All Chapters of LOVING THE REJECTED BILLIONAIRE: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
82 Chapters
We drive in through our gate, Andy's mansion, our home. I regret leaving the way I did, but I won't beat myself over it. I did what I thought was best; Andy came for me as I wished, and now we have the battle to fight together so that we can eventually settle down in peace. A murderer to deal with. He opens the door for me, and I step out with Angel in my arms. Poor kid! She is still asleep. Andy was serious when he said we would pick Angel up at seven. We left the hotel at 3 a.m, had a three-hour drive to the city, and another forty-minute drive to Rita's place. The clock is now ticking a quarter past seven.Oops! She is awake! "Hey, baby?" I greet her when she opens her eyes, putting her down and combing her hair with my fingers.She pulls me for a hug, and I engulf her tight. She really missed me as much as I did. Andy is standing at a distance, admiring us—his two babies. "Next time you leave, Mommy, could you take me and Daddy with you?" She says this when we pull away.Ooh, i
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"Call Ambrose to my office now!" Andy tells the receptionist without even sparing her a glance, and after him unlocking the door to his office, we saunter in. He puts his daughter down on the sparkling floor and turns to me."He should be here in a few minutes. You and Angel can sit at the coffee table while I check on things here. I will join you when breakfast arrives." I nod my head, and after handing him his bag which contains his laptop and some documents, I lead Angel to the coffee table. He has been away for a couple of days, so I understand he has a thousand of things on his schedule. I am partly to blame for his being away for that long. If only I didn't run away, he would have resumed the office a bit earlier. Crouching on the white seats, I can't help but think back to the last time I was here. How long has it been again? A couple of months ago. That day Andy instructed the chauffeur to bring me here. The naughty stuff I did that day makes me smirk at myself to date. I w
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"Where is Angel? I want to take her out today." I turn around to see the ugly face of this wicked monster. I was enjoying the sweet aroma of my cinnamon Swiss rolls, especially knowing how much Andy and Angel love them. But now this witch is about to ruin that. And what did I hear, huh? She wants to take her out. What's this murderer up to? Kidnapping? She already knows she doesn't stand a chance of winning the custody case. And I know this witch. She hates losing. She never accepts defeat. She does not bow to anyone. She will do even the impossible to get what she wants. "Didn't you hear me?" Her agitated, irksome voice astounds me again. "I thought you were bold and fearless. Why are you now staring at me like I am a ghost?" She asks, cocking her neck to the side, wearing an expression that doesn't sit well with me at all. It's one of those looks that I see on assassins' faces in movies when they are taming their victim. One of those looks that gives someone a sinister demeanour.
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I peel my eyes from an exotic room with an awful aura. I dart my eyes around it. Mmh, no wonder I feel like throwing up. I despise hospitals. From the sight of them to the aura, they irritate my intestines, just like they're doing now. I feel terrible. What the fuck happened? The last thing I recall was the sight of everything before me back in the mansion going blurry until my vision became dark, and my legs failing on their purpose to support me. I fell unconscious. Huh! It's because of that bitch assassin! She freaks me out! Today was the height of it, though. I confirmed her real identity. The dreadful things she told me might have taken a real toll on me. Come on, myself! We can't fight this battle like this. I haul my lazy ass and sit on the bed, my back resting on the backrest of the bed. I check the time on my wristwatch. It will be eleven in the morning in ten minutes. I've been unconscious for how long? Two hours or so. Good grief! I roll myself to my acting-weak self and
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Sauntering into the house, we find this bitch parked on the sofa, like she owns this mansion. Eyes roll! She is an annoying fucking pest in the ass! "Can I take my daughter out now?" She fires when we are about to bypass her. Give me a break! I just had an incredible mind-boggling sex in a hospital room, and now she wants to ruin this mood for me too. Such a bitch! But thinking about it, it's high time we find a way to kick her fucking ass out asap. I can't envision her devilish glares firing at my belly bump when they start to show. She might cause me a miscarriage. And I also don't want to keep it a secret from Andy for too long. She is the reason I am doing this. Andy turns to her, a murderous look on his complexion, and she stands to challenge him like the dare-devil that she is, while Angel snuggles to her daddy. Shouldn't this witch be ashamed of herself? Her very own daughter is terrified of her death. On the other hand, I must commend her balls. She must be a real diehard
