All Chapters of Tangled In His Sheets: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
185 Chapters
♡ Mia's pov ♡I smoothed out the dark green and black plaid skirt while looking at myself in the mirror. This one looks better than the last two I had on.Humming, I walked to the dark red blind that blocked prying eyes from me and pulled it back to peek out. My eyes fell onto Kade.He was seated on one of those benches that looked uncomfortable and had no back to help his posture. This caused him to slouch as he typed furiously on his phone, looking to be bored out of his mind."Kade," I whispered, trying to get his attention.He doesn't lift his head from the phone and by the looks of it, he was no doubt purposely not acknowledging me.
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♡ Mia's pov ♡This wasn't fair.Waking up so early just for the sake of school. "Mia get your butt down here in five minutes," Mom yelled from the other side of the closed door. "I'm coming," I groan, turning around and burying my face in my sheets. I just need another five minutes of rest and I'll be up and ready.I heard her soft padding footsteps disappearing and I smiled, pressing my cheek more into my sheets. Peace and quiet.Almost in the midst of dozing off, I heard the door opening with a soft click. Too tired to even turn to see who entered, I laid there like a dead
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♡ Mia's pov ♡ "Mom I'm not a reckless driver!" I scowled. Great, she keeps this up and Kade will have a whole entire list of things he can blackmail me with.She pulls away from dad who laughs instead of helping me with mom's accusation. " You drove over a cat last month. " She pointed out with a shrug." The cat was already dead mom! " I protested. How was it my fault the grey cat blended with the road? And it was dead already for God's sake!Or maybe it was napping.....Still, it wouldn't have been that dumb to nap in the middle of the road right?
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♡ Mia's pov ♡ All three doors slam simultaneously. I looked at Kade over the roof of my red car and noticed his eyes were fixed on the huge impressive school.But then he walks away like he didn't just come out of my car, like he wasn't a new kid, like he didn't know me.What the hell?"Hey! Don't you need help finding your locker and classes?" I shout to get his attention. The Principal who was a friend of mom, emailed mom Kade's schedule last night which she printed out for him right away.Kade doesn't spare a glance over his shoulder at me. Which caused me to frown. "I'm not fucking dumb." He his
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♡ Mia's pov ♡My teeth sank harshly into the bread, tomatoes, lettuce and what the hell was that? Was that ham? I thought I asked the lunch lady for bacon?"Woah chill babe, you're murdering the sandwich," Colby chuckled, passing me a napkin to wipe the stupid mayonnaise that dripped down the corner of my mouth. I ignore him and keep my furious glaring eyes at the center table in the middle of the cafeteria. Well on a blue eyed devil to be more precise. I chewed the bacon- I mean ham sandwich furiously. Swallowing I go for another bite. "Seriously the way you're murdering that sandwich might be a huge turn-on for one of those
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♡ Mia's pov ♡I pulled into the driveway and noticed mom and dad weren't here yet. Kade didn't even let me remove my feet off the gas before he opens the door and gets out. It was as if he couldn't stand being in the same breathing space as me.I blinked and forced the painful feeling away from me.Giving Kade a chance didn't mean I should let him walk all over me.After parking, I got out of the car and stormed my way into the house. He had some nerve treating me like a pest when if I were someone else, I would've left his ass stranded in school.He was lucking I was a patient person.But even
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♡ Mia's pov ♡"Gabriel brought his new truck to school today dad. Can I bring mine tomorrow? Please?" Austin asked, basically acting like his butt was itching with the way he couldn't stay still on the chair. Mom looks over at him as she places the barbequed wings on the table. " Why do you want to bring your truck to school Austin?" Austin squirms under mom's unwavering gaze. "Because I want to show it to him?"I rolled my eyes, picking at the mashed potatoes on the plate before me. I had lost my appetite which was strange. I didn't know why though. Mash potatoes were so good. But tonight even though the appetizing smell taunted me, I just couldn't eat it.
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♡ Mia's pov ♡ "I'm sorry about last night. I know I've been pushing you too much to bond with Kade. It's just that, he's your age you know? If anyone could get through him, I just thought-Mom stops and hurls in a tired breath before letting it out.I looked at her, really looked at her. She seems tired and disheartened. " I just want to get through to him. But I everytime I speak to him, it seems like he hates me more. Even your dad's having trouble getting through him. " Mom admits."I think you're doing a good job mom. Just don't give up, you'll get through him one day. And for what it's worth, I don't think he hates you," I whispered and ch
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♡ Mia's pov ♡ " Okay, so you're saying Brian Gomez invited you to his famous bonfire? And you're having second thoughts? Girl, do you know how many kids would kill to go there?" Colby exaggerated as he turned around to face me.It was lunch time and I was starving.I shrugged, my belly knotting in nerves. Why did I agree to go? I've never partied before. I didn't even know what to expect from a party."You're finally getting noticed by your forever crush! That calls room for celebration, we should definitely go!" Colby whistles." I don't know, I agreed because Kade said yes. I don't know what I was
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 ♡ Mia's pov ♡   " Brianna seems nice," I tried to make conversation as I darted my eyes to the rearview mirror to take a peek at Kade. He seems to be lost and tired. Had he not been sleeping properly? For a second I felt bad that he was mourning his mom's death alone. If only he would let me in. As bad as I am at consoling. Maybe, it would've counted if I just held him, hugged him. That always seems to work. For Kade though, I wasn't so sure it would've only ended with just a hug. Hearing my voice, Kade's eyes sweep over to connect
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