All Chapters of The King's Alpha: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
35 Chapters
Chapter 11
*Fiona* When we arrived at the party, my nerves were at an all-time high.  I was glad that I had asked Alpha Cyrus and Beta Clifford to come.  I had not expected the King's Alpha and his Beta to be so down to earth.  Beta Clifford kept the mood light, making jokes with Liz during the ride over.  Liz had been keen to come as well.  She had not left the pack in three years, neither had I.  We'd been so busy training and building the pack from the ground up, tonight felt like a new chapter, one where we could let loose a little.  Liz even agreed to be a sober driver that night. I took her up on her offer seeing as we manage to polish off a few bottles of wine, during my 'make over' as Beta Clifford called it.  While Beta Clifford was the life of the party on the ride over, Alpha Cyrus was relatively quiet, deep in thought. "So much for being a party animal," I thought.   "Ma
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Chapter 12
*Fiona* I stood at a tree, out of view of the tent silently crying.  The image of David kissing his mate burned into my brain.  Skylah had gone silent and disappeared.  Before she left I could feel her sadness.  I was tempted to shift and run home, leaving quietly without a trace.  After all, I hadn't officially made an entrance, so few would have realised I showed up at all.  With Skylah hiding, however, I wouldn't be able to shift.  I didn't have the energy to try and convince her to resurface.   "Fiona?" Called a voice growing closer. "What?" I snapped at Alpha Cyrus as he approached.  Without a word, he pulled me into a hug.  At first, I stood there rigid, but he held on tight.  After a moment my muscles started
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chapter 13
*Fiona*Instead of heading for the dance floor, as I originally planned, I turned to go outside.  I didn't make it very far, however.  I blame my stupid heals, making it hard to run.  Cyrus wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up. "No fair" I pouted sticking out my lower lip as Cyrus turned me to face him.  His face was unreadable, eyes dark.  I swallowed hard.  Before I could speak Cyrus kissed me.  His lips were hard and demanding, at first at least.  The kiss was different from anything I had ever felt before.   I melted into the moment, placing a hand on Cyrus' neck giving into the kiss and returning it.  His lips softened as he pulled me closer.  I could feel a fire in my stomach growing.  His lips had been the match to the kindling inside of me. Then it was over. 
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Chapter 14
*Cyrus* The next morning I woke up with a small headache, but as I went to wake Dante up, I realized I faired pretty well comparatively.   He lay sprawled out in his bed groaning his head was being crushed.  I laughed, as the image of Dante attempting to climb on the tables to dance reappeared in my brain.  "It was a wild night for you," I commented, "how much of it do you remember?" "Uh, Fiona came back to join the drinking game," he said "Then it's pretty blurry."   "Nothing about dancing on tables?"  I teased.  Dante groaned again.  "I remember you and Fiona were getting quite cozy." he said "Did you finally break through her icy exterior?" "I hope so,"  I said as contemplated the events of last night "She was really pretty broken up about not being David's mate." 
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Chapter 15
*Fiona*I woke up with my head killing me, a sign that I indeed had too much to drink the night before.  I groaned as I rolled over to find some pain medication with a water bottle next to my bed.  There was also a note from Beta Ned, telling me to rest, as he would take over my duties for today.  At least I had some time to get through my hangover and process last night.  I took the pills and downed my water in one go.  Sitting up, I realized I must have fallen asleep the moment I got back into my room.  I was still wearing my dress and my pillow was covered in make-up.  A shower was exactly what I needed.    One of the perks of being an Alpha is definitely having an over the top bathroom.  The room itself was spacious, with heated flooring to make the room comfortable year-round.  I walked into my shower,  which was big enough to hold at least four people with room to move around.  Multipl
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Chapter 16
*Fiona*  I barely made it to the packhouse door, when a body came flying at me encompassing me in a hug. "Finn..." squealed the girl.  Anna was always in a good mood.  She made her sunshine wherever she went, making it easy to be her friend.  She broke the hug and spoke very seriously, still smiling.  "Now I've already gone and told my brother off. The jerk."   "He could have handled it better, but it's not his fault," I said not wanting to talk about it. "clearly the moon goddess has other plans." "Please, what good are plans that don't involve us being sisters?" She said putting her arm around me.  I laughed at her comment.  I had always admired her charisma and ability to talk her way into any situation.&nb
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Chapter 17
*Fiona*    Arriving back at the packhouse after dark, I was glad I took the day to hang out with Anna and Liz.  I felt like a normal person and not an Alpha, which was a nice change.  There wasn't much talk about Cyrus, other than Anna deciding what outfit she wanted to wear to impress him.  She chose a body-con white dress and a white cropped jean jacket to dress it down.  She went heavy on some jewellery as well.  She looked good, I could see quite a few males checking her out in the mall.  She had insisted on picking out outfits for Liz and me as well.  For Liz, she chose a sundress that brought out her feminine side.  She had picked it after Liz talked a bit about the werewolf she had been flirting with at the party.  She had gotten his number and Anna gave her statement to his character.  Anna wanted her to have the perfect first date outf
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Chapter 18
*Fiona* Rachel was at the hostess stand when we entered the restaurant.  Her eyes went wide, clearly remembering my foul mood from yesterday when I crushed my phone. "A-a-alpha Fin" she stuttered "We weren't expecting you." "Last minute decision to celebrate Anna's birthday,'' I said smiling to reassure her "our usual spot will do if it's availble" "Of course, right away, will Alpha David be joining us as well." She asked as she signalled someone to prepare our table.  "Not today," I said plastering on a fake smile. "No doubt he'll be spending the day getting to know his mate."  Rachel yipped, surprised by the news, but said nothing.  I
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Chapter 19
 *Fiona*   I turned towards the stranger, as the other left.  He wore a dark designer suit with a long suit jacket.  His hair was neatly trimmed and his skin was unearthly pale.  His black eyes watched me unwavering, most would find it unnerving.  I steeled myself for the conversation about to unfold, knowing it would only bring bad news.    "I have a phone, you know," I said approaching the man.  He chose to ignore my tone, instead of laughing, relieving some of the tension.   "Ah, my little wolf" he spoke smiling, "Always bringing mirth to any situation."   "You're far too serious," I replied.  It was odd that he was being so open. "I didn't think you were a fan of meeting i
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Chapter 20
*Cyrus* Something was wrong; I could feel it.  Why had Fiona stayed back to talk to the stranger?  I had only been there for a moment, but Blaze had been deeply unsettled by the stranger, sending goosebumps up my arm.  It wasn't their unnerving presence that had unsettled me most.  It was the lack of scent.  I had tried to pick up the scent to see who it was but got nothing.   I didn't even realize that was possible.  At least not without some strong magic. I thought about it all the way back to the packhouse, barely registering Liz or Anna's presence.  Anna left pretty quickly after we got back.  Partly because I ignored her on the way back, partly because Liz hurried her home.  Did that mean Liz was concerned as well? We both sat on different couches in the hall for a moment.  Liz also seemed uneasy.  When the silence became overbearing I spoke. 
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