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I'm wearing a broad smile as I watch Angel try her best to blend in with the kids at this park. Yes, because I was able to persuade Andy to let the bitch have its way. That wasn't an easy one, though! He went berserk, livid; he fumed and roared, but in the end, I was able to calm him down like I always do. I am the only one who knows how to handle him. I'm glad I have that power to just soothe the beast in him. Nonetheless, I can't just trust this skimming, so I had to tag along to keep an eye on Angel. She thought I would just let her take my daughter all alone. She was so damn wrong! There is no way I would give in to that. Talking of the bitch, I thought her ass was itching to bond with her daughter and not just dump her at the park and disappear. I know! The air is so surreal without her annoying pesky self around, but still, where did she vanish to? It's been about thirty minutes since she left to answer some God knows whose call. That's so freaking long. Besides, she didn't hav
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I'm a troubled soul tonight. My lemon and honey coffee doesn't taste anything close to its usual sweetness. The rubbish that bitch said to me is lingering in my head. What's more baffling is how she said that with so much certainty. I blow out my coffee and take another sip, wishing it would smooth me, but I guess this isn't the remedy to my anxiety. I don't want Maria to ruin me and Andy. I don't want her lies to get into me. I can't allow her to be the reason why I start being an insecure bitch. I know my Andy, and her opinions or beliefs don't count at all. Yeah! I toss my tasteless coffee aside and stand up, turning around to go join my beautiful family in bed. It was so ludicrous of me to leave them in the middle of the night just to come and think about all this senseless stuff. I should learn to ignore that witch and just... His tall figure leaning on the closed kitchen door meets my eyes. Arms crossed on the chest. Was I so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't notice him c
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I finish dressing up in my room for yet another annoying park outing with Angel and the bitch, Maria. It's the third time we are doing this, and I am freaking out. My one-month pregnancy is kind of making me lazy, and the witch's demand to take Angel out every damn time she feels like it is stirring my emotions badly. We should have a serious talk about this with her because she will not order me around in my house like a puppet. Swaggering out of my room to say goodbye to Andy and get Angel, I find this witch leaning on his door, eavesdropping on Andy. The nerve! What is so inviting that caught her attention? This is not the direction to her room, so was she trying to sneak into Andy's room? Is she growing suspicious of us? I start wobbling my legs slowly in her direction, and now that I think of it, maybe she is actually speculating something. Could that be why Damian has kept a low profile for the last four days? The officers who were trailing him down have not been able to gather
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I am practically dragging myself as I saunter into Andy's room. My heart is heavy and downcast. It further starts to bleed when my eyes plummet at the sight of his cheerful face as he fiddles with his daughter on his bed. I feel so shattered and hopeless amidst the unrest. The only reason I am not weeping right now is because Andy has no clue of the catastrophe awaiting him yet. But for how long? And even so, all these lies are tormenting me. I hate keeping secrets from him. I can decide to tell him the truth about my pregnancy because I know he will be over the moon with the news. But about Angel? Where on earth can I get the vitality to mumble such a heartbreaking thing to him? How can I shutter all the dreams he has for the innocent kid just like that? This broad smile on his face—I cannot take that away from him. I can't bear to watch him go through the torture of losing Angel. I don't even want to imagine the pain and agony this will bring him. I can't handle seeing him get shut
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ANDY'S POVAs soon as I hear the car pull out of the compound, I stroll out of my room, as usual, to trail my wife and my daughter. It freaks me out to let them leave with that whore, but I am glad today will be the last one. They will never go through all the torture they have gone through in the last couple of days. Finally, my Ania, my precious daughter, and I will be free and together like the family that we are. At last, Tania and I can love each other freely the way we desire. We will be the best parents my daughter and the other kids will have. As for that bitch Maria and that bastard Damian, they can be assassinated in prison for all I care. As a matter of fact, I think dying will even be a better idea for everyone's sake. I noticed earlier on that Ania was concealing something from me, but I don't condemn her. I'm hurt, yes, but I'm trying to understand her situation. Her love for me and our daughter can make her do anything, including lying to us if that means sparing us fro
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