All Chapters of The Scarlett Alpa's And His Omega: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
170 Chapters
Eighty One
“You can go home if you're tired, just leave me and Mom here.” Terrence noticed that I had almost fallen asleep in the lounge chair.“I'm not sleepy.” I turned down the offer.“But your eyes are getting heavy like that,” Terrence said.“What if I buy you coffee?” he continued.I sighed and nodded. Terrence got up to go to the cafeteria to buy coffee. Meanwhile Tamara came along with Angel. She asked how the chronology of the accident was but Mom couldn't explain much because she was so tired. I couldn't even explain it other than giving a clue that someone had deliberately damaged the brakes of the royal limousine.“Damn it why is there such a mean person? Who do you think is the suspect? Is that a member of the royal family too?” asked Tamara after squeaking in annoyance.“Most likely a member of the royal family. But I haven't found the suspect yet. The royal police will definitely not dare to check the royal members one by one if Grandma is protecting them.” I sighed.“Damn it, why
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Eighty Two
Towards evening Thod came with Grandma. Me being a little sleepy on Terrence's shoulder was surprised when I received a knitted cloth from Grandma for me. I accepted it hesitantly. “Stupid girl. How could you be sitting in a cold room like this in clothes like that?” After saying that Grandma sat down in a chair a little further away from me. This made me feel a little odd. I squeezed the warm knitted fabric in my lap. "Put it on, it's cold around here," Terrence said. I nodded slowly and quickly put it on. After mom came back, she asked who the knitting was from. I also answered from Grandma. In the dim light, I could see she was smiling faintly. "Next time bring a jacket so you don'
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Eighty Three
“I am indeed an annoying wolf. Yet I understand that the annoying wolf is so unsettling, isn’t it?” Terrence answered me as he climbed the  stairs.“What should I do to this rabbit?”  I asked then.“Accompany them until I get back,” he said.I shook my head a little strange. I just stared at those little  rabbits  who were already motionless. Kitty looked so enthusiastic about  enjoying the poor  rabbits. I waited for Terrence while enjoying my homemade milk.  A few minutes later Terrence returned without wearing a  t-shirt and wet hair. I spouted my milk with origin.“You...?”“My hair is wet, and I’ll clean up the rabbit first,” Terrence said.“But you can wash it,” I retorted.“Mate, what's wrong?   Terrence asked in confusion.“You want to cook  with  such 
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Eighty Four
“What do you mean by bringing me young rabbit meat like this?” asked Grandma a little sarcastically.I moved my legs a little clumsy.“I cooked it without dirty oil, Grandma.”“It’s not a matter of dirty oil, Kate. I'm old and can't eat meat cooked in such rare conditions. Grandma sighed afterwards.I nodded in understanding. "Grandma doesn't like meat with a rare texture too? How about Grandma just eating my meat? ""Bad boy, eat it for yourself. You don't need to give it to me," Grandma said with some annoyance. "I'm old and only eat fruit and milk when the sun goes down. I can't eat the slightest grain."I sighed. "Well, next time I will bring you a basket of fresh berries. "Grandma shook her head and I gave the meat to Uncle Brandy. While I went back to Terrence's side to enjoy the bunny with a bandage of lettuce and a little spicy sauce. Grandma watched me and also T
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Eighty Five
“What happened, Doc?” Mom asked one of the doctors who had just walked out of Grandpa's room.“A pretty bad thing happened, Your Highness Lady Crystal Rosemary.”“What's going on?  Explain it to us, Doc.” Uncle Brandy clutched the doctor’s hand. The female doctor stammered and looked at us fearfully.  But for a moment later she nodded and said that someone irresponsible had injected poison in Grandpa’s veins. Uncle Brandy yelled at the doctor and hurried away in the middle of nowhere. I gripped Terrence’s fingers hoping what I was with was just a prank.  Terrence tried to strengthen me and say that everything was fine.The medical personnel immediately ran around to deal with Grandpa, who had already been injected with poison. Mom stood in front of us with heavy tears. She cried miserably at the sight of Grandpa lying in there and there was no possibility between his life
