'd never see again. Now he had a chance, another chance to be with her. Another chance to protect her. He finally has the chance he's been wishing for. And he swears, nothing
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Chapter 65
She slammed the door shut, fuming in anger as she walked to the kitchen, pushing everyone out of her way."Hey what is wrong with you?" A brunette haired maid asked, looking at her, clearly annoyed."What is wrong with me?" She barked, eyeing her disdainfully. "You wanna know what the hell is wrong with me?" She yelled in anger, pushing her hard on her shoulder."Aviana!" Madam Loretta yelled, walking to meet them with a look of surprise on her face. "What has gone wrong with you?" She stood before her with hands akimbo."None of your business you old hag." Ana spat out angrily, her voice clouded with hate."How dare you?" Madam Loretta raised her hand, aimed at smacking it hard on her face but Ana raised her hand swiftly, holding hers in place."Don't you dare!" She seethed, through gritted teeth before pushing her hand away."You better learn to have some respect, you young lady!" Loretta pointed her fingers at her warningly."And you old wolves better learn to.kind your fucking bus
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Chapter 66
"Oh god! Come on hurry! You shouldn't be fucking slow!" Loretta screamed at the maid, walking into the room with a bowl of water and napkin in her hands. The maid rushed to her immediately, clearly frightened by her unusual scream and cuss words passed the Bo and napkin to her."Oh no! Selena please. Please don't take this one again, she's really good, innocent! Just like her." Loretta prayed, rushing her words. She almost burst into tears as she squeezed the napkin, using it to gently clean the blood off Amelia's head."Oh no!" She panicked when more blood kept oozing out of her head. "Have you called the alpha king?" She turned to the maids and guards standing in the room and asked. She groaned and yelled in anger. "Oh for heaven's sake! Can someone do that?!!" She heaved out a deep breath and continued moping the blood off her head.Oh goddess! How did this happen? How could she have fallen?Madam Loretta was panicking greatly. She couldn't face the fear of losing her. Sebastian ca
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Chapter 67
"Well, I've been able to keep her stable, she'll be fine-""Oh goddess." Rieka interrupted him, placing her hand on her chest letting out a sigh of relief."But-" He paused, staring at them all."But what?" Rieka felt her heart sink into her stomach, just when she was already feeling happy and relieved, something had to come up."She lost so much blood and she needs a transfusion." The room went silent at his report. "Else, we could lose her."There was obviously no need to add the last statement before they understood what he meant.A blood transfusion??That was one hell of a problem. Rieka felt hopeless again. Everyone understood the depth of the problem on ground. It might sound normal and simple, hell! All of them could even volunteer to donate blood to her. But that would not be possible. It can never happen.This would be easy peasy is she was humanThey can't.They can't donate blood to her."Alpha, is there a way we can get blood for her?" The physician asked Sebastian who st
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Chapter 68
*The next day*Rieka walked in the castle, heading up the stairs. They made a decision already, she and Ralph, though after much pleading from her, he agreed to go to the human world and probably steal some pints of blood from a random hospital. Risky right?Well, she was determined to do it. She would do anything to save Amelia.The only thing that bothered her was the fact they could get attacked, by Derek and his group of nomadic vampires, and also the wolf hunters.That would be too much trouble and would waste much of their time.Well, it wasn't going to stop her. No matter how risky it might be."Hey." She let out a short sigh of relief when she sighted Ralph at the top of the stares."Hey." He replied, tucking his hands into his pockets. "Come on, let's go meet Sebastian.""Okay." She breathed out, walking into the hallway with him. She really prays Sebastian let her go, she was sure Ralph would be able to convince him but Sebastian can be sometimes over protective and choose
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Chapter 69
"What?" Ralph's eyes widened in disbelief. "Rieka you can't we have to think-""No no Ralph." Rieka shook her head, raising her head up letting him to stop. "It's the only thing we can do, we can't just leave her to die without trying.""Rieka but-" He trailed off and ran his palm on his face, heaving out a deep sigh. "Why don't we try something else, probably sneak out of the pack. Just anything!!" He suggested, clearly exasperated."You know how these guards can be. It's really hard to sneak out. They would find out really quick." Rieka explained and rolled her eyes. "Please, just help me out here. This is the only option we have here." She pleaded and clasped her palm together. "I'm sure, she'd survive, Amelia's a strong woman.""Fine." He agreed, heaving out a deep sigh. "But I know nothing about blood transfusion, how're we gonna do it?""Uhmm..." Rieka placed her palm on her temple, tapping her foot on the ground. "Madam Loretta! Yes, she can help!" She looked up at him with eye
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