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Eighty Six
“Mate, what are you going to do? Where do you want to go?” Terrence tailed me with thousands of questions.I walked down the stairs at a brisk pace.  It doesn't matter if I fall or slip.  My goal is only one, to meet Boy and to target him.  I want to tear him apart and want to tear his flesh apart if he doesn't explain that. Terrence pulled me, holding my shoulders tightly. “Listen to me, you can't do such a careless thing,” Terrence whispered.“I'll try it.” I shook off Terrence's arm and immediately ran away. I didn't know I was being affected by what but I immediately went to the kingdom that night.Arriving in  the kingdom I saw that there was already an argument between Uncle Brandy and  the mother of Boy.  They cursed and insulted each other. Grandma couldn't afford to mediate.“What are you guys doing this?”  Grandma asked.“Ask tha
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Eighty Seven
 “Actually, I just accidentally, I accidentally told someone to do that,” Boy began to explain that to us.Grandma put her eyebrows  together, confused. “What do you mean?”“I told someone to break—”SLAP! A slap so  loudly made me shudder in horror. I squeezed Terrence's  fingers when I saw Uncle Brandy suddenly stand up and slap Boy. Boy's Mom was hysterical and immediately hugged Boy while swearing at Uncle Brandy.“Teach your son not to be careless! You see for yourself your father-in-law is dying! And now there are people who have the heart to inject poison into his veins!” Uncle Brandy   pulled the collar of the  sleeping  shirt worn by Boy. “Answer me now, did you do that?”Boy stammered in fear, “I-I...  I didn't. Grandpa is a powerful   Omega. He is unlikely to be left anytime soon.”O
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Eighty Eight
“Where are you out of it?” I asked with a puzzled face.Terrence helped me up and hugged me. “Mate, don’t worry. Everything is fine.”“But why did your face turn pale and sad like that?” I asked.“I don’t know why. I’m just tired, that’s all,” he said.“Then... where are you out of it?” I repeated my question.“Your leg is injured. I will treat your leg first.” Terrence went and took the medicine box. After that he immediately gave my injured leg a little medicine. I got goosebumps instantly.“Terrence... nothing happened to Grandpa, right?” I asked hoarsely.“Eum... why don’t you eat your breakfast?” Terrence diverted the subject and this confused me.“Why do you always shift the subject? I’m not hungry, can you explain what happened yesterday?” I forced Terrence to explain ev
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Eighty Nine
“Because you’re a virgin omega,” Terrence said.“Why are so many ridiculous rules for a funeral procession?”  I asked a little annoyed. “Mate, they won’t let you there. Because if you go there you'll get the curse of your whole life,”  Terrence retorted.I linked my eyebrows together. “What kind of curse?  Why would  I be cursed if I went to my own Grandpa's funeral?”“Mate, the curse comes from an ancient understanding.  However, restrain yourself, do not complicate things.  Those who   don't like you can worsen your mood and instead cause unwanted things.  Be patient   for a moment, I'll take you there later,” Terrence said.“Everybody's getting weird,” I said sadly.“It's for the sake of  successfully uncovering this case, mate.  You can just send prayer
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“You're ready for tomorrow night?” asked Terrence before we fell asleep. I was ready to close my eyes but I was struggling to sleep. I feel a little uneasy, yet I don't understand what makes me uneasy like this. I just feel impatient for my second heat. “Why don't you sleep?” asked Terrence. “I can't sleep.” “What are you thinking about?” asked Terrence once more. “I didn't think of anything. But if you're curious I'll tell it. I'm thinking about some things I'm going to do tomorrow,” I said. “You just have to relax,” Terrence retorted. “I'll accompany you. You don't have to worry.” “I'm not worried, I'm just curious how that harvester monster appeared and we had to make it die in one stab,” I explained. Terrence chuckled lightly then rolled his arms over my stomach. He recounted that the harvester monster appeared because he inhaled the scent of each werewolf's mature body. At first I was curious about what a mature werewolf meant. But in the end I understood that what was
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